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� ~ - ~- t~ --- �:r.� . t �`Q�y� _� <br /> _ . . _ °- -_- <br /> „ ;-4'• - • <br /> - : -° <br /> -; .. ;--. <br /> _ t. = <br /> - {-�.��� .__ ...� : . :; s�--�ooa33 ; _: ::� <br /> . � . . _ . . -- <br /> � , ioGE1HFR wriH au die i�mpnon►emmcs no�or 6e�at�a«�xtea on me�pcopa�cy,aod.0 asemmts.�oa,�d : <br /> . S�ces aow a bae�Rer_a put of tUc p�apMy. AU re�taomr�ts aud.addiYaas s6alt �iso he 4�� �Y.� � <br /> �t.A11 of�He fan�oiu�is r�eferc�pd to ia`this Sacurity I�uarnt�s the�`Pmpe�ty'� � `. ; ` <br /> BORROWER C0IIENANTS th�c Bortowa is lawfully xisod of tNe estyoe heRbY comreyad and Gas,tde cight to grant and . <br /> conreyr tir PmpeRy aod.that t�PnopaRy is weocumbertd.txvept for encumbraooes of r�eoriN. Honovver vvarnnts and w11I <br /> def�d gmer�lly the titk to tM Pc+opetty agains�all cl�i�t�aaddemai�ds.subjoct tu any ennimbrances af itoo�d. <br /> - .71�IIS SEC[JRiTY INS7RUMF.NiT combmes unifortn oaven�nts far nytioaai use and oon=uaifarm�venants wich limited <br /> va�i�ioos by�urisdis�a Lo constitnte a unif�xm saa�ricy ia�a�ate�t Qovgsing teal pmgery_- -_- _ ___—- - -- - -- <br /> ----� . . -- .DNIFORi�f f.O�Ai�iTS.Bormw�br a�lrender oave�nant a�d agioe as fo-[iavirs: . _-' `-__-- when dut the ` <br /> l. Payae�t ot�ri�eiPd aod Idaest+ PrtpiYmeat�°1d Latc Cbars�. Bortower shall Promp�ly PaSf <br /> prircipal of and interac on ilx de6s evideskYd 6y tLe Nae aad�nY P�Y�and tate charges due undec tGe Note. . <br /> 2.Fin�d+ior Tus aed iesws�c�Sob,{ect ta�pQiicabtc,law a writtea waivec hy i.eader.Bormwer stull pay to <br /> - L+etdes on the day�noethlg PaYments_are due uadec tbe Note,urrtEL•tt�e Note is ptid'w fuil.a sum t"Funds')for.taT yeuly taus <br />�-k and uussmmts which may anain priority avec this Security Inucument as a lien on d►e Property:(bi Se�rty leasd�a2d paymeats <br />==r at�mu�rents on dse Property.if any:(c)9rar�Y huard or pmpeiiy iiuuraoce Premiums:(dl Yearly flood instuance p�emiutns. <br /> -- if aoy;fe)Y�Y�n&'+Se inwrar�ce ptemiums.if a�r:and(�anY s�ms Q"aYable by Bamow•er Fo Lender.ia accord��xr witA <br /> r:"• � tbe�rnvisions of pa�ag�apfr$.-in tiea of the payment of mort�:u�wrance peraniums.These items a�e raliod'Escraw hems." — <br /> I,e�bet any time, oaltece and�hoW Funds in an amovtif oot w eaceod the maximnm anwunt a[ender for a fedctaltg <br /> rE}atar tmrtg�ge taan may require for Borrowcr's esccow aocount usder the federal Real Estat�Secttement Proceduns Att of <br /> 1714 a4 amendad fran time co time.12 U.S.C.Secticin 260!a seq.t"�PA").unless anaher lavr tt�applia ca the Fands <br /> sets a[tsser amonru.If so,[,adec maY.