<br />not ex[ena ar ;>asipone the due date tat' the :~nttatr +rstailments refes•red to in paragraphs Land 2 her~f or
<br />chases tits arnount of such insis.lirneats.
<br />I0. lierra+rer Not IEeLeaeel- F..sttensirnt of tlae tune tar ;xivment or modifeeation of amortisation of the sums
<br />setvret~ try this Mortgage grartted in Lender to any saeeeassor m interest of Borrower shall not operate to rtlesee,
<br />in any manner, the Liability of the original Borrower anA I3orrowerF sueeessorn in interest. bender shall not be
<br />required to rrontmence proceedings against sveit succesoor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />~% amortisation of the sums secured by !laic Mortgage by reason of ant demand rnade by the original Borrower and
<br />~' Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />G 11. Farbemtmoo bq LaaeMr Not a Wmvar. .Any forheartn••,= by Lender in exereiaing any right or remedy
<br />v. hereunder, or otherwise afforded by appiirAbk law, nhsll not be a u•ar ear of or preclude the exemice of any right
<br />L or remedy hereunder. The procurement. of mevrance or the payment a. [axes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall nom. be a waiver of "Lender'n right to accelerate the maturity of ~he indebtedness secured. by this Mortgage.
<br />- d ~ 12 AuoadfieaCvrmrlative. Ali remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any outer
<br />(~ ~ right ar remedy under ihi; Mortgage ar afforded by tact' or equity. and may be exercised roneurrently, independ-
<br />sully or sutressiccly. _
<br />19. Ssonr~a and ltaai~ 13wmd: )DIW ®d Sevet•at Liability: Captiams. The. covenants and agreeme<ats
<br />~ herein contained sita~i bind, and the ngtata hereunder shalt inure to. the mspeetive successors and semigps of Lender C -
<br />and Rctrtower. suhiect to the pmcisionn of psragrnph 27 hereof. alt covenanLv and agreemerrta of Borrower shall "'.
<br />~ 6e joint and =et'erai. The captions and !aeadings of tlae paragraph. of this Mortgage are for convenience only and
<br />are not w be used fo interpret of deEne the proviauons hereof.
<br />!1 li. Notice. .Mw notice to Borrower provided form [his Mortgage sha11 be given by mailing such notice by
<br />.~ri certified :asii addressed ra Barmu•er st the Property Andress Mated heloa'. except for any notice required under
<br />.~ fa'r~rnTh IA ]rev to i>r c~cen to Rarrawtr in the manner prescribed be apnti,-ahLe law:-=Any notice provided
<br />for is this Morr,gagre ~~itali trm ct~eera'tett to taste ta•en ,given to Borrau'+_r ndaen givers to tho utanner d~vi{~natixl herein.
<br />15. i7nibarrs+ Lwtartgage: Goverr~q Law: SeverabrStq. `t'Itia fcarnr of mork~gage romtaine;3 uniform eovenants
<br />' far national use and aean•uni.forna covenants with limirecf variations I:+y jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />- city ttistnsment ~e•overung real pro{?arty. Thin S'tartgage shall he goveened 9>c the law of the jatrisdictian in xvhieh
<br />- the, Peroprrt'.v ns laeauxl.. In the seven! that any provision or vlanne at Chas ?~Eortgagc ar the Note conflicts with
<br />!nppticable haw, unsci'a rpanHict ehaH not affect atiror }rrovrs3ons of Bois Mortgago or the Vat'e vuhiah can Fae given
<br />- efl'eet without the confii~ctiag provision, stud to T1tis end the pracisaons of the Mortgage and the Vote are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. Sarrowar'a Capp. Borrower shall be furnisiaeei a eon+.'orrned ropy of this Mortgage at ttke time of execv-
<br />tian or after recantation irereoi.
