~~,a.`~ tffs~9~4
<br />>~
<br />MaxrckGe i.OAN NO. 23 , 870
<br />1<Pro~rku.MeNSYTtIJ35EpxESEtviS:'n,at Bruce N. Anders and Jeanene M. Anders, each in his
<br />and her awn right, and as spouse of each ^ther
<br />Mortp`ar, tvltrtber rm or tttoee, fv ooetlAaNfost d the etwt of
<br />Forty-three Thousand and No/100 -----------------------~-------------------------- pOi7 aQ!
<br />(cased to said by The Fgritable aed Lrre A>itciatiwt of Grand isimd, Ne[haw, Msx[psee, upwt X30 shares rsf amt d
<br />~ A86OCtkTlO~tt, Crxtffiau No. L 23 r870 , do hereby gas[. cotrvey tad tttrntgg ttato the aid AS40CIkTlON We fo6sarie~
<br />dtacr#d red sage. situarexl m flab County. Nebniu:
<br />tuf3etlrtr wi[h di [ha tereeranas, treceditaaxrensa and appwesrranasx Ihaesnsrrta helougutg, rneWding attards•d Hoar cutsrhsgs, aVl wimWw scTtxna,
<br />wviedow shades, bli.Ms, storm wsndorva, avmugG. !tcattag_ art wndrtianutg, and plumbing amf water equipmem and accesaaries thereto, pampa, s[oves,
<br />rsfrtsentars, aM oti,u futiures artd egtupmenf riow or hereafter attaclad to of used in connection wuh said real estate.
<br />Read nherces ttx sad ttwrtgagtx has agced and does tsereby ogee that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxer and asaemnents levitd or
<br />assmaed ogee cud prermses a[xsi uPR Lhta nrottp~@e and the bemd secured t1~e epy tort the sarnc draft be[vrne dciusgtsent: W furmsh approved
<br />imwanxx upm the brriidvtg un usd premrxa rtwtrd m the sum of S v 3 , U~G. DU tyyabk ro seat .ASSOCIATION and [o dehver to said
<br />AS56C`lATION iht pokictea far nerd mawaitoe, and Hui to wmmit ar permit any waste cat u, atxsW aasd prrmuas:
<br />Fn rase of dsfaWt m the petforsianae xaf any of tM terns artd eosdrerons of this mrutga®r or [hs bsmd tecwed hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />ort demand. be enLritd to retusediate pnsasawe of the nxutipgsd prcmatas and the mottptgur hrrrbv asat;i», trarnfers and sb over to the
<br />rn eiy~es ai3 iha rents. rrverataea and israrm to 6e dsrrxd [ram the moat~gsd premracs dtuirslE arch tuna ss rim rrnnt~ indebtsdtseas siWi vermin
<br />unp~sf,: arr3 !hc mort.gsdaa shaft t4 prover !a appara! mty sgsnt rc assents it ttirxy deaur frst rhs p:rria~ o€ tepairi~ seat prtmias arsd rent;[tg
<br />xtsa arise and ctiileetrsg the raata, rsvenua amt rrfwxepe, and n may fray rrut rat said utctmea d7 expcruas of tepsittng aid prswaa trrr] ntcesar
<br />aanurlksuasns and eapanees urctreyrd in xrntxng and nrana{iintg the samr ward Rii c..eiir 9mg runlets therefrom; the balance rrtmtnitgg, if any, to be
<br />apphpsG t¢;~wasd tBrc drn:harge of sad murt;attc mdebtednaea: tfxae rights ul tAw nutmrtaatalat n>a'y tx axnrvaatd ut aaY trns durirte the existenm of such
<br />.iafasrgt, texaspmcixvs .:af anY rernQt~tarr warner of the sas[at
<br />~'fihrrae Presents, !aawdvrr, era untn the (:aoditean_ T'lrat 4 tl7x sas+d al_~tpagur staff ~• ~•d t•wu son :r. h-. s w- [na ~ :f x.;d ~arss
<br />pxy xnartt, f±ay rrrmtlklk !o saw3 ASSd7('fAF10Ai at el;= ;w[t zpc~s'w~,8 n the ti wit! ~~ -yrad hr r.:hv as ,n[srse! and prun:spat un sue roan. or ur Ixiarx
<br />tt!a "Frrsa:~tnath ~ ! a4#t artd =srry -,~h. eau! r~ ~~ n !'~~ils ,.~+., p'ay aS. .axe-. a,.- w~~-r,[•r,,, k i~ axa;a;st ;asi prey sea Ar,d srr, t,.>a :~rorr
