<br />$~}--#1fi~918
<br />d Frx better security of the iruttbtedaess hereby secured, upon she request of the mortgage, its stxoessats
<br />or assigns, mortgagor ihalf execute and dt#iver a ~rpplrmenral tnartgage ar titortgages covering ~}, add-Niom,
<br />improvetrterts, ar tmtrimrxtts trade to the property hcreirtabovc deaaibed and aU property ao4ttired by it after
<br />the date ttrxrof Eakl in form satisfactory to martgtlg[x}. Futfrctuorc, should saartgagar fail to earc auy tlefattit
<br />in she paymens of a prior ar inferior errestmisrance ae ttte prapatY described hY tFms ittstritlnea;, mortgagor here.
<br />by agrees to permit mortgegne to Wert such ~suh, fwt mortgagee is not obliQ.ated to do sn; atrct such advapcYs
<br />sktatE beeorne part o€ the indebtedness sc~sred by this ft~mettt, subject to tfx saate terms and soaditioas.
<br />e. Ttse rights create! fay this cativeyaace shtdl tzmaia fn fttB fora atxl efYert during eery ptar*oorement ar
<br />extcnstan of the time of the paytarnt of the inde6acdoesa evidmtxd by said prttmissay ram ar ao~~; ar auY
<br />past tfineof seratred hereby.
<br />f. Ta continuouatY maiatam hazard. ire, of such type ar typo ate ia,sitdt amottuas as the
<br />x^ay from tftne to [term require on the improvefnsents now ar hereafter on said Property, atut sidU Gay 1
<br />wheel dire any premiums therefor.. All instttattrc shall fse carried in rntnpaaies atxepttble to taottg~e,trnd ttk
<br />potis:irs and raxtva#s thereof shalt be hedd fay martgagx and have attached thereto lass payable ctattsrs lets fatten
<br />of anti in farm mcrxrptabte to the martgagax. In evens of loss, rttmYgagar will give immediate native in writing
<br />to mortgagee, and tnortgagts may make proof of loss if not [Wade promptly by tnartgagor, and each irtsaracee
<br />carstptusY conccnm~r# is hereby autftoriztd and dGrecsed to [rake paymem for such lease directly to martgagee
<br />iatstead of to mrartgagtar and smortgstgee aintty.. aria tftr insttranu Prore~, or tiny part thereof, tray be' a#yplied
<br />ray mortgagee az itz option either to the reduction of the itute~edttes tseceby secctred or to the nesroration ar
<br />repair of the property damaged or destxoytd. [n event of fottcfras9tte of" this ttuarsgage, ar other transfer of'tit#e
<br />to said pro~rry in extinguishmez[t of the irtdrtttedttess sreua+eri hereby, art right, [itwr, artd interest of the
<br />tttartgagax in atttl ro any insuraatcc paticies then in fence shad! pass to the purchaser or mortgagee ar, at the
<br />option of the mtsrtgagtt, may foe sitrrPraierrd far a refund.
<br />g. To keep akk buildings and ott[cr improvemrnas on said property i,n goad repair and canditian; to
<br />permit, commit, ar suffer no waste, impairment, deterioratirm of said property or any part [hereof; in the event
<br />of failure of the mortgagor co keep the buikdirtgs on mid premises aced [host erected on said premises, or
<br />impravcman[s thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem
<br />nt."cats~ary for the escaper prrstruatian thereof; atxf tfte folk amoum of each and every such paytntni shalt fxe
<br />irnmediatdy due and paYabke; and shall !x secured ray the Irin of thts mortgage.
<br />h. To mot wnfttntariky create or permit to he ca~rated 7t~'.ainst the propery vabJmt to this mortgage any lien
<br />ar :its inferar ti ffte kir» ~f this marrgagr without wrirtrn ~ansrnt of the mortgage'e'; and lusher. [fiat mars-
<br />or w=ft kLp a .j stxaitstas :the ssnae ':.. train the ; 3atr.: ck' ak3 psrsvoas suppf)~ing 3afsar ar materials for cctn-
<br />ztruc:eon at arse and aft buildings or impreavesrtrnss raw facrng eTrrted or to Sae erected €an said prrmutsw.
<br />:. 'k'ra tw-€, seers ;ts ,trtsgr, ar.-e prt[t <af [Fee rent of said mattgageri kx~aprrtY or dt+rsitahslt, a~~r rcmeave, or
<br />~=e~:.?at'?ixrtt-~ ..=,ftc-r ~:n3 s*u~ifding wither,[[ the written :-€anficnt o` the tt#•5rtgsgee.
