~'~ - Y~F,!' ca-de~i
<br />ij CORPORATftNd $~-°- w) I~Y ~ ~ `~ ~
<br />t>P71tNVAL trUTUr2E ADVANCES
<br />- ~ - Fear No. 721
<br />Loan Mumber__- 4578b -- 18 - 1
<br />~~- ~se~ --------- -
<br />CSV+.~ E}fit J~J
<br />°~~--(~~~~~8 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 14th da • of . ?~'r~e?' .......... ... A.D.,
<br />__.
<br />79-.?~ -, between the Mortgagor, WESTBtIM H&EGHTS DEi!F;i.OPHBNT CO.
<br />...--- --...... _......_._ . - ....._..._.. ...-... . a corpoxatxon,
<br />oxgattized and etdating under and by virtue of the laws of the State of .-. Nebraska
<br />- --..... ..._....., herein-
<br />after referred to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND IRAN
<br />ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its successors axu3 assigns,
<br />hereinafter referred to as the Lender.
<br />Wrrxesssrx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration o€ the sum of ..Tl~l]iTY. SI$,-T~Qt),YAtiD
<br />ANll NO/100- --- --- --- -- _._.-----Ostlers (vSm.~bx(10000_ --- ---
<br />-_ ._ _ .... _. -_3
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and axrnvev to I~„vxrder, ifs sueceaarrrs and assigns; the
<br />fallowing dtarcrilrrrd property (cleated in the ('aunty of SiuY 1 . ... . . ........._-, Slate a# Nebrsxaka_
<br />fat; 'IRtree~ C;;), in BLoch~ T?xir•teexi (,a°_I,~, ~i 1~ra~rer~t's
<br />4ddition to the City af" !;raxtd 1's:tand., Ha.S.I- County,
<br />Iles°aras Yra .
<br />Ttx.ertaFa with all the improvements now or hereafter exerted on the property, and aH easements,
<br />rights. appurtenances, rents, royaltiear, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />water stock, and all fiatur~ now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace-
<br />ments and addirioxrs thereto, shall be deemed to fxe and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (ar the leaaehald estate in the event this
<br />Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein refeKred to as the "Property"
<br />f3€t.*rower cavet;anku drat Borrower ire Yawfully r..:eirsrd of the eaafa.te hereby canvayed~ and has the right
<br />to martgager, grant and ccrnvay the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br />warrant. and defend generally the title ter rho Pm. potty against all claims and dexnancls, subject to any
<br />eas~etmont~s anal nrstricfians li~'•ted in a schedule of ou^eptiarrs tar eaverage in anY title insurantva putliEy in-
<br />>aatsrtg Leerdgr's interest in the Preaprzty, Ezr +"' p att~orrrcy"- apinson of fide frxran alxrtrac~t crt (.ills cerfifted
<br />lay ba'mded absY;rartter-
<br />1,'~Ar>Nt~~aF.n Ar,wsvs, and these presents are executed and <leYivered upan the fallowing c?anditiaxrs, agrt~-
<br />trttrnts and abfigatioris of the Bom>wer. to-wit:
<br />The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of THIR1`Y SIX -Th0}l$~dD.
<br />APiD "?01100- ---- ____,__..____r _.,._...------__~_~~rs tUS 5 36,000.00 )
<br />-- _ ..
<br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith. the final payment o[ principal,
<br />if not saoner paid, on the :'~,FS.t;- day of . (Styetnue2•. tg.IQOl
<br />t?*rirrosar CJYENANTR, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fellows
<br />f,. 1?rsymeni of r~+rincipgi and inierect. Scrrciwer ;hall promptly pay when clue tht principal of and in-
<br />t2reaf on the indebtedness evidenc~ea by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the \~ote,
<br />and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2.. I'uads far Taxes and Insurance. Suh,ject to Lender'.; option under paragraphs a xnd .> hereai, l'xrr-
<br />rower shall pay to Lender an the day monthly installments of principa[ and interest are payaY,le under the
<br />Note, until toe dote is paid in full, a sum therein "Fonda"'1 eyusl to one»twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br />aeaesst~aenis which xtray attain priarityy~ over this Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any plus
<br />one-Tvrel#th ut yearly pivemium rnstallnyetrts fat hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium Yn-
<br />stallrnt+nta fax mortgage rnaurarrCe, if any, all as rea+onably estimated initially and from time to time by
<br />Ia,=~`r- p~ thz t; f rrs~ite and bins and ressonabie»rs;ttmates thereof, ,envier shah apply the F'nnds
<br />to pay e,:id ±axos, arrseasmettts, insurance preruurrrs anei Kround rents. Lender .;hall rnake rw charr~a far ..u
<br />Ilalding and applying the Funds ar verifying and cYrmpiting said assessments and lulls. The ),entire ()tali
<br />$ ~ seed wet, without charge an axmuel accauntmg of the Funds showing credits and detuts to the
<br />F purfwarts far which each dehi€ to the Funds was made. 'Phe Ftutds are pledged as additiana(
<br />security 'for the suxna sLK;tired by Chia Mortgage. The Borrower agrnee+ that the Funds may be he{d by the
<br />t.e3ieler and commiiygted wif.h other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Corder may pay such items
<br />froxxt its-own ftxtule and the j,at-,d2r ,,halt not be liable for interr~t or dividends an .uch Funds.
<br />I# the amount M the Fonda held by 1.ensler, together with the future monthly insfaHrtrentx of Parole
<br />payable briar to the due dates of taxes, aeacuatnents, insurance premiums and grcnuxd rents. shall extxred
<br />the arnotint ror{uiz+ed tat pay said tars;, asseFSSments, itururanee premiums and gr+uuxul ants as they fall due,
<br />such assess r•~frall Ora, xt 13trrrawet's n faon, either promptly tr $arrowes or credited ur 13ornrwer on
<br />mcrtxtfrly inxtsllxnents of Fundt€. If the amount of the Funds by Lender stralY Cwt i>e uu(ticient to pay
<br />tax~m, statx:ntw, iruutancxi premiums and gruunrl reins as the}' fall due, t3orrawer shall pay fir I,erufer
<br />any axnouni. rtecs~ary to nrahe up tlse deliciencv within thirty days altar natft~ from Lender to ISarrower
<br />xcaluesting ~sa~ynwat that, ar lfcxnrwer 9ha11,-hy an increase in rrrtrnthly ir~taUmenl<s. ~xf Ganda rrGusr_ 1,
<br />trfrn3 t~ stn i~ra y within tlxe Fund aca.ountinp) period.
<br />._~tRn, f~7enexrt insirfi of fl!t sums sw'urExt h=, Chi., Mort-~a~e, to»u~r ah-a,lb al-,~; t~'tm:iw ?t..sai a= ; ,~rral.=
<br />xa5assuz4 alY ns~r .hey- -
<br />