<br />sad tYa ttste d rss[urd [t+craby, hefxr t~tu~v{+eas,:s, lwnrah sgm.>ved mu::snc= npr,•n },= bruidiags ~r~ t~n the ~sn b+- 5 43, DDD. 4~'(1 ,~yabk-
<br />su aar3 A$SOE:lATI(k4: repay so seal AS:;OCiATIt>~+: upon drrnand au irr.r[sy by :t pal Fur such taxes, assasvnants end mswaax we[b m[errsat at
<br />tl,e saarmiun ietai rate thrra,n from dNt of payrrent dl of whsch Mwtgapr trnsbp agrees to pay: pernut no waste on std prmnnes: keep and wmply
<br />wrtit aU ttte agrsementx asl ,x,nditrrts ui the &md fur S Q3 , DDD, DD thrs day given by the sand Mortg:eor to axd ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wnh all the rtgwsaxuents ul the Crrsst[wrort and @y-I.aavs of said ASSQE tATSOI+t; [hen ttxse presents sf Wl hacutrta nukf sad void, othetwtse they
<br />xhtll remain m tali forts srrt mty be foracloaed at sits uptsmt ut tM sad ASSOCIATION afar faidure for three months to make any of aid
<br />payrsmtx or be [brae rtrtrrsita m arcane to tTt+kdB art trasethty payments, ar to keep and compty wi[b the ageetnents and ~rondttions of said Bund;
<br />srd h!^zgyyur a>traes ro ~ s rs~:ver al7+omtrd f[xLhtvtdt in suc3t farexiusure pruaadugp.
<br />ff tfrra fs any siWO¢ m:rwnasshep rsf the red ealau murtggasd harem, by sak ur utirerwme, then the antua terrutrrtrng utdebtexlnest hereby
<br />aecarsd lieail, K tier u}wiios of The Egmtzbie 8uddfrtg ami Loan Aaocatwn of Gland Idand,Nebrsfki, bermme ttttmedsately due and payabk [ntlwut
<br />iwtlsar txnra:, and the arsrausi remawmd due wrier said bami, arsd soy other bond for any addititmal advantss rnula theraundet, siuli, firm [he
<br />daK of axetc~ of sW ttlt5ian, laver mreren ai the rrraxirttum Iept1 rau, and tf[s mores nray then tx foracJoad to atisf y the stttaunt dtu nn nerd
<br />hood, ate any otfter bald for addstxxud sdvatux~a, rugetlrer with ail wins pouf by sand The Y.gwrahk HutEdwu and i, uen Aswsvtton of Grand Nand,
<br />Nerxaha Son rrsesanra. xaa~aw asstmnenta, acrd abaracartg eztsnai[re ctuuges. ~rrrth interest thereon, from dale t,f payireent at the nutxtmum
<br />kgti rite.
<br />Aa pxavdM hr the &nid aacrred Barefry, while ihn martaage rerrmuta m cffetK the ntorip~e may haad[er admaitts addiiianat snore to tlrc
<br />swksn raid $ssd, [her a,ta~es or sucuraaasa a itrurest, wltieh rurtrea sluN be wuhm ine security u# thin rmxtaa{a the rotate as the tondo arrgwily
<br />3sted ftlaraby, She toad amnbat rrf Pruecspd dsbt rear ea asued at any tssae the ursgtnd xrtrwnt oC this martga6a.
<br />.~ G1a4ai: Fhia lgg dMy of pecg~r :~. t3 , tv 80
<br />~• - - r M_ll.x_,x ~- .~
<br />,~arnene M. A:sders`-
<br />S"Fk~ 4F NE~1, $Q . beftxe rte.
<br />CtF17~ftT1' f1>r fikt.i. ~ a. t}n this lgt day ~ i~t I v
<br />the urakeaitysW, a `:ataxy Public m and far art County, parrmdly Banta
<br />8t`uce N, Axsda!r5 and ,Iean,!lrte M. Anders, each in nip aria Her' r;trrn r-,nnt. and a; sncl;se ^r
<br />each outer wtra are ik*~fy k;rrwn ra
<br />rive w to ~e k/aWUat /rr>a S trl~a tt~s 5 d re aft}xpf [e the aaas,s uylst8eaoi 2aas«tlprw '~ arW t fieY ss
<br />+raniiy
<br />~ fM aMi attaaaatar,x w are ! he t r nslxntaty act and Jaa@.
<br />tYFFlniS3 tsy And and Noaatwi Sad the data dursasd -- -1
<br />..
<br />fitf' f:daamsaars0 aa~sa .~ ,
<br />~ s ~..
<br />wren "rs..'"°,. _ C _ ,-~_~ ~>qar ~!~~s'"._"~
<br />_. ,., ... _.... .,>Fz
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