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x :_ ,. <br />T!{S ~ranam~,scinx FiIaTHEB mxsat-»zs wet~N. wcieN6>es: $0- : -t~ (1~a 9.14 <br />That tlb will pay-tilt ir1 s-hattetwe t <br />That rhr INbrtgayar ie ttte rxwnrr of raid 1>roprrtY in fee suepta aad fist good right axtd tstrfut authorttY to tekl amt' <br />mrtvey the aaare 11d-tfsd tht~e is h~i-•wrd'ektar o[-asy, lien ee=ettEt~w•awde; and that MbYgtagor will warrant axd_dr€etd~ttre - <br />title to >+o~~ltrelbifta'afhbeaitly cteiira ut -eti Reiwra wh~tnvrr. <br />'fox }rylg i~l+9~aK'ir w'h~en ifvr artt~itty,life,~`i~EUliad'lYttle7F~e>tp~etid-aaaratwwrwta, watrr el2arges, "slaver sage=- <br />xoe ciu*6erF. std-otliea+~~Mwea aed charEcs against card prayest7'p,~.ttnd mil, tanme~lavied un rhr de6tnecurM fiereby, apd w fpmah €fty:., -: ,,.• <br />Mortgagor, upon request, with the ongtrxal or duptitate receipts therefor. '17te tlorfgattor egerpe the! ~theae sYpdt-lf6'atrJd~ad,td'i%" ~`-~ - <br />etaeh mwy2hty {xsyrarnt requirwt hereunder-or wader the evidewcc ct[ debt secured hereby an awuwtwt eatisnatrek try the iyfrutpgee' - <br />Yo tie ett~daill !es enable- tier Mortgagee to pay. as they haemne rites: sit tartan a>. and similar-chari@larefpen<.paettW -~ <br />iaeS stib~et"ttetrPtti; -en} defkttieney jrrauae'of file instiRa^ientY n€ atxh arMitibwat-tx5ykwenta-skt'all-he' f'attl-isutth-. d~tfoftM b¢-'till"". `'-~ .,.. <br />Mnrtgagc+r wtth rhr Mortgagee upon demand by fhr Mortgagee Any +irfault under flews paragsaptx shalt be dtrrmeaf s defaal! in <br />payterw:t of taaee, a>;eeiaemants, nr .imikar charges regnirM heretrader. - - - - - - - <br />Ttre It8<rrtgsgor itgrx .that them shack- eiw be added. is a+aeh me+nthlY payment -ut prittei{mt and- iaterea# 1's¢viaesk hw+sr..,,.. . <br />uadrr an amrwnt estimated }ry rhr ;Wiortgager to Fx' sufficient to enable the \lorigegre to pay, as it het.»mes due. the insurance <br />premium un anY irxaurance policy r{ekivrred fa rhr Mortgagee .My defir~rrxey herauee rd the instt~eirncy n( such addita,.nai pay. <br />xnrMa -whafl fa+ forthwith defrraitrd h5' ttti Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon dhaand'by the Mbrlgagee- Any tta(attk'vwtlet this <br />paragraph Whelk txr deemed a defaulE is the payment of hanrarxe premiums. If the pulley rxprdiciea depoaktetX are suelx-tie-htiatd~ <br />owners or ark rink pokines, and the depnnrts em InsuffitiMit to pay the. rotor premmm, the /tlortgeRee maY appky rite deposit to <br />paY prrmtunm oa-oaks requtrtd to br irreattat by this mortatuc. ~.. - - ,_ <br />t'ayrnrnt+ mtadr by the wlaxtgagur uru(er lice ntxwr parsRrapFic maY, at CRtH option of the Mortgagee. 6e hrtd'by ii attd <br />amtmingtmi with rd:kvar .such funds •,r its f>w~r. tootle rnr tile payment r+t .such items, :end until so applied, surf ixaymmnta are tierkby <br />pktekg+t<I ax yaruntY {ox the am{,aid tuekanrr ,d +hr m. r[R,upr tcidrM+^dne•ss. ~ - <br />'1'0 ~::rrcrcure, deh..