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~ ~. <br />C3-- utl~~~;it <br />1dOdt7Gat~fi <br />MORTfAGE L.OwN NQ. L 23:869 <br />~tro~twuf~vBxtffese~sx~sEMts:ntaf Robert C. Kavar and S. Elaine Kovar, each in his and her <br />ovfn right and as spouse of eacfi other, ~~ ~~~~ ~~,~~~ <br />Nineteen Thousand and Noh00---------------------------------------------------___ - <br />waned to saY +aafYlWe by'[he E9dtable ~bK and latm Asttaeation of Gtaod lataod, Neb,~:., Mon®s~x, wne 190 aMtaa tsf attttk tat <br />aid ASSOC{A?!O'sr', Casrtifitaae No. L 23x869 . tb hereby Butt, tttsmry and mo.tgags trt#o the slid A830CIATfOFi tha foYowq <br />dsanflad rttd carafe, situated w tfiB Coussty, Nebtuita: <br />THE 'r1ESTERLY SIXTY-SiX FEET (66') OF LOT <br />SIXTEEN (i6), BLOCK ONE (1), PLEASANT <br />VIEW FOURTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />[tagnlter with sp tlse tertemeets, hpxedilaments amt apparttmatszns ttxrcunta bcWt>gtsg..nci;d: ~; sttsdteal four rnserings, ati window satxm, <br />anndow shadex, blissds_ storm wttxiowa. awna~, ftnnr~, air cundittvnttsg, and ptumbvgt u^t w/;rr aquyrmenf and at¢avrita thereto. puma, stoves. <br />mfri¢at~s.~ nilur fxturrs astd ryutpmurt msw or hereafter strutted to at wed m ctxsn.~-,_.r. »tL9 sad real estate. <br />Aid whereas the sad mrutgagca ha agreed sad does hereby agree that die tswrzgagsr retail artd u72ll py all taxes astd aae»®eeu ktaed w <br />ameed upon aid prttmoes and upon rhia rrwrtgage and the band secured thereby bekare tar same thag 6r vine deliequeat: to furttsxh apyrsxd <br />irasnanee upon the bttiWetga on sad premaea scanted in [hc sum off 1 9 , 0010. 0G navabk w sad ASSOCIATION std to denser to said <br />A~SOClA7T($.i the polices fm sad mananax; std mst to tvmrmt or perrmt anv waat< un ur alwut rod premses. <br />to case of defauH m the periormnrtcc of any nl the tsrrm and rsmdttttws of tha me+rtgags ..r she M+tM spctued lmreby, the mortgagee shall, <br />an de::,a,:d. +x ztttakd m iaur~3iats ptuescvpnn ut the rmmgaged prnn>bss and nae rtsc:rrgaan: crc:rbv [: artsters and ants over to the <br />nsurrgag¢s a[i the r-:„r.:cyentrta ax! vc~vu to :tt dcrrved twm the murta~d prcrtuar= ~~kg u~ !_m•_ as .rvrtrtgagc ;ndzStsd:~s~s shay rmm~u; <br />taspadd; a~tid the marigagec skarll have [hc in appamt any aptont ar agents sr. relay dmsur Itx nc~ purpcnp oa repatrtxtg taxi yietn~.'i std renting <br />tlas same and tvt{scirng tlx rants, essences and itscxnme, sttd i[ tmy pnY cut aC sad tm:urrts tri expewes ~,C mpunng said pmrttises azd tuaesaaty <br />rtaaiaettsurru and e~enaps tnrurrsd in renting and mnnagjttg the saute aatd arY 7rkkcimg rsntals therefrom, tBs balwtu retttamiug, if soy, m be <br />app# rtsx~a::sn. dtt:.,ti-gre ~,', raid r;:a.-;gag¢ :n -'vet- ,rsdne s; rRex rgghtu vi for ~mar[gagee :tta> 6r szcrGsad at ;say t:ma durmg the etcistemte of'sao3t <br />dsR~asdt, rrrtasypen.rss of anY tettapwnry .w'aver of tf:z sarrsp. , <br />Ftetst i'tessnax, huvrsvs:s- am upaa tie i_ ~ndtt~ut. -flat rf t#x: sand Martg~nr shat. repay ;a;d ka , ..m o,r befoee t!tp maturity of ;std sur~es by <br />'pay'nx~m.: pay monthly to awl AS'SOCiAT16N s~~~f the stem spesaf'ied m atte Bond ~essrcd M_retry as :..^.tsssn: e ~l prr:,,:;y:.,1 rn :;d n.a.