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g~-~tl5~l83 <br />PARTIAL RELEASE UT REAL ES"PATE !tC}R2`GAGE <br />IUAKiii ALL KEB BY TFFESE p8ESE1PIS, that the undersigned, Cari <br />l~Cullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />~rtgsgesa in the mortgage dated Dscember 1, 1977, Wade and executed <br />by Richard L. Geist and Barbara D, Geist, :~uaband and wife, and <br />Rudcsif P, plate and Jeannice R. Plate, as 1~rtgagors, tq the under- <br />sfgifsd as Mortgagees and zecorded in the office of the Regiatez of <br />I)eects crf Hall Coussty, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-fl06975, <br />is, as to sa much of the property as is now platted as Lot 11ra (2), <br />Ke#twood Psrk Suodiviaioo Hall Count Tebraska <br />axed beia~3 a part of the real estate described in said m+~rtgage, fully <br />pal;d,, e~?Bt:ia'f', releaasd and discharged. This release is given an <br />the, aN~f^a,aa terms and cand~.tion that it shall in na wise affect the <br />ll„e~n ,af, tMa albanre deacri?aad mortgage, an the remaining land deaczibed <br />fn said arcartgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the <br />lip, 3f said s~arrtgage of that portion as is herein specifically de- <br />sari lead. <br />19~. <br />meted this ,_ day of .i . -._, v ~-~. , <br />r Sul, o <br />Iwrala~ 'uliough <br />BRAT€' 8F ftEBRASKA ! <br />E sS: <br />CflUMTY t)8 Hall ) <br />tin this day of ,_ ~eC~;L 19~£, before me, a Notary <br />pulalfc duly ca~amissioned, persona. y came Cari McCui2ough and Ivaloo <br />lS~C:i+ll~g3:, husband and wife, who executed the above release and <br />,,acknowledged said execution a3 their individually voluntary act and <br />daeed, <br />DtifiNF.S'~ my hand and seal at GranC lslard, NE in saki !'ounty, <br />the +fi-q and year last above written. <br />`:~ .. i~tary Pu ~ ie <br />~~T~ .- , <br />v -al *~ <br />_,~ t ]: tt1N~~ <br /> <br />