~r ia, ar:~t a amtain f.x trio 1:wricfrf +,f rhr til~~rnr;ktageer riu ri ma rhr IIFe r,t SMs mortgage nriginet t> and <br />:wa1s Ghrrc f, *faNirwrrA ~t i',r+ast ten davv, I+rtorr th+• rxp+ra[san :.Y x .urh yxilre:res. r - agaFnat fire and otttnr Insurable <br />hatarda, a~asuatiiea, arul avntitegrruxes as tilt MartgaRae map require, in sun. amtwnt c+gitaf to Tthe itdebtedrtese aecuured by the! <br />Mss.rtgaigr., and en rnrnlmn:rs accx•p:aW.r :o the ?RortKager. with tress pay~atxNr clause 3n fav+.r a,f anti in corm accrpiabie to the Mortga- <br />Kr+' iri the event any pulley _ int re•newrd ++ +~r ts,foe.= lets rises •it i-. reP,n rata++n. the Afartgagev may lirocurr insurance •.,n the <br />:mproverrtrnts, pay trio premiunrrthere£<,r anal ,v. m ~hatt grime immrdiata-tv :iuc :end ;=aY afire w-ith :ntrn~st at the rate =_>_! <br />forth m saFd Rote wont paid _vnd -.haft tw =are red hv~this murtKaRr k a+turr .:n the part o-t rhr {gortgsgor !.r furnish such rerxwela <br />re+ herein required ~r faikure to ixaY a u advanccni hr rrunrirr ,i,aL at the +yite,n <,t [hr Mortgagrf- .a,nstltutr n .tr{awl[ <br />un:#rr the terms of this RiurtgaF,• "€he drln'erc~•f w.h ;,wilts .};,gti_ ;r. the ,..rot .d .h•la ul t. an .xssignmrRt ,a the un- <br />earned premrum. <br />ARY sums .cd ri~. !hr 4lortgaKr. ar«„+ ~+t ,. lamaKe ... rri :igamet mnY tv retamrd by rhr• \ir,rt Ka Ree <br />sod applirat towmdrl E,rx pay:eirn{ :.i rh.. •trt,<_ t+rrnb:- -.. un .. r. ,., rhr nt:{i+>R~~f ;m-'rioriKaK.v=. •.ri. ~ ems ~-.thee whullY +,r „ <br />iron r, pattt , _ . .. ers:AK ~, ~ .. r , ii+gttr.r ., .- .. -.. x , ., a. <br />rit.hirr pnrtisrir : r r>tit:>~, •.atixfaal.r,r+.- .t~ rhr +.1;-rtaat,:-r -rth i.,. +, ratipg a r., n 'hr ni r.Kaka Inr the tu11 .i .i,t ,«,urert here <br />tp" Pa.tnrr rueh ;mynwot ,•vr-r reek ;,tact <br />Tu promptly n.°pa: F. rrwh;rr ~- vrtwild :rn1 3,u rt:hrgs =. ,mt,r+,~".:nr nt,+ ,i. •.. ., raft.-r ~,r, the t,rrmra.". whirh n „ tie" <br />sr iiatrcageei •i .fin:sa-Y x.. i krc-ti -nM1 ; - - -s.xt .r., -h ti .-r,.t r, t'a. rsn+l --. .., -...+ai,i. .+. .. u ,.{fire ,~e. +,r <br />ca,yxii =',1 N~II~n nU. rsprr+PaNy +iffxyrdtnatMk tW flit rhCn lit <rN ~++ i,. to Rrr ~, Milt a wfa11, « r,l .n - - .UirBiMe to ~ tst on <br />satd eu,„rty :err to txrtru[ waste ,..-i ~ixxrt t rtxsra (.,. ,.i :t ~rt}t.•. , .r trill r.:pr:ti r,-. - r+t 4.:aif ', x~ca. <br />.rr : <br />~~ .>r.~...,_ . <br />.. ,.,,._.... ... ._..ti .r~.;~.. <br />v I. ~ - lair rti .p.a...;aa. ., :i:rr:.•'tr ,?; «st.a t:v ens m t ... „mom::;:i ~: <br />to rhr rnoragaKe<f fin•m tens :md Ihr ,iw~ themuf <br />That stwuid rhr prrmisn.+ ~.t .ant Craft s,u r.ti( be taileri ..r ,tamag=-d t ~ i ..t ,ai ,utdn +m pnnement n nmdemnatxon <br />pr. c~aektnR, ur utuk^r tree rrgh! ,•f a mot =lfmain' +, any other rriannrr th«~\t~rexaK«~' •-hell is. -ntrtt«af tr, nit ri'umt+rn'latiuns, <br />awards. and areY other Payrnent a+t mrrtrrf thrrrfur soil vhalt he. en Lord. at itr option. !+. ,•,rnmrm~e nptirar :.i nn-1 t>nainvtr i iLs <br />ttwn Waste aay actwn ,.r pnitaasling, ar to mafw anY i~txuprumeae a,r wrtiemrni n .