<br />:_ ,RSIf awazds aai` dansag„~ in wonntx~gion wish any c~~ar~em~aa~txm frnr Ps~tblic trwr i:af err ist,iuriv to any of the
<br />~~s ~pe~t`r ~7i to tRis ntart~,gr asr hcteisy assixsicd and seai# i}r paid to itmrtgagee. who [tray apply the same to
<br />paymeat o€ the instalments fast due ender said [tote, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, in the name of the
<br />mortgagor. so r»tecz[te am# drkivrr valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any such awed.
<br />k. The marigatter shall have the right to zetipEei the mtmgatted premises at any rcasonahle time.
<br />I. To catnpiY with the pmvisiatis ai a:ty kease sf this Mortgage is un a leasehold. If this Ivtortgagc is on a
<br />unit in a carttiaminitun a* a pfanrstxf r~anil drvefrnp~mrnt. Harrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations
<br />attder the dtsctaration ar s.-averaanas creating nr g<vvrsrning the t°andorttinittm ar ptannak unit dcvekapmeatt,the
<br />by~kaws and rrgtaka~tiatts of the erondcwnittium or gstannts# unit rfeveiapment, and ~roste,titurm docutttents.
<br />T. Ltuufauit 6n easy of uMte :nvtyuttxta tar Gorgfiticrgtpe +ai this inmaxssnzrnt or nit the roatr tar loan ageertteZt secured hereby
<br />.imalf terminate [fur snostgagor's iNgl'tt to pusisr:afuie;rrs„ ~msst, rcund etgacaymept of the property, at the option csf the
<br />muartgager oar a+rsi,gtt±t tss bung a;grttcd [hart oFte ntaatgagtrr chaff have tiuvtt right anti! defauhg. Upon arty such
<br />~fusitl";nwulN„ rche tnaxt~gag€eu ,,y~hmf! i>~unuaie the awmeix of ueW ~m~a t6m rents anti yrat`us aceuring efts drfaukt as ~uriry far
<br />the iaitfrirledawaw w~es.-urrd hereby, with the ritttt to ewer ut~ said taraperty far [he purpose of :satkcting such
<br />rettta m~ ~vfatits, 'TUNS; itl3tfanfEtll: xlhall npera°te m an ~s~nmantt of any rentaks on said ptWerty ro that extent.
<br />~~ if tfsa, t~aget ~Frfgttfe, fad €a make amy paytts st-f~s due ou to wnfcrm to attd with atsy of
<br />iba- wrtaditiLiiil~ ram` agn.+rrnren#a contaatted in this ttuxtgagr ar !the notes whisk it srxures, then the entire pr[ncipal
<br />~atnnt.a aCalEoteMlk: intagtvfst stroll at otter raeconnte due atut pa:Yabk. and draw ~- per cent t..~.~ ~~.k tntrrest
<br />tppup~fter rdtpttk 3ut, au, khe etectioia of the nttritge~ atuF tkNs trmrtga$e rttay thesaapan 6e #axeclosed immertsately
<br />for tAc whst#r [~" the indebtedneae hereby secisrcd, irtclttding the cost of extettdirtg ttx abstnnti of title from the
<br />dati~ Lronrtgesgr to the time of a~-it~ soak stttt. *Siatt~s assd arts-half
<br />#« t~ sir erg ttf a fe_t~~....terf x +~avh ass pravir~id hen: the masg shop at arare he minted to ~ pas
<br />sin~sian. tree, atuf rrtjopttraent e:t the real caress a#'orrsaid aruf to the rent. tsauss, royalties, and profits thereof,
<br />ftraa ter accrnsng at stikh rights and durintt t[ar pendrM'y of fattxtosnrr prtrceet#engs aru3 wch possessions, etc.,
<br />atat~ ar. ease tar dektr~gd is [her rttraratg3,~ee stpust reposer, uarxt faikttre arts[ ddtvery of .uch pusstssict,, may far
<br />estfortxd ~+k' . tap stny apprapryate IeYt promaadtagts, ittckutsiresy a receive for the property.
<br />f• ff7 prrtv'matts ~ asae +~ of ,iti9 prape;rty in atfixardartCp with the pxuattirig paragratsFss sitai; he appfted isrst sn
<br />' is - ~f s~z, the ~pws~-es iav-ssrr~i sv t~ rtptgra fr.x #~ pttrt±c?sa• c=# s+rar!sKtng _R
<br />trtaitttaittta$ t,tiq Wvaps:ty. qty, to pttY else midst-at~ttsrst rcc;trexi ttetrfzv; ~x~ !hixdte, set spas a»y ~urtsttt, .+r
<br />e* ?tt t#te prnrsan rte 4*rrss»us tegatlts ctnrtted iktere[u
<br />