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r <br />$~._. ui~~938 <br />assignee as a successor Declarant as provided in <br />the By-Laws. The Declarant Member or their <br />successor shall be entitled to three (3) rotes <br />for each Lot owned. The Declarant ?tmbership <br />shall cease anti be converted to Resident Member- <br />ship upon the earlier to occur of the following <br />events, to wit: (1) when the tctai votes out- <br />standing of Resident Membership cegnal the total <br />votes outstanding in the Declaranfi :4etobership, <br />ar {2} on July 1, 14$4. <br />ARTICLE IV <br />COVENANT POR :MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS <br />Section 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obli anon <br />of Assessments. -'fie Dec arant or eac of Drone w t in t e <br /> ereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance <br />of a deed therefor, whether crr not it shall be so expressed in <br />such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association: <br />(1} Regular annual maintenance assessments or charges fax the, <br />purposes hereinafter set forth in Section 2 hereof„ (2} Regular <br />assessr?~ents for insurance on Properties, anal (3} Assessments far <br />capital :improvements, such assessments to be established and <br />collected as hereinafter provided. Such regular and special assess- <br />ments~, toggether with interest, casts, and reasonable attorney`s <br />foes, shall be and constit~.~te, from the date levied until paid, <br />a continuing charge against and lies upon such Lot or property <br />against which each such assessment is made, without any requirement <br />^f recording further notice of such lien. F,ach such assessment, <br />together with interest, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees, <br />shall also be the personal obligation of each person who was an <br />Owner of suck Lot at the time when the assessment fell due. The <br />personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to <br />successor Owners unless expressly assessred by rhea. <br />Section 2. Pur ose f Assess~:nts. 'Phe assessments <br />levied Ea,~r t"1~e~~s'su~ciation~s~!:~IT?a~ ias~3-`~a~c"Tusively~ without any <br />a:aart of the net earnings musing to C?~+~ ~~zivate beetefit of it"s <br />*retrbers, to prott~te and sr~stair tataa.r s•_rcial •~,:~!lfare at~d otherwise <br />provide .far their laeaith., pleasure, reereatian, safety, and other <br />nonprafl.tahle interests by acquiring, maintaining, opereating. <br />cantr-iuuti.tcg to titer acquisition, maintenance, or oaeration af, or <br />otherwise making available for use any one oz more area entrances <br />or entry structures, and any other recreational equipment, <br />facilities, grounds, or structures, to provide weed and other <br />actual or potential nuisance abatement or control, security service, <br />and other cotffiiUllity services, to provide for smow removal on the <br />twenty-four (era) foot wide private access street in the subdivision; <br />to provide for the removal of garbage and trash. from the subdivision; <br />to mow, seed, reseed, fertilize and cane for the lawns in the <br />C+oun Azea; *_o provide for exterior maintenance on the homes <br />located on the Properties, to provide architectural control and <br />secure cou~Iiance with or enforcetnentof applicable covenants, <br />easse¢u!nts, restrictions; and ,simi:iar limitations, and *_o undertake <br />such outer activities aapropriat.e, convenient car necessary to <br />promote or sustain any such interest. i"Rte exterior maintenance <br />shall consist of exterior maintenance upon each Lot which is <br />subject to assessment for exterior maintenance hereunder, including <br />but not in limitation of *he follawing,thQ poi-zting, repair, <br />replaces~nt and care of roofs, Putters, dowc:spouts, exterior <br />building surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass, walks, d-iveways and <br />private drives and private roads, and other improvements. Exterior <br />maintenance shall not include repair, replacement a±?~ care of <br />glass surfaces, doors, garage doors, mechanical garage door openers <br />or asst' mechanical equipment such as air conditioning condensers <br />rw~alsu a§spxx.sinccs ana ec~uip~ui. in the evenc chac the need <br />far taat.ntenance or repair is caused through the willful az ne~;li- <br />gent dct of the Owner, his oz her family, guests, or invitees, the <br />cast of ouch maintenance or repairs shall he added to and become <br />a part of rite regular assesss~nts to which such Lot is subject. <br />