+ rctnm wan mnn ,ak,ng or damage .All ouch <br />censpeiatraiifnt, awania, das.aaaa, ntcht o{ ariion Wad protests err hereby asaigruvi tootles Msutgagrr, who rosy. after ateducLng <br />lleeat!ffxaa all dt ss}wrarro. release say t®gaeya ~ rameavrd by i4 ur appky ilea sNar gut any mdeWrrirteaa ~ Lurex3 hereby. 'I'hx Mort <br />geWr tigtr's+i en eiraptta sFteh further ariitnmrnta of any cumF"nsatuxn, savants, damaars. aid rtKhtn u( a. to+n alit pew'+,rds as the <br />Id+aF4tleiae. rMy -.- <br />'&'hat a tear of tailors to tier&xtms say a>l the eu. ,Wants herein. t'rir Atort6ager may fa ,ui th.e tlnrtXaR+ir~s behalf a rv~thing <br />w cuvaawatad, that the Mortgagor may alas do aaY act it may +teem nn~cswry t< rutra't the i;r=n rhr re+il. that rhr Mortgagor wxlk <br />rrtray vptgt dtraartd say era>steYa paid rr diatiuraert by tilt ?t4arig~ter fa.r anY «f kht^ atmvr purpa- .a. anef -uch rxiwrys togrtkter with <br />iaierMt thatvrxa a4 the tart prwitiM in said nut , shall tw•nme su mirth addei;nna! rmlrhtevinras h<•rrhy ,rrureA end may ter in- <br />clitdad en arty .kecrer {uroliriatna thix rnurtgage alai t. pawl +•ut •,f rhr rrntr ,.r tiux.•eds of wilt u{ .;aid i,rreni>k•e if nut +.therrv isr <br />r.Fme. thitt It shall nH, t>r ubttgatrn'y 4tp,fi ttte \lfiFl$agre iii :: at41Fe :r u tot. ~'abdity e,{ aRY lit R, +~ uRihrancrK. ,i t'te1R1 FR 8d <br />trpACptg>._flltaroya r abvtte ruthertrad,. 6vt ttothttq haFeia ewttaitaart shall he cwutrurd as rr+tvirtng the Morttagre w advarue arty <br />FaxanY atieh ptir!?'+as r;~.tq.dr guy acct irr.vxnder, aril that Mortgagee steel{ mn xxicur am {eersunet haFrdity because of any- <br />r~'lit!!~Aa.9F-a~aitp~dr~,~taRaatvAeG - <br />tn tie want of rhr default ley Mortgagor in fire payment nl any trwtdiment, as rtvtuired ny tttr NWr secured hereby. or <br />m the twrlSRetenGe iN rhr Rhtrttatixnt m Chu muxiaage ur to {hr Wort aei-iitN tt~rr.try, t[ - ,L{vrigatn` si+ekk tit rntttirf .,r .foliate tnv <br />~t-peXtttetk ttrtetty aittt amt, payablQ wtthuut rwtiaY. gnu rice Sior tBaNter strait tm entittrd at itr ,y>_u.rn, with.wt notnr. ciihar by itnrif <br />t!r IBi • epi¢lyttr W lirsppuirttrnd-bY tits crewel thrrrait, nfed without regard in the afkquaey of anY xecunty rnr the indebtrrtrlea. x=- <br />SYLOA rte wdy. ttt rater uytxn and lair rtrb[Ardausn of ihr mortgaged premintrs, and to nslMet arut rrtv'eve rhr note, iastcea and profits <br />RArrva~f rµsdupyl.}! t$a aa~:Iaaa t~iwkr u€ opmatiun axtd-t»tlretton. wpm rhr intkbieilraras secured by this mortgage; xaW rents. <br />iaWSaesrf pro6b-Y+Rtejglxn?~7` M the Itlortga;ra as ftttthrr sorority for rhr wYRirnt ut sit indNrtertnesw ,ie.^urer! herby. <br />The Sit.q;;aars arStatl !tare €hia puwar W apP,:ni any agent or agents if matt destrr tar rhr ;rurpuer of r,grarring .card prem- <br />xfaa; AIRti{E rasa: pti~utti{._tttt testa, reyenrms-afrf ixtcnrrir, sled it Rte} paY one of card irteume sik espenrres ins-erred in rent- <br />Md-taMg!M[lelg Get Maas! std"ef biakMctibtt the retttaia 1lq+rr(rom. The Niulam:r rrrttaining. i1 any, rhall fu= .v pplitrk tnwrrd rhr <br />xl{ttC~ltt~a. ed-#lstt ttt.kbdebleetwarr,. R7uti-aaa~sa'arnl is L, terminate anti tier•wnr Wort gnu w;u( upon release ,:( this Rrortaaar- <br /> <br />