~~_= ~tj~:~S~3-~5
<br />MORTGAGE [AAN iJ6. L 2~a871
<br />BALL kf~ri HY 97t'~PRFSEtd'[S: Thu Witliaal J. Wootilvard, a single person,
<br />------------ Mof~r, whatita aaieatntea,iadthe rased
<br />Tw€lve Thousand and Na/100------------ --------------------------,,,,,,.~
<br />beat m said aaaaytew by T'he Egtmabk 6 asd Loco Aaaor9uiast of Grad Nand, tidm#a, Mortpge, upon 12D t~ d aaodt d
<br />raid A880CfAT'lOPi, Certifarase lYo. L 23 r B71 , tb hereby gust, aaovey sail rma;a¢ unto the said ASSOCtATiON the fii4asio`
<br />tbataibad rod masc. aitwaad in tH@ Cotaruy, Nebraska:
<br />LOT FIVE (5} IN BLOCK NINE (9), IN
<br />together wt411 aB thre tessatao~tx, hercditaments and appterta~ttwvcrs p~laneunssa tiaksmgnpt, i~nuilndtag atltae:lxd now asves;aga, aB wesdaw scetena,
<br />wirtdnw shades, b'litds, storm wutdowa, awevpn, dealing, au tnrdnGx,h+g. and plumbing and water syttiproent and accemries thtteto, pumps, atom,
<br />refeiseruats, asd whir fixitoes aril equipment rtow Ur herealirr atuched to ur uanf m conntcYtun with said rni estate.
<br />- .. r a t`R :rvtl mortpspor !w atttced aril dues htreby egret that tDe imrt~ nhatt :,ra will pey ail taxn sail asaeutoeata kited or
<br />sassed uptm sad prenmrs and upon this ntarigagr aril the hoed reared thereby before the sttt strati becorste deiinqueot; to fmtuah approved
<br />inatrancr npan t{r buadinga on sad premsaes sutnted m the sum of S 1 2 ,000. iJ0 ~yabk to sad ASSOCiATTON and to deliver to sad
<br />ASSOCIATiCMH tht pnFtert for sad inasasus, and not tU cvmmrt o, permit env waste un or about sand premragl:
<br />in case of dafaub m the pdfwtrrrstx UC any of tht terms and a»rdsttons of this roortggte err the twnd secured hereby, tht rrtortgrRee shall.
<br />,xi de®mt, 6a ntUtkd io rtomedule prmeaawn aC the mortgaged prarn,ma aril the rrsartgagae hereby awgrts, trutsCm and sea user to the
<br />t all !ba rants- ceveatttes and utcnme to Est derived (ram the oartpsged pram us durarte wJt t,mr as tha mort~ tnrLabtadrsea slsai} rcnum
<br />sxysoitk sail the mma'spgw dndi heat eha pUwa tU appnntt any asst w gprats a. tn.y deaoa to, the paapuae of rspaucutg arsd in'tsnaes sued rtotiss;
<br />;as-ae a;~ tc?~>:;, Ilse ems„ €t a~4 iisanzst, aced iE n"~l' pz~r .sot of and uacrsosa ati rxpc+i ax o!' repartint laid pransises and rrneeaaary
<br />ccvttmtwainns atsd ex usaraned in rentwg sail traaaa~{ rite astir aril of €:x~kYrctietg ,enters dtare9eao: eM DaLntc rcmainin@, d' any, to ba
<br />sassed the ~argc rat aad nsc tgagr tnekh2esdtsest: Thee rgiASa UI ehr mwsgsgsc nay ~ exazaaad at any titm duzir~ the axlwenu of such
<br />~, irreapactira of soy tetseporaY sans-r o! the assns
<br />'Treat ptase5ats, F~rawares. arc cusiut eM_ famd,tma,'i'hat :f iha wEnE Ator~tgagrar hai3 repay said :non .sit <x ba}sra ~~+ inatntny of ss,d dsaras by
<br />lC; pa'; t~th,•Y try > A~?CE aTsri~ at th? _~ ;~~fard e>! ch- th~tnst stcz:rtd f~teA;~ s. ,neese:.t and ps :scipai rn said iaa:., <:n er DaCaze
<br />tht Tyrantarth.6aY r,d' enst:Cs arui assay ax+mth, uMit sad horn ss fully pasd; pay all texas and asaesstnents iet~ad agasnst said ptamsra and un hale hlorigage
