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vtl^+ rr a.., r.. <br />Fljt JJ _~.? <br />L TYnaaaetpgsraw+~aoia/Iraaskt5rws = . ,.. ._. .. . -- - _ ,-.. <br />a He tlriU praarptty pad the iada6Mdrna e'iiseed by acid praaitaaey recess at the tiftss W is tlr <br />amttaer theaeiat pttasiisd <br />b. Ss will pan all tarot. ataeasnaeat, want raaa. ati palter dwa__:~eatal or tttlatdeipal rlartr~s, fines;ae <br />sttgtesisioea,-far w#ie6 prseiaiw hsa tan hares axis hnei~a ai wfp paatpdt deli+attirE aiaiai rae~pas - <br />thrm[or to the acid taartpeas. <br />c. He will pay eua$ ezpeaeea and led r map be inearred in the protection asd maintenaaee of said <br />praps[ty, ittelvdirt6 the fen a#t any attorney empkyed by the mortgagee for the wlketioa of aay r# all of <br />the i[edebtedaaaes hereby secured. or fee foreclamte by mortgagaea wk, or court prooeediags, aria stay other. <br />lkigation ar proecediag a8c~tiAR laid prerr#ira. Attaraen' fees reaaoaahly iacorred is ssv outer way aha8 be <br />paid by the etortgager. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedtter hereby scented, upon the request of the mortgages, iL wo- <br />r_xtsrors or isaigA.. itc aha11 ezrenle and deiiyer a supplement:} meetgage or mortgagsal eoyering any additiaas, <br />improvements, or bcttermenu made to the property hereinabavt dascribed : nd ail property aegaircd by <br />ii nitre the date hereof tail in form satiafactary to mortgagee1. Furthermore, shavld mortgsRar fail to curt <br />any default in the payment of a prior ar inferiaa tncumbranee wt the property deerribed by thin instrument, <br />mortgagor hereby aRtrts to permit mortgagee to cure such default, }rut mortgagee is not abligattd to do aa; <br />and each advanrta ehaiB brc:mse part of the indebte.dner sefrured by this inaexvment, subject to the name <br />tetras and condifiaru. <br />e. The rightr created by this imnvrryannr shall remain in full force. and etfrct Ifvring any poatpaocmant <br />or extetssian of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced 6y said promissory note or any pan thermE <br />strvrefl berebv. <br />~. ifs ail4 eantinuously_ maintain hazard insurance, NE ouch type or types and in such amounu as the <br />mortgagee may from time to time require nn the improrrmenu now or herraher on said property, and <br />will pal promptly wlecn doe soy ptemitt[m therefor. All inanrsaes ahaU be carried in compatriea aooeptabk <br />m raortgaeee aad the policies and rmerraL thereti shall 6e held by mortgagee aad ha.e attached thereto <br />laws payable tlaaaes io fame of +ad is form aoatptal#k m the aortga~se. In event of iaa4 mortsaaor will ge <br />imraefliate teotioe ur trritir#g to atortg#taes, amd aartftatglee map make proof a)f for if not made pramptl- by <br />mortgltgor»aad eudt iarirmesaatspaay cosesraed is ~ertby antbotiaed abd directed to #aake paprsnrtt far atticL <br />kae directly to arnrtyysgae iaasead of to mottga~,gar awd mortgagee jaiMly, aad tba itwurssaoa prtareeda, or aay <br />part titereef, may bt applied by oraxtgigeri at itr nptioo eiti{tr Eo Eire redteetitan of Elre iadeisttdseea hereby <br />aaPnttmd ax to tbt tentatrPtiw or repaiir' ref the protxeMy daaraiPed r)r fi+xtray«l. In event of fatxciowrrt+ of ibis <br />aaartgni,Ea. ar other txaaie~r of tiEk to aid property §a ratingvu6ebnsent faf the imkbtcsiaer natured beealsp, ail <br />rift, (it1t, i;,~i fiats, ai the #nart8agor in sad to aay isanraan~ pol,iteisw rhea i~a farts ahali pa3a w i!#e <br />pi..-ehaTe-r cr ~ ar. in t~ sptier# of the ##~crtaiar ; f#riy b~ ><urrrafisrci i rr a refund. <br />g, Ht wiQ kaep all buildings and ether improvemcate on said property in }food repair and eosdititm; <br />will permit, commit, art sat(fer rto waste, impairment, deterioration a)f said property or any part thereof; <br />in tine event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premixx xad thole errcta!d on said <br />premiatxs. or imprevcatants, in Resod repair, the mortgagee may nuke such repairs as iH its discretiaa it <br />may deem rtecesaary far the proper preservation thereof; and the fHfl amount of each and every such payment <br />shall ire imntediattly due awl payable and shall 1)e securarl by the lien of this mortgage. <br />h. He witl rwt voluntarily create w permit to bit recited against the property subject to .hie mortgage <br />any lien or liens interior or au{Itria#r to she liar of this iAartgage wrthoul tine wntteu .:oHarn: of the mort- <br />gngee: nerd f#ar{her. less. w#ll ~eY.ik ova iTUlnti#n tha 3arr#e f}¢f; from titb tiiiHi Of iii pt[aa8a ei[ppiyin(r, lifiar ar <br />ntatrrta{a ftl#r caaitfUrt.laA Of any and iii hU)hlinga UT imprfrvtmentM nOW beiirg rr!!Cled Ur 10 hr. e[erled Un <br />e#ktd pfemtaa~+w. <br />L. ilP will Aat refit sly aasu¢rz aHr part ,ef Lhr rent Ui Xald moflgagrd piUpCTtr Ur deA3fdtaay U[ CtmatiC <br />or aahraasiaiiy abet any bwWtng withtwt the written eavfaent ui the mortgagee. <br />,j. ell) awarA of dmagn in esaae~ltioa with any eondeataation for public use of or injury to aay of the <br />~tttpexty '~46hlrY.t ~ titer ...,•-,~~ ara htrrirv asi#gasd aad abaU he gild to nf#rtgag~, whs tAiy ap~y the <br />s~tn.'k ~ pay>rmt of the i~ttlia#taia Lsat c4ae v[rder said nuts, and mort7tagrs is hazeby aathorised, is the <br />venue of rite m~urtgiY,asT, to eazsule aitd deliver valid acquitiataeea thereat lad !o appeal from any avcb award. <br />Je. 7"}as vi#[tgagea shall have iht right to inspect the #aartgaged prtemisal at any reasw#abie ti[as <br />l~auh in aay of the ravrnsaaN or canditiares of thin iastrivnent Ar of the avte ar foaH atrremtnt +.erured <br />hata!hq al3kll tcrmigwEe,tha rtwrtgtgar'a tijltt to pa#ascssxm, ant, and enjoyment of the property. at the f.p{ion of tine <br />suleipyet at iris irigsb {it helm{! atretd that fire mwaga{taraiaall have sorb right until dcfautti. i'paa sag ~ve1+ <br />rite mort{yrgrle eh-1i barome the, owner of all of die emu aad prabu accruing after fitia,ait as sr!rnrity <br />~[ tiK iadebtrdrers sarvred hereby, wt[h the right to eattrr tgron said prapertr for the purpaar ai ra[keiiaR anch + <br />NeMF tNd pa>48t-. 'Phis iaa{ratstat a~i! oparsta ar.,rl;.Iaai~rraPai td-std [rataL on said property to thet eatear:. <br />,. _ ~ , <br />