-,, on ne in€nte <br />t,3s a ~:tipSlt dsy ~ w-a.t-- t strr'z =+ety :nunth, :sstd rasa loan tx fairy pain: pqy alt taxes a~~nd aascssnrents ievavi aga¢na aattt prcrnsses artd on this Mort <br />aril t.Rr -Ciutsd sx-»red tlearrtw. bpt<Ke dtttngtter.. f_ faansh appr and insvraatce upon ttta twd;Fartgs thneun in the wm of D i 9 t?0V . U0 payable <br />[sr slid ASfiOCRATitkd, repay N vat ASSOCIA7TON uptm deaund alt axatuy by d pnn7 for such sizes. xsraaxnts and tttatirarrce with mmrtn at <br />the trtasantsm legal rate thsresm from dais n£ payment sH of which 5ltsstgagor ltsrrbq agrees 4+ pay: perrut tw wasts.m vd prertsnea; ktxp and tx>rnply <br />wttb all tta apsetareMS atnd umdiftons tsf the Band far s 19 ,000.0D tha d:y green by the sad Mortgagor to and ASSOCIATION. amt tamply <br />Wlh ail the ragWresannts of the Comtatnem xnd 8y-Laws of ad ASSOCIATlC3N; thm these presmta shall fxcoma null and vad, otherwise they <br />ahaN rcmaat m faJ futtx asW troy be fnseJaeed at ttte aptitm of ttm saal ASSOCIATION after fadure for three months to make am ~,i saW <br />pay[apaU m tx tl;tma exatiha nt arrtarx m easskmg sad tn+xtihiy pxYmsn[s, or to keep and wmpiy with :ix agreements and tpnditians of yid Broad; <br />aed Mwtgagar agteatta base s acetvet appaxetad farthwath in exit torrckmae prucaedutgs., <br />If thew as say tdtanF m-awrceahip of the taxi ewtr trmrtgttBed he:avn. Dy sxin or ottterwisp, then the entire retttainutg mdsbtstlecs hereby <br />>rcwed sitaB, ri tiro option nl~Syte Jt{tsttl6le goading and Lana AEnos'tltYm of Gratd tdaad, Nebraska, baaxtme untmdiataty due sad pyabk without <br />furtisa aaaes, aed [he ate remaining due ter said Sand. and any octane busxi fro any additusstal advanxs made ther¢tmdcr, shall, from tiro <br />date uk stterraK c~ said aplioa, bear mtersst ri the maxsrswm raga! rats, and thu trs•.;utgnge may then be faretit»ed to satisfy the uttount date an sad <br />!~, red ~ a!!>v Mad £tu ad6`tdsai ad-~sstxs, tagedtpr wsth aft sutra pad by ad The Egwubk Bttddietg :na Loan Asaacntwa of Grand Island, <br />~s fro sawxanee, tatter and aaewtrwnu, sad abatuiirtg rxtenaan Jvrgas, with mtacst thereon, tram date of payrtsem at the maximum <br />note. <br />°A Aa to the Bun$ aeYaieat , sahdr ihn <br />liaac6y tttortyge rrtrwna to ¢fftxr the nmtpggee tarry hartvf2er adtattoe addiuotvl wtna to the <br />- vid $srrd, t}~ asiiesa at ntcreams d intsrsst, which xs,m. shall be within the secunty of tha tnortgttge the same as the tttttds originally <br />-a~lcwed tlseraby. Utp tssEnl ntntssmt at prittaypal debt trot to cxaed nt arty time the wigasai asnaunt of thn tttortgagr. <br />..; tiiltd - ~ ~~'$ - day of ,C A. D-, 19 bO <br />~ - ~z= <br />ain@ Yar <br />SCATE ~ N@9~ASKw" X m i3a tha 28th <br />f#wLt i day of ~ictvcivtter 1980 . befoes tee, <br />Ilfs[tc+rt C . Ktyva r and S f 1 a i nn yn><~ ~ ~.- 5 ; „ t,~° ~;n Notary Pubes m attdlfar aid Cmmty. p~npniB,ir crisp <br />ct}ter, ___ _.._ _. -.,. ...c ..,,.~ «,. ,. ...., a.+~ rrc* srvvr, ,tyres. artsa u5 ~pvtse or eacn <br />who are perxtasUY kttoam to <br />aw is ba tis~ itlagtiQl pettwa g whaaa romps d rE afklyupd w the ,bars ittssssaanat aw st+xtgsgat S seal they +erariity <br />~ thtr seal imatsanrwt w be tfiei r vtalmrtatY set sad died. - <br />#f!°! my l,snQ a>d N.itaca! Sod the dahe aforeaaaf. °`~ _ ~ `~~ <br />csaaarratta { <br />axpiesa _ ~._uW_ j v" . i. -"ca ~a,.,._T.-~ <br />etm~ar+sa /` ~' ~ ~% _ f~~ -- ._ ~~~~~,a,a~a#{i~i~ry`~ia~-- <br />~, ~~ ~-- <br />