<br />I7. Trmiaier of the Property; 1SaaumpRion. If ail or ary !+art of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Leader's prior written consent. excluding +a t the creation of a Lien or encum-
<br />brance subardivate to this Mortgage. +h l the rreaLOn of a jnarrhaa• tnanrc ..scarily interest far household appli-
<br />anoes, lcj a transfer by devsse, descent or by aperatton ni Ltav unaa the death u[ a loin[ tenant or idi the grant. of
<br />sny Leasehold mterest of three years or less not remaining nn optian to purchase. Lender may. at. Lender's option,
<br />dee.lare alt the sums stxumd by thin Mortgage to be inun<siiately ,{ue .vnd payai>h. Lender shat! have waived such
<br />- apti5a to screteta[e it, t?rior ro a.he sale or transfer, bender and the ;:rc:raon to whom the Property is to be Wald or
<br />«..^an;serr°r rca,:-h gmetnen*. in na g th;t -t,r~ credit 'a. •,.. i+et'sr n ,~~ -att~iaetory to Lander and that the interest
<br />paysbie cue the sum~s.:,.atcured by !leis ~tottgage ehai! I.x na ..>urli ~°ate ns i.a•nder .hall rertuest.. ti bender hsa wsived
<br />the ollttvre to accelerate !>mvtided in tki. }?aragraph i i anti rf Bermtverc sna•esaar in interest has ex,ecttted a writ-
<br />` tea* aasunrption agre!~ment; ne: xprttf if+ re~riting d,y fn.•trtie: r. )n-ndrr she~e it release Bunt wa•r fraru all ebtigations under
<br />tLtis Riar'~e at:d tlaa Vote.
<br />- II Lonc2l:r exerelai'".3 suet, aptian ?A aun:ieratr, 1n'~,!ndor sits!°: t+aarl t5rarrower notice of saroceteratiare ar. accordance
<br />avo*.I: • it to ?:e sua ...c!: Ni •e <!rai! ;;ra:ade Can ! ;, Hera i;es 't•a 3, ;iay> utri :ht aLsr.''..a native '.
<br />rnatlci~within whie4r Baxrow'er naac pa}' i9m aunts rter7ared dye. If Rarrowrer fatly to ray !~uc'h =urn~± pear m the
<br />expiration of such period, Lender !nay, arithout further ;;Duce or demand an 13brrower, invoke any- remedies iaer-
<br />rseitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />\trs-L'~iFnx'.t Cot•t:xaath. Borrower and Lender further covenant and aKree a,. folincv>;
<br />18. 1}ecelerati~; Reacedies. b:xcapt as ptvvnteti m parsgrapi, li Lereof. upme Borroccer'n breach of env
<br />covenam m' agreement-oi Borrower in t3ris ~tar[gxgr inriuahng th~~ revenants to pay t~taa=n dur~ any puma eccure~i
<br />by than Alortgsge, hrnder prior to aa•eleratiwr chaff Waal notice to fiarroan•r a> lut,rrdcd m t~:u~agr+rph 14 hereof
<br />}»;cifring: !la the breach: r2r ±he action rerjuireri to +•n+,->uch I,rracl;- ~3~ :+ ,Late. nut i_ ~ tLa+, tiurty davn
<br />from the «fate rhr native is nailed to f3orroacrr.:rc +riairh .urL hrexr~b .nu-r br rw-a,i, and ~ dr ri:at iurarc +e rare
<br />=tkt^h t~t'eaeh ,aa +:r t,e_r"arc iht• date =pc~t~ttilti in tits atuucu ;ua}' rrnolt an arrrlrra~nur; of r. ,u.+u.~ =~~ur~«1 t,y oars
<br />-ti[trrtgagc and gale of the Property. If ttfe breach is Hat cured on nr hetare the date >perafit~d m I Lr net;re, ltnder
<br />at. Ireuder's optian urny declare all of the sums secured be this Mortgage to lee mrarrcdiah•tc due and payable
<br />without further elemancl and may foreclose this V'(ortgagc i?y ludtraal pra•eedu+g- Lender >hnll i,r• ,~ot+tla,i to culler!
<br />an such proceediteg :ell exl?ensei. o foreriaarrc, mrlu,tang. hs!i ++ni Inuah+i tn. +u=t ,,, ,:, R-,.u.,•nt a;r .:>+Ir-nor.
<br />aftstracta toad title reports.