<br />and ttr Ba'~asnk msttsrad thareay„ Mdora drtirrgnerw-ry-; €usnflfh appravmc3 maucan~+r mp„n the bnddiastpa r7teraon ,m tlme Twin ~of S i C , 000.00 paYaDk
<br />k€ saw A~:A`t#F.fl~::~p :u ~ A~~f,C1ATtlYti ~ de__.... at3 o'as~y Ery r pail fUr wwr3t taws, a~i~aanis asro# tam with tnttrtat a€
<br />/hr ettianntiNt kpl rate thereon from data o! payment a0 of whatt Mortgagcsr hereby agrees to pap, pernilt nU waste ors said premises; kcep and comply
<br />aislt art the sgaetrsenia sail txmditions of tht Bortd fc:r S 1 2 ,DDD. ODItw day gesxn Dy the said Ma,tgaprr to sa„d ASSLICIATiOh, and comply
<br />otitlt s8 tM requistrtstrtls uC the Camnusioa and &y-laws nC said ASSIX:IA'flON. then ttwe pzeseass shsk! t>ecume null aril wd, otherwsr they
<br />ihtH reusain b CvG (arse and ntay tar lUrrChlled at the option of the sad ASSOCfATION after Cai€are for three mUntha to make any of said
<br />paytneas or lac ttuaa souotbs ut urnrs m ttxek~ aaiet narutihly paYrtseists, rx io keep and wmply w,eh the stpwetnents soil candhiotu of sad Baud:
<br />aril Maatpgw ages W laavt a iea:iser nppniatai lUrlhwiHt N s,icb lorcchanitt prnozdtnga.
<br />If flaws s stay t$saya m awauihip aP the tea! estate mwtgred haran, by stile or odrrwiae, that the entire ,emamistg utrkbudnea hereby
<br />asauod thaB, M Here ogion of Tht Fquitabk thtildaffi and !.cwt Assoeiatiua of Graad !stand, Nebruka, 6ernme ,ttsrtsediateCy due a,sd payable wtttxnst
<br />tsstihu ooti4t, and the tuxaYtaat reameyl des ,ostler and lwssd, aril soy oH,a 6omd for any adttttioaa! advassrma taatda t#rrewidtr, dolt. from tba
<br />date of exasia of adti.uptioe,ltm interral at the maxnuum kp! rue. aril slam traxfgge srsay then ba foredaaed to rtiA~y Hie amount dm un said
<br />bstrsti,.atd say ether Goad !w tidditswtW .Ssvsoct¢x, togotbss nth all snesn paid by said The kgttuabk Bwidina uvd C.wst Asatscaasirm of grand idand,
<br />Nahualta Cott h~9alHaalfE, [altef-told aaescrtenia, ud fbdsKtng extenunn t'}suges, wrth interest therron, from data oC mya,ent st the nuxuntan
<br />kW rate.
<br />As pzatikd ,n tin Basil ttxwad hartby, while thu mwtEpye rartwns sit effect the tnartgagea may harcuttt advats.e additional sums to the
<br />arc u tad sagd, tttrir aaYStss err succeanm k rastdtst, wl>Kh wnu dtall br wsHdn the rcurity uF thn rowtgaga t.M sasoe as the rands orgenally
<br />ttaaarad tbrtxrH~ ,she tatd amnsmt of pttnc:igs} debt not to eaed at azsy tttrsc the urigwel amount of stria ttturtgaga.
<br />Uated tbha 13t } tdty of 171er A. U., 19 5U
<br />s f~~
<br />
<br />STA~StOFtKA,~s. flitthx 1St dayrof I.1fsf'i3"tlEr Sv $0 ,Defcue~,
<br />CflE.fi1kY Dri tfAlL
<br />the undnrdmd. a ?iotsry 1stAlic m and !w sod Co:mty, pttaonady came
<br />alt 11186E J. d9tldMard, a S1ng1e peY50tt, who is t'DrstatsaaY kmxrn co
<br />aaa W lea H,e idaiatamd prssoa +rhraa twos 1 5 aEfittad to tlw atwwe rswptmewt a nawtpios and he sesxtaHY
<br />ac$nazstdedg+d Has seed ioMnswens to err h i S wta.suY sex and dsW
<br />N43i1N5SS mY hand eat Moeasat Sad the daft sfsartaard, it
<br />My t:asraustiaxm rapswt '`7 '' ._._
<br />.~ -~
<br />-_ -
<br />isssrattaa { ..,. - ...~_ ~ -, m-Jr9.4a1
<br />r _, r
<br />