�t any a�r coltect�d hotd Furrds in an amount�at ta excad tbe lesser amount� _ <br /> I.aidet may esiimate tht anta�unt of Funds due on tbe basis of cvment d�ta aad�eawmabTe estirtr��af expenditures of futute — - <br /> Fsctow Itrnu oc othe�wise in accor+dattae v`ith applic�btetaw. ' —= <br /> The Funds shaU be hetd in an in�titatio�t whose depusits are insuted by a federal agency. insaumentality. or mtity =_ <br /> 3 (inciuding Lender.if Lendes is such ati ims�iartion}si�inany Federa�Home Larn Bank.Lende�sha11 apply the Funds ta pay the �:�= <br />`[+aw Ite�ns.Lender may nat ch:uge Boirower far hotditsg and apptying the�unds.annuapy ar�alyzing the esrrow accaunt.or -�-� <br /> - verifying th�Esc�+avv items,unless�pays Bonower.intet�ese on the Fynds and applirahte law permi�s l.ender to malce such ��_��_ <br /> �'°4, a cfiarge•�iawever.Letder may reqidceBorrower to pay a onMime charge for an independent real estatr tax reportiug se�vice T�:,,•._•- <br /> ' - tued by i�er ia wnnection witts tt�is loan. unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an a�reement is made or �'�= <br /> 'n rest or eamin on tite Funds.. �=°:`��i�Y=_,- <br /> < � - ' apptirabte faw requires i�nerest to be p�id.Lender shali nat be required to pay Borrower any t te gs �:_ <br /> � Borrov��es aad t.ender may agree in writing.however.that interest shap be paid an the Funds. Ixndec shall give to Borrower. � s�,�;:;� <br /> _ witt�t�as�e. an annual accounting of the Funds.sho�ving credits and debits tv the Funds and the putpose far whicfi cach ����`=` <br /> debi�to the Fands was made.The FuiAis are pleaged as additional securit}�for all sums secured by this 5ecurity/nstniment� ''`�"' <br /> eg <br /> If tbe Fands�e(dby Lender exceed the amoun�c �tted ta 6e held b• licat+le I;.w.l.ender shall account ta Barcower ���'_=� <br /> e P� 3 aPP m��- <br /> ;_ .�^ � for theexoess Funds�:�,cardance anth the req�iremenR�af applicablc law. lf the amount af the Funds held by Lender at any �-�•� <br /> : 1:�- °- <br /> =� ��: : ' dmc is noe sufficient to po�tt��scrow[tems when.due.l.ender may u�notify Sorrower in writing.and.irs such�ase Borrower ..-;�_;,='' <br /> ��?•.�,..,. � _ ..` <br /> '�"'�• •�, shall paS ta Lender the arnount necessary to make ap the deficiency. Basrower shaU make up the det-•��a��in no more than -, <br /> �.;:. ..--- • <br /> ` ,���',•�'. -° tceel�e moc�WlY L.ender s sole discretion. <br /> . „�t•;��:,.,• .=_' - <br /> �r;�-.- .� -�. iTpo� payment in full of aQ rums secured by this Security Inrtrument. Lender shall pmmptly r�for�i:to Barrower any „ <br /> • Funds hetd by I.ender.lf.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire ar�ell thc Property.Lender,prior ta di��a4ui�ition or r+ate , � <br /> �:�.;.,.r. . _ <br /> . .-i�f-t:.A•_; • af the Froperty.shall appty any Fundc held by I.ender at the time oi'acyui�itian ar sale as a credit agair�n t3i�::a�ms secured by ° <br /> �-• .,,.._::.•,•'��,. thisSece�ritylnstn�ment. ` . , . - <br /> � .c:�af:tr'�� ' ' <br /> z,� • �:: 3.AppUeation of Ps�ymen�c.Unle��applicabte taw provide�.alherwisc.all paymentr received by l,ender u�r�:r�raragtaphs <br /> �".