<br />
<br />NO~fGAGE
<br />trox~rcAre iJOAx No. L 23,872
<br />A=1-~~~?~'-~''~ Donald E. Terry and Nadine R. Terry, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Nnag~~evr, tahatMer oee or mae,;A sneiigff;enr dt0etr d
<br />Fifty-Thousand Four Nundred and No/T00---------------------------------------------~~
<br />forted m sad rrwr+vptt by The pauitsbk BdOiug arts Yarn Aatnciation of Crattd Isird, w~., llortdtdae, ttpoe" 504 aketaa daeeat of
<br />add ASSOCfA't7dN, Cert6Sere No. L 23,872 . do herNy Baer. wnvey and mvrtgade unto the rid AS80C1A7101i the fulotriq
<br />rlesntTad red stale. sHtWed r stag catrty, Nebrrka~
<br />together wrih all the terrertrents, hereditaments end appt¢tervncrs thereunto belonging, mcittrlirtg attarJud door wvermgs, all windup atzeerr,
<br />window s}tadea, btisnls, storm windows, awnings, h-atir+g, air condittonmg, and phamia"vtg and water equipment avd arxeaories thereto, pampa, nines,
<br />rat.igtatorn, and rxher fiuures and egmpmrnt mw rx hereafter attached to or used m r;onrtectwn with serd real estats.
<br />Ard wdereas the sad e[turtgg+r has agrad aM does hereby agree that the mwtga~rtr shah and wiFl pay all fazes and asatuemeots {evied a
<br />astered upon sad premrss and uprn this rnortgsgr std the bond secured thereby helot,; the same shad become deliminent: to tttrnialt approved
<br />mnrranrz upon the buddirgs un said asmisea attntet! in the sure of 150 400.00 payable to sad ASSIX'IATION and to deliser to sad
<br />AS301'1AT10N the pulicks For sad utmrtuece: artd trot to wmmrt w peretit any watts on ur about sad premises:
<br />In tine of dafauit m the pertorrtrntz of any of the le:ma and axiditxsrn of [ttis nwrtgage ur the Mrtd xcurai hereby, the ntortpt~e shall,
<br />w+ +iemas+d, Fte enzitkd fo rrnrnssdiare paaesron of eta mortgaged nrcwsrs and the rrrarrttatgu+ hereby asagrx, transfers and sets over Fa the
<br />ixxrrtgagx aiF E!tc rents. revenues aad ivsoree to lre dniwd from the mrxagaged pnrmescs duairrg su+:h rum ss fife martgags endaktrxlnesa efts!! rc€rnin
<br />unpaid: ar!d the rmarrgagsc sha}i have the ptrarer to appoant avy agent ar agrms +t ntsy desire Fix the pnrpoar of rppai[htg smd pramiaes and sensing
<br />the msmr acrd calkntisgf tttr rents, rave~n:ata and itxxrme, and at rttaY PaY cwt of said inarme d} expemus of repairing acid p[emiaes and neeetgry
<br />aaemtissiorn astd rzpcnssa rnetmad in restttng and rttarngistg the xame artd of coFkcSing rentals tharsfrom: the Fsakrta ratrniniog, if aeY» to bs
<br />au}irpYw:rW ttawad tiw ttiaohargr cri card trtuatgaga tttdabtrtdnass; ttsese rights ui Ure tntxigaga~r may tx ettrrciaed at any 4ime Bening the existettrx of fvtFt
<br />dsiatrtt, urespes~tirr tai' awry tsrop<xtuy vaivsr of t:a sane.
