f ''°'~~ 4}tt JC3JO
<br />d. Far better .security of [he irttlebtedrtess heretvq aerated, upon the regaest of ~-ttsrt, its sttocaeots
<br />err assigns, mortgagor slmlt execute and detiva a strpplesnetrtal mortgage or tnort~ges ca[2risig aaq addiiiotu,
<br />improvements. or bcttermenu made to the property frereits~tsre ~-}>~ a~ aA property aoquire± bust afar
<br />the date hereof {alt in farm satisfaetcny m ?. Fathatnore, s trtortg~ae. fait to cure as .:`efsak
<br />in the paynrent of a prior fir iafetiaar erxwitkrance on the psapertq dertzibed by this inert, r~orEgt~r h~ -
<br />by agrees-to permit tnortgagtx to cure suck defauk, kat tnwtg~ a tier[
<br />obfigrdcd to ~ srr; and sttdt
<br />stntf becvmc part of the ~ secureA trytif~ , a>agiect Eo the scone tares aaEt-condititrtis.
<br />c. The righra orated by this conveyantt shall reattits in fait fora and et'fect during any potayrooeasetet ~
<br />extension M the tithe of the paysKtti of the ittAebeednera evidenced by said proenissttry rte or halo, a anq
<br />tNUt thereof secured }xreby.
<br />f. 7a ex>mitsuousty rnaitnain ha~aM irtsursEttx, esf stx~ tape cu tapes anti in stash amounts as the martgst~r
<br />retry frost tiax to time regains oa the i~ rtoa• a lxrmftQ m said ~prapraty, and ~ pap ptanptiq
<br />when tine arty preseuums therefor. At! ittsatattce shaft he carried m caatperdes ~ to wand-YlMe
<br />polxtes acrd renewals theratf SfLall be held by mortgages and have attached tfteaaetp loos payalsle t In=~~1/$r
<br />at and in form xcrptakk to the rttortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor wflt give irnmediam nothte in wry
<br />to mortgr~CC, arsd mortgagee may males proof of Ices if clot made promptly by tttt:rt~tgor, attd each intatawx
<br />emtspany cortcerrted is hereby artthariud std directed to matte paytnetet for such fog dis+ectiy to
<br />snstead of to tnt>stgagar and taartgagee jatetly, and the insurance pr+>aeds. or airy part tketeof, may foe applied
<br />b} mangagre az iss optson eislrer :a the redoction of [rte indebtedness hereby secured or to the rxsttxatian or
<br />repair of ttte property damaged or destroyed. f n event of forecbsarc of tkis mortgage, ex caber transfer of title
<br />to :said property is eztioguishrnent of the indebuxhtess secured htseby, all right, tick, and ir~st of the
<br />tnongagar in asul [o any insurattre poficics then in fora shafl pass to the purchaser ex nterr[gagee or, at tix
<br />~ of the mortgagee, may ix urrcndrred for a refund.
<br />g.. 1'o keep a#1 bakfir[gs anr! aher itnprovertsents an said property in good repair and ctmdiiism; to
<br />,permit, txsmmi4 err suffer ha wash, impairment, deteritrrarian of said property or anq part thereof- in the evem
<br />of !'allure of the mortgagor to keep the tntifdangs on said premises attd those erected on said ~pren»ses, or
<br />tm~rnrmans thereon, in gmd repair, the mortgagee may make such repaies as in its discretion it may dam
<br />necessary far the proper preservarlan [hereof; and the full amount of sack std every such paytnmt ska0 be
<br />-t: w+'zly due and payable; and shall be secured by the kin of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not voluntarify cease err permit to tx tteated 9gainst the property subject to this mortgage any litn
<br />err l itdtriar to [ire fish of this mortgage without written cronsent of the mortgageC, and (u[trer, [hat mor[-
<br />gagor wit[-key sad rnaimain the same free from rho claim of ctrl ptrsanc supplying fabor or materials for rnn-
<br />s€ru.'#ian of arty aid all buildings or ittrpravt:menis now betttg erttted err to be erected on said premises.