�Tf�'%%� 1 and Z s:�all be applicd: first,ta any prepayment charge.duc under thc Naee: +ernnd.t�amauntti payabte under par3graph 2: - <br /> � �`:. ° - interest due:fourtb,to principal Juc:und uny latc churgcs dua undcr the Note. � <br /> %!'• •-' 4.Chatges;Liens. Bonawer sha11 pay all taxes,assc��mcnly.chargeti. Gneti and impayitions attributabte ta the Property ,. <br /> ';..-.. .: . <br /> n�..`.'•'..- which may ariain priority aver tbis Security lnstrumcnt. and IeasehoW payment�.ur gruund rents, if any. Borrawer shaU pay <br /> • - ��`" � these abligations in ihe manncr pra�i�uf in paragraph Z.or it not paid in�hat manaer.Borr��wcr�hall pay them on time directly <br /> _�„�._t. . . <br /> ,. ` .��;�:��'��, ` to the persan owed p�ayment.Horcow�.ahali promp0y fumirh ta l.ender all no�ice.r��t'amauntti to hc paid uadcr thic paragraph. , <br /> 1- ��.� Ii6orrower makcw these payments dir�K[y.Bnrrowcr�hall prumptly fomi�h ta l.cndcr rccript�cvidcncing the payments. , e <br /> _ .�.._.�. . <br /> "°=�%�'�"+"'" '�� Boriawcr shall rom U dischu e any tien which has riarit uvcr tNi.Securit}�lntitrumcnt urilctis&�trpwer:la)agree�in <br /> .�:..,>.,;..-.. . P P Y � P Y ' - <br /> �;rA"E��:'_; • <br /> . .* ; �. wtitins to the paymcm of ihe ohligation�cured by the licn in;�manncr acccptablc tu Lender:Ibl c�+ntests in g�xxl faith the lien 5 <br />' ��"=-'"�- by, or defendc against enforcemerc c-f-the lirn i�, legal prixccding.ti �ti•hich in the I.cnder'�opinion nperatc ta prcvcn� �he <br /> ;^y � <br />� ' � enfarcemcnt of the lien: or(r)sccurw�:tfom the h�ddct at'ihc lien an a=rccmcnt sali�fartory to l.�ndcr.uh��rdinating thc lien ta � <br />' � • tflis Security fnstrument. If Lendcr detcmiinc�that any pare af the Pruprny i��uhjcct tu.�licn tichicb��ay apain priority ��vcr � . <br /> _ . . ` this Security Imtnrment. l.cnder may give Bnrruwcr a notice identii�•ing thc lirn. Burra«•cr�h,dl�:�ti�P} �hc licn nr tUke onc or � <br /> � ,,i '��';::;:.: . , more of the actions s��arth above within 10 days uf the gi�ing uf nutica. '- . <br /> ., p.�..•:. . ' . <br /> i . farm 30Z8 9/80 ��. <br /> � . ���'� . Vatla2�+U t <br />• , ' � •+:.�� •�'i�=' � ' ' i . <br /> .. � . � . - - . . { <br />- . .. ':'-fiip�r'.. .�,,,,. ``` .. _ ;i:- �',l ... _ . . . - - -- -- - � - . . .—.t�.----�--- --r� . . <br /> . . �, "•�./�li,�. ' • � �:r��j,�.'.. � . . � .. ' - ..,� ' . . . <br /> . ' :± .. i , � . ' .. , , . . .. � . <br /> .. ... t.__ . _�_ . _ � . � . � - ._ . . . . � . . ' . .. _ . .. ._. • . . . . . . . <br /> ' , k . .. . <br /> . ��. . . . _ .. _ _ _ _ ._.. . _ <br /> -- --°- -- _� _---- - • •. - - _ - --- -- - -- <br /> , .- --- -,_°> . _l _ . _ -_ . . _ • .. . . -_ - - -- - -� . . . � -- _ - -i=.� -: -- <br /> . . <br /> . , <br /> , . <br /> . <br /> : . . . , , . <br /> ,. . <br /> � . � . .. � . . '. ' - <br /> ` <br /> , . . . .' <br />