<br />Ths:se F'rasnnts, !nawcvrr,, vs uptxt the {'onditwa, That dike sstd Mu^rtgagur shrakt repay .yard loan o» or bafors the rrrzwity of ssid shares icy
<br />iryrrtn4; vay sexsnthly w aaai ASS(:lr;'hATiON of tMe -strm ~,,pae,fwd m thx FAcntd xc`uxsd Fx:rsby ss :ntsrsW end pexneipa acs said }as:., an a; bare
<br />z!x Twatst~irth day at tacit acrd curry tmvzh, un4l sad Frxm rs 1'nlty paid; pay afii taxn artd awcflsvtcnu Irrud agavnt paid prentisex scud on this Mortgage
<br />and the (lined secured thereby, bsiwe deiingvsrtrry ~ f:umtit apyruved mstuaace upmt fns huiFdtttgs theroun k the sum of 5 a abk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASS(iCiATi(NV upots dermnd dl ntxry by tt paid for surds taxes, ardantenta and5i0nw a~ ~ ~i0tft interest at
<br />the tttttximum lost rate thrreurt from dau of WYmani aU of whidt Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit rat wane on sad prernisp; keep and comply
<br />with ail the agrasnteota and csxtdrtkans of the flood fur 3 5{l s Qtf~thn day g[ven 6y the sad Mortgagor to sad ASSOCtATlt}N, and wmply
<br />with a!i rite rerpucernwsta of the Cansn[uttan sad BY•Vws oT siidd IA770N; then these presents sha{F become ntdi and vod, otherwise thty
<br />ske8 rsmain in felt fare end may be tarsclosed at the aptian of the said .rt.SSOC}ATION after failwe for [twee rtwntlts to make any of sad
<br />payments rx be thra tnuvths m arrsars m vtakivg sad trasnihty payrents, m to keep and runsply with the agreertsenu sod conditions of said [fond;
<br />std AYatgagur sgseet to hevc a recsner xpywurted (orUrwith d such fwechrsure pros:aedutgx.
<br />Ff sham u any charge m ownership of the red catass «turtgaryed yeram, by sale o[ otherwise, they the entree rentaittirrg indebtednsn
<br />saeaeed shed(, xt the crptinn rrf.The FiquHabk Fiaikdittg sad Lsart Aiestciatim of (:rand Island, Nebraska, became tntvtediststy dtx attd payable wihtiw t
<br />itsthar a+xiaa, asd rive arrasaet rentaissing use under sand bear(, and any athar brand for any additional atiweces [rrda [hereundn, shdi, cram fire
<br />data of szeraiae of rid apiion, btu inenes[ at ilr renxirnr,m kgat raze, anti this rttostgage rtny then bs iurerkvaed to satisfy the amount due un said
<br />'bred,asad say .rtLn krrrd for gddiaioeat advaarxs, together with aU sarw pad by sand Tin Equitable Btdidirtg and Loan Aaacia[pn of frard (stand,
<br />Nshsrin for uaatrtsate, cities 8nd are»mena, std abstracting eatenwn charges, with mte.ea tkerean, tram date of payment at [he vsaxiv[um
<br />kpF raft.
<br />.:d As pscrvpda$ ~ the hesrwF sacursd tseseby. while thn monggs remains w <tiew.t the mortgagee tiny tuueaftsr advwnse additwnai nano [o the
<br />ttalkars of salt[ 8uad, theu ass ur tWS~lnra m utistett, wtdch sums shall 6s within fir tacuriry of tftia starig;~c the saw as the ftuWa urigmaltY
<br />6$etasr{ tiseneiry, the ford artrfant of psincipaf riebt rot to tasxssd >u any time flea os~igzrut armuat asf this mortgage.
<br />F~IW+Id thi+ ~ "~"'.. _. -dayaf December A. n.. IN 80
<br />a ~ - _ _._.___ _.._.._._-__....
<br />r the erry
<br />&7/1'3Yi SyF N1tA. C sa. On thmt 2>'ld day of OeC~F.r ! v 80 , bafom me.
<br />tlse rntda:wgard, a Notary YuhJtc at amt for said CattMy, pstaunal[y canro
<br />`lrxtalri F Tarrv ~nri Naa4i na P_ Ta rrv.
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse ref each other, who are perxa.dlr kowrn to
<br />ra W ba tba pkntiraf pessc,rt S wawe twat 5 are aftiaed to the shave inyrwueex ss mt+s(gagrst and `hey ssvwaUg
<br />tAs aiad msirunrarct to he their vuirrrtarY ass and deed.
<br />M1TNY-;Sa* ray trrrid sad Natatiti`iaal tine Batt ataestar{,
<br />MY _J_ r
<br />-.. ."
<br />tesafaa as ~ _ ,. . .
<br />