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ESQ..,. f}5971 <br />PARTIAL RELEASE 4F REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />ICNflii XLL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, Carl <br />McCullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />xrortgagees in the mortgage dated December 1, 1977, made and executed' <br />by Richard L. Geist and Barbara D. Geist, htasband and wife, and <br />Rudolf F. Plate and ,ieannice R. Plate, as Mortgagors, tb the under <br />signed as Mortgagees and recorded in the office of the Register of <br />` Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-006975, <br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted as Lot Twaat~ <br />F'aur {a$), weatwood Park Subdivision, Sall Gounty _Nebraska <br />atld being a part of the real es*_ate described in saki mortgage; fully <br />paid, satisfied, released and discharged, This release is cgiven on <br />the expavess terms and condition that it shall in na wise affect the <br />Lien 4f tha above described mortgage an the remaining land described <br />in said mortgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the <br />lien of said mortgage of that portion as is herein specifically de- <br />scribed. <br />Dated ttais ~-i- day of •z_ ., <_ _._ ,~ti., , 19. <br />r _ -C"u..laug~~ <br />`c' ~ i~ <br />Ivaioo MtCullouclh <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />( SS: <br />cauNTy og xaLL ~ <br />On this ,-~y`y. day of ti ~ ~s_.__ r'K,.~ 1'~Si= , before me a Notary <br />Public duly commissioned, personally came Carl McCullough and Ivaloo <br />McCu.llougti,_ husband and wife, who executed the atwve release and <br />acknowledged said execution as their indiLidually voluntary act and <br />de€ed.- <br />WSTi11?,S`S my hand- and seal at. Grand Tsland, NE in said County, <br />the: day and„ year last above written. <br />,' <br />'-~~- - "iotary Putt is _,,., <br />~, co~aissian expirt:s: ea._ / %~'~ , <br />. ~y r a a. t '~..,~.; <br />