8~c~~~s7 It~~~'TGAGE
<br />T~~ ~~ ~~
<br />rS~, by ~i hetrvatt a~ r~
<br />(4ttafltet t~ftttat w ~ ~,a[t ~ l~tt ~a-rt, rY
<br />i a w ac
<br />moth}, ~ rrtalattlm an Office tad phwe of irasiaass ~ d7d ~_ mt.s~ attY4t ia'+6sarW island,
<br />~OGttlY. itkbreskt.
<br />~tE'rtt. that fm the cxrtwideratian hetTirtafter stand. rrtt+P€ [>f which is hetsbY t. the+tOO-tgtt&~
<br />eloa iY taeretLrv~e, still, graat. aaxiEzr. aad cOavey snxO the ttwtt, itb tan?atva#s"ted,ad; aid of tAe fob
<br />tOwirtg-deaetihed prOrtetrtY sltuatM attd being in the Cvuttty of trail
<br />a]f NS71ta3ka -
<br />_. .....:mac:
<br />_,.Lot "8` in Firttt Addition to t3olttaads's !#~'ghvay iTaxes,.being a Sabd1V18iAA
<br />~'~ of Rsrt Of the NF}t of the NE4 acrd a t°ar2 Of Lat }out (A} ~Mainlarid;. ~; ,in:t ~ ~ - .
<br />Stction 28, lbtmntri.p 11 North, Paagg 9 Nest of the 5th P.M-. -
<br />t ~tl!e_~ ••,;!h ai! rtv t€-~enttrtts nail app,•r!f•~ru•N•. ,!ttrtt•, Erel•,ng;ng, ai! !ht rr--- ~vues a-:! profitw !her»of, and a!i
<br />easntaetus, rights, royaitira, rnitsetal, oil and Bas rights acrd pruttts, water, wattr iri}fhts, and rater stock, acrd iru-tadirtg
<br />nit hratiiag, ryiumbing, tefrigtrativn, lightutg, rquipttrrn[ and ail fixtarrs of every deseription lrelottging to the
<br />ratutgagor rww or hereafter attaehed thereto or used in contrcttion wuh thr prenusts herein drscribed and in addition
<br />thereto the foilowitt3 descnbed properties which are and shall Le dezmed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the va:urity for the irtdebtednesv brrein oared. (If none, scare "none") None
<br />TO !cave attd to hold the same unto the Mortgagee, as herrin provided:
<br />The, [nortg[tgor is lawfully seirni nail possessed of anti has the right to sell attd convey said property; that the
<br />stmt is free from all cnt:umbratu~ except as hereir:abvvr recitrd: anti that Mongagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the tttk aforesaid thercw and every part therrof against the Maim, of ail persons whontsozvzr.
<br />This instraruien[ is given to saurr the payment of a promissory note dated _. _._ _. Novrvmber 29~m19ti0"_,_-,
<br />in [Ae principal sum [ri ~ 54.000.00 _~_._~______~_, sigmd by Jataes L, _Sarraan Aoh Wheeler and
<br />in bcitalf af _----.._.._.,.._.~._,.._..,_....~.-.._______ BIC Znvestm,+rts ..-... ~vfi'f~T"lam h•: °~ppTie~Il
<br />+~ a [tote a aura may ft[ttt time to time be mtxtititd, «txwed or cxtet[~ci in writing.
<br />is fhe aveat the title to sand rra- estate is tranaferreci, ar contracted to be trartsterred, trom the wutersigned tar any
<br />r for !ry ~ taeiiavti whataoetar, ttte erttira principal sum and 'accrued interest shall at ome berontz duz and
<br />1 at t9te ~scstua of she holder hcraof, Failure tv exttcise Ibis option because of trans!"rr of title as abovr stated
<br />ii4r ewe ~.s ttv4 €v[tstiiuta a waiver oi' tha right to exorcist [he sear in rite went of any subsequent trensi'er.
<br />t. Ilse ~ coaetsams nail agrees.as follows:
<br />ti. Ta proasptly pay t~ i~ rvidettced by said prairtissury note ae the tinter and in the ntaurrer
<br />tLrsrcitr#ttpvsdtxf.
<br />b„ Tm pry ail [aatM, assesststnts, wtttcr rates. and other govtrnmetrtal or rnuraicipai charger. !ttrrs, ,+r
<br />iatpcnitituw, fttr-whisk ixovision hrq cwt inn mane htrernbefore, acrd will prompity dehvrr thr e.ffic}~t rrertpt,
<br />thCrefot to the seal ritorsgager,
<br />~. Tv pay s}[~t tx;rrar[d fees as ma be [mt;rrcri rn tht par}trs-+toar and rttuintvnanee n! rata! c+rcatxrt~.
<br />iltFii[fflfl~t ibt' fora saf etnyr atiQinEy CatJji¢}T~l -t#g elM tn{fr2ir,2afC f]r t1iE s _ 1c _ip?n cif An,, s~v' sii c+i flt~ in~t~Pnr~,,i ncu
<br />k+:'rby :rc'Ur~7, s~ #'cvec'isk~,uie bM nuxt~ageE' * ta~tc", rte matt. ;~e~arasiwlg° : net; rF r. ;~rega n .n pr ?.- .3a,ti
<br />utirsl iryi earn! pra~rty,
<br />