<br />MORTG~4G~~ ~ c~C-M0~8
<br />This taat~e made a~ entered rno thi: 2na day of oecea~ter
<br />i9-,~L--. bYarW !xtween Saith & 3ensen Properties (A Part~aership)
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Ctn*nncroat Natiata! Bank and Trust Company
<br />tnortgagee), who maintains as office and place of buairtess at 424 M. .u_ird ~~~~
<br />Nab County, tYebru(ea. sttexx is GrastE,i~d,.
<br />WtT1'f'N, that for the consideration hertirtatter stated, reeeipt of which is hereby acktu:w)ed(ptd, the -
<br />does hereby treort~e, sell, (>raat, assign, sad carver ttao the ntoetgagee, its sueospas and , all ~ toe-fd-
<br />owing tiie~ibrsl (troperty sittrated a~ belay in the Cwtuy of tia11
<br />State of N~raslta.
<br />Lot Six (6T, West Half lt+nM{ of Lot Seven (7}, Block. 'Pon (1(il. Bakers
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Cowtty, NebrrlsJcm'
<br />together with ail the tt~mcnts attd appurtemtttcrs shereta be{Qnging, ail the ants, issues atx! presfits [hereof, and sit
<br />aasent+tt[ts, rights, royalties, rrainesai, sit and gas rights and prtatits, water, water rigtats, and water stook. and including
<br />all !tea!tng. plu!rti3it~„ rsfr+"~t!oxt, !ighaing~ e;tr#pr:tent and ::! fixtures :st" e.try tizvi7s(nittn tsziangirrg to ±he
<br />tsortgagar now or hereafter attached thereto ar used in connection with the Premises herein descrsbed artd in addition
<br />thereto the fot{owiug described properties which ate and snail be deemed to oe fixtures and a part or the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for [hc indebtedness herein stand. ((f twee, state "none") None
<br />To have and [o hold the same unto the itifongagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfutty seized and possessed of and has the right to sell attcl convey said property; that the
<br />sarue is free Pram all encumbrances except at hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />del'etsd the titkc aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against cite claims of ail persons wttotrtsoever.
<br />This instruraettt is given to secure the payment. of a (xomisstxy note dated _i Deceaber 2 , 1980
<br />in the principal sum of S r;p, ooo. Do _ si ~ 4r Ronald L. 5atlth & Harlan L. Jensen
<br />g y __.__.._-._____~______._,.,._
<br />in ht#talf of _ _---- Staith &_3enaen Pm~ertles. (A Pa,~tnershi,~}----_-_y,T _~-
<br />~tvoM as such tntxe or tttnex may from time to time !x modittrd, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the ever the tRk to said real orate is traasferttd, or convected to ba traosferr~, from the undersigned for-any
<br />r ar by any method whatsoever, the wore priatipal sum and alxrnaf interest sttab at once becotee_dee attd
<br />pe~bie iai ihR election of the battier herepf. Failure to exercise this option because of vansfex of title es-above stets
<br />itt txse ittstttACe t act constitute a waiver of the right to exercise tip saau in the event of any subsequsnt traesfer,
<br />), ~ ~ ani( agree ai f4~pw~;
<br />tftat'~ ~~°~t>zataP(ly pay t)te tndebtedaess evidemed by sold promissory note at the t%mes and in tiro tnesacr
<br />b. T4 l+eY eU taxes, at!tassanEOts, water rates. and other governrttentat tx rnuaicipai charges. ftnc5, or
<br />ttiotts, for which providort has n.x been madr hereinbefore, attd wilt prontpt{y deliver the official rettipti
<br />therefor w the said tastrtgarae.
<br />t. To pay weft expattsea artd fsss as may he itscurrtsi in ;Ire prptecti.~rt and n.3tnte,~rn:t of 5air! pre,pertE.
<br />t~ the Pea of any attarnty ttactWytd ley the martttagee for the coftectic?n of ens cx a!! :>t t!te ind~t+tednrs«
<br />ttcrefsy rrrureci, ix tvrati:!e+sttte 'rt mortgagee's salt. ,+r 4cwrt pt4-+.-e:.iin~..x i:i ;n,ti .,that iiti~at,.+:.._,. r: ~+,~art!~n~
<br />3tt~v;ria •ie~ t,rf!t•Srt1.
<br />