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~~ {} (i ~ ~ Q,~ SECOND REAL ESTATE ND}2TGAGE <br />THIS l~DRTGAGE, made t#~is 24th day of November, 1980, by <br />and between TOWN AND ^~4TNTRY 1tFAL'~fil -OF (~tAND ISLAND, INC. , a <br />Nebraska corporation, hereinafter called the "Corporate Mort- <br />gagor, and JERRY L. MRRTIN and M4RJORIE li. MARYIN, husband <br />and wife, whose address is Route #3, Box 5 ~ Hastings, <br />Nebraska 5$9:71 hereinafter called the MORTGAGOR" acid RA1ffD8L <br />R, HDESEN, whose ar~re:s is G/o Radio Station IQ3RD, Clinton, <br />Missouri 54735, hereinafter tailed the "MDRTGA(~8•. <br />Preliminary Statement of Mortgagor <br />For the purpose of securing the prompt and full gaymettt of <br />a ot=rtain promissory note of even date between tlee parties in <br />the ammunt of Ninety Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-five Dollars <br />(590,525.00), hereinafter called the "NOTE", the MORTGAGOR has <br />executed and delivered to MORTGAGEE the Note anal Mortgage. To <br />secure the performance of all t3se covenants and conditions of <br />this Mortgage and any other agreements securing the Note ("Secnr- <br />irxl Agreements°), the ?~RTGAGOR hereby mortgages to l~iRTGAGEE, <br />Randal $. Boesen, his heirs, personal regresentatives, sad <br />assigns, all of their estate, right, title and interest in and <br />to the following described real estate and properties, whether <br />now oi+ned or hereafter acquired, and whether now or hereafter <br />existing: <br />Lots One (I), Two (2}, Three (3) and Four (4), <br />in Lindsay Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Preliminary State of Corporate Mortgagor <br />CORPORATE MORTGAGOR hereby warrants that it is a wrporation <br />duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska and <br />that it has full power and authority tx7 borrow :coney and execute <br />thV Hots i.~s the anx~:snt of Ninety Thousand Five Hundred Twenty- <br />five Dollars (}90,525.00) .and that it has :ull power and authority <br />to gledvc aid ~nvey ;~: way of the :~o_•t~age all of its right, <br />tit la and interest ~ the above dPSCZibed premises to secure the <br />payment of the Note and the interest thereon. <br />CORPORATE M7RTGAC~OR deems it necessary (i) to borrow money <br />Ear its corporate purposes and to issue to MORTGAGEE on the date <br />hereof the above described Note in the aggregate principal amount <br />of Ninety Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-five Dollars (590,525.00) <br />payable as provided in such Note with interest payable as pro- <br />vided ire such Note at the rate of twelve percent (128) per annum <br />on the unpaid principal balance until paid (the "NOTE°) , and <br />(ii) ~ martgaye and pledge the above described premises tz7 secure <br />the payment of t,`se Note; accordingly, the CORPORATE MORTGAGOR <br />has, on the date hereof, executed and delivered tD MORTGAGEE the <br />Note and this Mortgage. <br />Zn mnaideratian of the aforesaid loan and Nate in the <br />amount of Ninety Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-five Dollars <br />f.S90,525,00), iJi hand paid, the CORPORATE KORTGAGOR does hereby <br />sell and wnvey Onto !4ORT~sAGEE, Randal R. 9oesen, his heirs, <br />personal representatives, and assigns, the shave described real <br />estate. The intention being tx> cos,vay hereby an absolute title <br />in fen six~ale. <br />Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing Preliminary <br />~:scr,w~rrsS sif Eaaa RilFalaiLLsi~lA a71d the ciazrv RwTa i~i77a-1tiAf~iJli an~- t7~f~1E ' <br />valaaisls consideration, the receipt of wtsids is hereby aok»a~ <br />!edged, end fn order t;o secure the prompt payment of flea Nsete aq!d <br />any asatensiosu or ranawals thereof, and the grvs~t and !lull pas- <br />fasn~anca of all else oovanante ens] conditions of this Mortgs~e eesd <br />any other agreawwnteu securing the tiote, which by fists zs!ference <br />