<br />i, Ta hat rent or assign any part of rlu rent of said taorigaged property err deshalish, err remove, or
<br />substat[riahy a/€er any building wtttMfut tke written consent of ike rttoritgagee.
<br />j. AlI awards of damages in cotrnection with any cn_~mr~.tian Sac putr!ic :..,e of err injury to shy of the
<br />property sukjee.t to this mortgage aze hereby assigned acrd shall 6e paid to mortgaget. who maY apply the saint [o
<br />payttsent of the inssallrreerris fast due under :aid [tote, an6 rn©rtgagee is tterekY anthariud, in tare name of the
<br />mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from anq such award,
<br />k. The tttesrigagee shalt have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any reasonable aitne.
<br />1. Ta comply with the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is on a ietesehoM. If this Mortgage is on a
<br />unit in a eadomirtium or a planned unit development, Borrower shalt perform alt of Borrower's obligations
<br />ttttder ttx deetatation or cavettants creating err governing the rnndomitsiam ar p{aened unit developmettt,ihe
<br />M-laws and regalatiorks of tke cotdorttittium or planned nrtit devtrlctpmeat, and constittxm documents.
<br />2. i~efauit in any of the c-rrveerants or cagditians of this instruthrnt or of the note or loan ageenrent secured hereby
<br />shall fermirtate the mtxtgagor's right to possession, use, and enjoyment of the property, at the optics of the
<br />motgagce err assigns fit being agreed that the mortgagor shall leave suck right unlit default). Upon any such
<br />default: eke m~tgagee shat! be.:otne the awtret of alt of rhz rents and profits se:CUrirfg after default as security for
<br />the iaalebtedness see.ttred hereby. with eke right to enter upon said property t'or the purpose of cotkcting such
<br />rsttet sad prafus, '1"his fnstrutitt9t[ shalt operate as an assignaaent of any retitNs on said property to that extent.
<br />$, if :~ tra;~~ ;at[d.s, acrd fails to rittlte any payr..za[s wken due err to conform to and cumpjy with any at
<br />tkc =iatts or aaramcttis c~aatairted in tkis mart?a~ err eke hates which it secures, !ken she entire prts~tpal
<br />sum and itrxxued interest shalt at ottee becunte due and payable, and draw -__." _ per eclat (.15ty~sl intert:W
<br />ihr[aat~r tmtil paw at tare elation of eke mcutgagec; aed tk~ tttorigafte [nay thtstattpcar tx foreekrsed itnmrdittahr
<br />for the whole s:f t~ indebtedness herrky secured, isatuding eke cwt of extetdiug tfte atrsuact of tick from eke
<br />date of tkis nuxtyptge to the tithe of conunetwing such suit. "Si-teen and one-hal f
<br />n the cfrnt of a ftuartosare ~ dw~rli err. t-faavidecl ketsin, ike ~'3sagCt stsaEt at ante tx emitted to eke pos-
<br />sessiorr, use, std enjoyment of else real estase aforesaid and to tkt rent, issues, royalties. arsd profits ikereet,
<br />frt[tn the ~xrutng at stsc:k rights and during eke pstrtdrncY of fom;imcure proceedings and suck a'so-ssrssions~ tte.,
<br />at r~ntx tae ddivrr~ w ike tttorigagtse upon r~tert, upon fattur¢ suetr delivery of such iwssessian may lee
<br />a'nf>d fiat rrstz,~tna5s*e, by say agpropiiate legal proe'eaiittgs, iocludietg a rercivn for eke trraperip.
<br />"~_ 'f'lee praew9d,x of say sale aC said property in acsordarace wick [lee pt't;•+Ed+!ttg paragraptss shall ~ apf+ttc[i f:r€t ts,
<br />PaY eke scrvfs and exiatttses of said note, tke cxperu€tc incurred ley eke marfgagrc far the purt±[ase of prrrtc:ustt[ =x
<br />- '° sa+tt praprrty, !Gecnrrdt3'. to pay eke ittdebtt~rte,•s .e,-..`uzrd hr_reixr_ Ord tkir-dry, tc, ,*af- wtsy a, ^iu~ a.
<br />a3x~s. tea [tae pctwsts aN pers[rus tsgattY entuted ti[erefra. -
<br />