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(""" <br />r~~3~„~, (1 C~t 7G 48 <br />6. In the cant said properly is solo at a j~ciai forecktwce sak err pursuant to tde power of a sak hatitta6ove <br />granted. ~ the proceeds are not srtffet~etn ut psY the total inAebtedniss secnrM by this ittstrurnettt and evidenc- <br />ed by nerd protrbasory note, the ~6agK wig be w6tled to a deficiency judgeateat for the aetount of the <br />dtJieKrsry t«fAteate +egwd ro apyet. <br />Z. in tl`te event tkt tttvriptpar fa7s [o t>$Y ~Y federal, stye, or tout teat aaaesslera. income tax or outer tart ice. <br />cFtarge, fCt or other e[peta+t charged agsrast [he property the is hereby authori~ al its option to t>aY <br />ltfe settle. AaY stttlu so paw !ry the mortgagee shall be addttd to and become a part of the principal amoanl of ttte <br />~a evidspoad try said nett, stiebjetx to the caste tetras ~ conditieets. If the ntortgpgor ahffil pay and <br />disctmrtie-the isdss eviderectq: by saki prostissory ttotc, sad o!+ah pay wcd swan earl -shall diacfntrge aq <br />taxes ated lists and the coats. foes, and expenses of malting, atforcit~e, and ezavtittg this tsortgtge, toes this <br />mertga~ shW tre ~ and surtcrttderred. <br />B. The eerctutnts herein txttsained shad bitsd stud the benefits and advantages shall inure to the respetxttae sttcaseors <br />amt- asslgme of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singalar nestber shall inMude the plaral, the plural the <br />[, sad-the tse ofany ginEdnt shall lactase aN gtxtdaa. <br />9. lrlo tuaiver of arty covenaist herein or of the otttigatiaa secured hereby shaft at any tune ilterrtetter be ttdd to be a <br />wttivC ttf tht tetras hereof or of the nett secured hereby. <br />10. A )udicisl dets-tx, order. or judgt~em hot~ng any psovisios or portion of ttth inatrumrns invalid or uneaforce- <br />attk shall trot in say way impair or pretlude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />imurttnentt. <br />lt. Arty written.notiee to be issued to the mortgagor tmtrsuant to the provisions oB the instrument shalt. be adtlresaed <br />fR the mo~tPltLW at 'z__3~'~? C? 2.+rt :zt-rwar [:r,an~tanc3 tiE &$k'IQ,j. <br />.. _..__._____.~_ _._ aad any written notrce to be tlsaued to the mortgagee shalt. <br />bar at3tireased Eo the rnortgaget at. d.~a w. ~1v~E ct_ ~. d taav j,'l67 Grand Salons ticg 688t)1 <br />tst "NI't7^EVaBS WRiFiM6tt6C7~. the mortgagor hss executed this instrument aMi the tnorag~ee has sct:eptcd de)ivery of <br />tlti3 itestraraeat as of the day a~ year afore. <br />Smith & :Tensen Pro ies {A partnership) <br />............................... <br />ttntn~Jald L. Smith <br />..Y...........~.......... </ ....................... <br />itarlan L. Jense~ri ,. <br />&nx~uted and 'vcred its she presrof the following vrilaessea: <br />-- -{,iddApprttprtattAcktwwtedgernent) <br />~. <br />s~'AT'E t#t l+l»$ltASf(A. } Bet~ge a ~~ayfl~ N Pupyt--T±,.:`tpF.earad <br />kgtrwn trE rns tubs identical person or persmts who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowlcM,iged she execution <br />#Ita?t` ter, be _~~;,,.. voluniatY art and deed. <br />Witness mY hand and 1VOfarial Sat! oa _._~^~= L ~,_. 19 h ~ .. <br />fit~stat,aew.Hlg ~ l'~~~ <br />Cumtaiesittla ~ . 11 ~~~. <br />~~~~ ~ i~fare rue a quahfted Notary Public, pusorm)ly appestat ---_._____ _ <br />CtWxrY O~ ~ ~ E+rrs~iest of -.V_._.._ .~_.___~______.,_ _ _ . _. _.-__. <br />a cdrtsora,ioa, ttis~ra tU tae to its tAs Pretitkttt arts identical pervert -who signed rho foregoing instrument, and <br />aeitao+.ledyed the ~ 4hs~tf to tae bin vt>~atary aei aad send as sash offtcsr and the vttltmtarY act earl decd of <br />uvt .-.5r....ra.i,-.$ anfi~M-.. ; .s ~~ .., <br />-rte r~..w ` <br />-+~-.- -r~-~.~-or ...~~aTF~-vsaR ~d;.i[iZA4W LOGi>eilJ ~' it3 dititWFily. <br />'Nitn~s atY trend aat3 NrRaciai Seal oa ~._.___ ____----_.... t9 .... _._.._ . <br />~} <br />Notary Public __.__._.-----.-. <br />'C~-.Frra._ -- _~_,.__..,__.._. IS+...~_._. <br />