<br />1& ilorrawt['a Iiighi to Itieiaatate. \otwii aastandmg l.rnder'> ncretrrateon of !fin ,wv< .ecurtYl try fhts
<br />Martgage, Borrower sha}I base the right to hate sny praceedmgs begun }n' Lender m enfon•r t'n, Mortgage dia-
<br />C~ttlntted at anV time prior to entry of a ludgnaent enlarrsng [ht Mori stage +f: +:r, 13orronr•r {*at•a Lender ail
<br />Kltai~ whi4h wauid to then due under this lfartgnt;c. rin• parr and notr_ >esunng F uturr Ancarcr~. if :>ny. had ^u
<br />,~
<br />aeCeleratiati oecurr~3; Ib[ F3orrawer rums alt bmarhns nt : _ other' +ua,-Wane. ,._ _ e_tent- :,i f3arros~er .a?cr-
<br />IGa%twd in tins ~$ortgage: t.ct Borrower pay` .il, rea+rirst-h rx,,Fr-e. +r -rci c f . nder rr , nfurrsng thr~ ro~rna+:r~;
<br />ial}1{ agreenzeate of Bo;rawer rontainc•ti in this A{artgaga~ and to eufm curs Lra.drr'. r:•raedac= :v~ proe+drd m para-
<br />graph t$ hereof, iaeluding, but Hat limited to. reasanabte atturrre}~- iae~. sad ~d i liarrowcr +akt•s such action s~
<br />Lender may rear€anabiy ret}uire to assure that the lien of Liu- .`.inrt gaga, Lrndef~ ;ntcarat in the Property and
<br />Ifwer';z ohligatioa ro pay the suv~c ~cvmsi by tlxn llorg,ag., <ha!1 a+,utrnue ,ant-et,aired i'pou such f=aytnent
<br />..=.a~ ..T •A• v{vaa.~,e a<.m ir,. ann,~atrwt~ -vs u:• . ,+crr . t,z,or r.n,nor ,et „t, ,+,.aa ern, cu-ca ire „
<br />no acoelen;lion bad accurred,
<br />20. A+xwmt of li~4t: AppoiotauAt at Receiver: Leader ur Posraeaasiaa. .1~ ,uidtr:onai ~rcunty her,•-
<br />btaicz, Bsrrroa~cr heratiy asuigna to Letader Ytx- Tema of tht- Prv3pe•rt e. p+.a;~r,i,.,l `)test Barrurrcr fjraii. prior to s,•.ecl.~r-
<br />atian under paza}traph 18 i>atymf or abandornuat of th•_ Prota-tty. ti,;-+~ the arf+t to ,,=u};1•t~t arai ra•tatu such rut,
<br />rya !Lacy t±ecsu~ dui! aryl l~yabic,
<br />I'taon aeceleratioa uodeF f~xagra}th 123 iu•n .:t or ai,atu3aeeanent v. tttr 3're,a>t~ra i.t~uiirr, r. .. - i,v seer,!
<br />car tt}• iodtcialLy ap}-printed races°rer shat) kte rntatte:t ra cute-r uts,n. +;:kr- :s. ~.-.,.....,. .«nd : ,+r:n,`,• ~..~ Pr.ra.+-etc
<br />and io ciitlert >. the rentn ai the Pts?{tefty, rtK•t4 iJnt; 4ttaaen ;,cut •is i = r:~nt , - ._. 3 -r,. i.'s ._ _tu r „ _r ,
<br />,~ sa
<br />r' t'k aeav-,.. •Yrv~ V ,. ?3iK'~C : ti's.' t'Q6:a of t#£8naiyc is.."4a .. .. = r r , , ,,,,, , , ,,, ,,, , ,, ..,,. r. .~
<br />-.s>a aa'.e,CY, i,. rt r'{•:+-f: t?.vn, `-•."e.nnaa-i i,. urn ,--+'e'„i. - +t: . i,~~: ..., ~~ .......... .. .'.-, ,'.:~-~ - a~ ,c ...
<br />e-r'i:+-.114 tt.13 ~l.~tt-k°a~'r' lu'i.et- '.nr9 il.a-_ _1n,~,~. .i ... ~V .-. - '-' .. ~ .. .., -
<br />