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PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTAT£ MORTGAGE <br />K1~0ii ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undezsigned, Carl <br />ItcCUllough and Zvaloo McCullough, of Ha21 Caunty, Nebraska, the <br />rortgagees in the mortgage dated December I, 1977, scads and executed <br />by Richard L. Geist and Barbara D. Geist, husband and wife, and <br />&udolf F. Flate and Jeannice R, Flate, as Mortgagors, to the under- <br />signed as Mortgagees and recorded in the office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall Caunty, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-006975, <br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted as Lot Tsa (10) <br />ifestwood FaPk Subdivisiaa Hell Count Nebraska <br />and being apart of the real estate described in said mortgage, fully <br />;paid, aa~tisfied, released and discharged. This release is given on <br />the, express terms and corn3,ition tl^~at it shall in no wise affect the <br />]lien of tha above described mortgage on the rewaining land described <br />in said mortgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the <br />lien aE said mortgage of that portion as is herein specifically de- <br />scribed, ' <br />Dated this ,'~.-b day of ~;;~, 19~. <br />far i Met ~ }.. riugh ~ .- <br />~„ - <br />lvaloo Mciu l lough,-' "~`6"._ <br />STATE°OF NEBRASKA } <br />t SS: <br />CC3JMTY OF 1L11.L } <br />On this ~ day of "r.. -~, 19~ before me, a Notary <br />public duly commissioned, persona ly came E'acl McCullough and Ivaloo <br />.MeCUllpugh, husband and wife, who executed the above release and <br />.-acknowledged said execution as their individually voluntary act and <br />dewci. <br />LCXTi9tI'S5 my hand and seal aL Gr^and Zs lmnd, NE in said Cousity, <br />the day 3nd'yB$r last above written. <br />,T r ~,4.~ t~-~ <br />,.,, A3otary ~ubl z ~ ._~_,.~ <br />~ es: ~ y 1 <br />~. - ,L,L L1IGs ~~ <br />,~ ti*.rw.aers ~ . <br />