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~. <br /> <br />3. 7`he mortgagoc «svettma sad agrees t}tat if tx shall Lil to p.y .rid indebtedaeas a any pan thereof xlttas <br />tilt, at +hstl fail to prsfarm anx cavettant ar agreertre+ti of this inetroexeot or the prowtiesery note setattd hereby; She <br />t ittdrbtedrtesa hereby secured shah irnatedietely become due, payable, attd co}latxittk.witboat notice, at'tL@ <br />o! She mortgsger .u asaigres. regardlrae of maturity, and the rneriigagee or his aesigas may,be#aro or•ftei astt5? <br />- sad peepeny without appraiaeateat (the mortgagor haaiag waived avtd aaeigeed to the ntoitgagee sti rijghKlFf <br />rte l : {; - _ <br />f: L ~ ., j:3 - . <br />i t i at judicial sale pnauant to the provisions a# 7,8 U.S.f_ X001 ~ a r , or ~- <br />(tt j at tba aptiwr of the tnmtasdm, eittrer by attetiota ar by aofieitatioa of sealed bidr,'#ae the Etia6eat and <br />taatt hid complying with the teraa of ale sad roamer of payment specified in the pt~Pu6ed ttotiee ad ale, first <br />giving four weeks ttaticr of the time, ternte, and piacr of atrch oak, by sdrertldeeatt oat leea_thao once <br />during each of aid four weelu in a newspaper pnblieixed or dntribattad ltt t-e 4santy ie<whiah raid peepery <br />is situated, ail other aretiee beiag tsersby waited by the martgaagor iattd aid tatutga~se, ar say ptttasa as <br />behalf of acid aaertaa6ee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedsss e.idau+ed by aid Hasa). Said ale stroll be <br />txtd a: or oa rite property [0 6e sold or at the Federsl, county, or city eonrthetae for ehr county in whie6 the <br />property is located. 7'lre mortgagee fie hereby authorised to a:scare for and on bchaU of the mort~or and to <br />delivec to rise ptrrrhan at such ale a sx~cient rnovtyance of aid property, which cmveyattee sha0 ceauin <br />retdtal r to the happeaiag of tlxe defanh upon which the eueution of the power of sate herein drrated <br />dttpenda: tlsa said tnangager hereby canstitatea and appbina thy. mortgagee ar soy agent or sttoraey of tlse <br />rrtorggagmr, the agratte and attorney is tact a# said mnngagar to raahe ouch recital and to eaacuse acid <br />emvayattcr. and hereby roverunb sad agrees that the rareitala so made shall ba rffectnrl to bar alt equity or <br />right of rrdemption, homesicttd, dttwre. sad ail athrr rxemptiona of the mortgagor., all of which arr. hereby <br />cxprrverly waived and' cortveyrd to the mortgagee; ar <br />ttrt i talus troy <Nher appropriate avian paren.anM to state or Federal seatudr, either in state or Federal <br />court or othrrwiae bar the diapltrilian a( the praprrty. <br />En eha a-sale-aa pre.idrd. the mortgagor or am prtrott io poereaion sudsy the mortgagor shalt <br />flan i$l6t~4tt~ ~' and ehatl #onhwith deliver possession to the purchaser at such Bale or be <br />summari!' di - 'ith the provisions of law applicable to tenons holding ovrr. The power <br />and alCm +seewpkd-witfi an inerrM and are irrrvorabk by death or otherwise, and are granted <br />w euraalstivr m ttvc reatredies far coilettioa of said iadebtetitttr provided by law. <br />•. 2'lrs praseeds of aey ante aI sad pr>apeny ~ a~erdwoe with the praeadieg paragrapba shall be applied 5rat <br />m pey flat aaNt. sad eapaasett e# ~ .stir, the atepurar itsesrrrd by tlaa ea+~td; far tkat p~ a# prataetitpy ar male. <br />twitting said property. sad reraooahlr attorneys fen; aeroadly, Ua .pal' the indetatedttaw sesur+rd hereby: sad thirdly, <br />m pry stay tvarptas or r;s~catt to the perentx ar perwarat te~iiy eatitkd thereto. <br />5. In t eamtt avid ptsparty is sold a3 a jttdirial #araeloexrrr oak or pursuant to the pawar of oak hereiaabere <br />greeted, '''~- ptae~s~tt arcs rx~ ttwtirc~t et: }=3r rite resat iai~aihtatnraM1 sacared by tlsia ant ara# tvideucad by <br />attud prataimary Hate, the ttmrtda~e will lta tattitted m a d€dr~sasy jndi~t for the attaottnt of tle dffiriewcy w-+tf~cart <br />"tpd ao aFpndatwtm!• <br />b- to tltc rverxt the rwtngagor faib to pat oat F'edrnl, .tats, or local tax assesemenl, income tax or other tax lien, <br />rouge, try, or other cxpeare charged against the praprrly, thr mortgage . i. hereby awhorised at his option b pay <br />fibs sawte. Avy souse sn paid br the mortgagee s}ull 6a rdded w and beeorae a pan of the principal amount t# the <br />iedebtedness e.idracrd by .aid trots, subject to tsar wmr trans a+wl renditions. If the mortgagor shall pay sad <br />discharge the indebtedtters rvidracrd by said promtssorv ttotr, sad shall pay such soma and s1ea1) discharge al{ raid <br />and floes satd t4 coifs, leer, atad rxpetsrss of asaltiag, eafarciag, and executing thin mortgage, then this mortgage <br />sheN ENtt eaxakd and sarraudared. <br />i. The r+wtaMa heroin cotttaimed abaci bind and the toots-fie sad advantages shall iaetro ro the sespeesive stte- <br />essrrn and srsigar d the panic hereto, w/itesever aced, ~ siagu4tr nuober that! iaklnde the pbtrat, the ptttrs7 the <br />+ittdplttr. std the ese of say fieadea shat! instals ati gaedera, <br />K 'a'ha waivaa e[ MY eersmaa! harain ar ai the obligation assayed hereby sttatl at say time tltcrea#trr ~ hard <br />~ her + tsa+ivsr ~ the +araaa hereof or of fibs nets recutad botchy. <br />9. Lt awtapliassca wilt session lttLlld } sd the Rules sad ltegntaiiaw of the small ®aainesr Admiaistntion [ 13 <br />G4.~. ~11id) j, this lr~nAntW is ro!x MaMStrad aattl aatfaasati iw aasttrdaatas with applicable Fasknt lw. <br />t~ 7?F ~ dttreae. erdar, or ietda_ aa^r ` - <br />~ taN ~ ~y w~- y r°- oar pai'aiwt e# rifts taurvtaeat tnrattd ar no- <br />~~ - iaspair ar prarlwh tlre'eaforeeateat of the reaasisay pre+»ions of penieas of <br />vtrr rssw tax yr. Trt <br />