<br />XMdM ALL MEN SY THESE FRESENTS, that the undersigned, Carl
<br />I~Cullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hail County, Nebraska, the
<br />mortgagees in the mortgage dated December 1, 1977, made and executed
<br />by Richard L. Geist and BarDaza D. Geist, hu;;nand and wife, and
<br />Rudolf F. Flate and Jeannice R, Flate, as Mortgagors, to the under-
<br />signed as Mortgagees and recorded in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hail County, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-005975,
<br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted as
<br />Lot Fiftesa (151 ~estvood-Park_Subdivision. Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and being a part of t3se real estates described in said eortgage, fully
<br />phaid,, satisfied, released and diacharc}ed. This zeiease is given on
<br />true exp~reas terms and condition that it shall in no wise affect the
<br />lien of the above described mortgage on the remaining 1,amd described
<br />in said arortgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the
<br />lien of said mortgage of that portion as is herein specifically de-
<br />acribe$,
<br />dated this ,~~~ day of ;,~~_,r , -~..-_. J , 19~.
<br />car M€;Ct;1, ough
<br />Ivaloo MCCuL, r~ _~~.<,~._,
<br />lough
<br />( SS:
<br />Cn this isr-F, day of ~~ •F <~~..., 14k~., before me, a Notary
<br />1+uDiic cwiy camaissioned, personally came Carl McCullough and Ivaloo
<br />,1le:C~u21;i~tgh, husband and wife, who executed the above release and
<br />' .•,acknow.ladged said execution as their individually voluntary act and
<br />ch~ad,
<br />Y:TTHF.~S my hand and seal at Grand Isisnd, NE in said County,
<br />the day and-year last above written.
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