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tit-htF!<'IAKY <br />80---i)t~Sg~2 Avc U FltiAVCSAt. sEKVU t-s <br />~~~ ~~ ~~~~ itiTEKti.ATt[JtiAl.. IVC'. <br />t:K~41t)K#ti) ~• r9~1p95$~ 5212 YT~at 2~d <br />1 E '-r~'~dr~ <br />!__. Sa~cia ti. c( Arbogast XaehZssa x ! nr~e Islaaa_ ga f~k+, <br /># rww - se %z <br />Bmt 273 Mood Ei..r 148 GBQ83 . xS=.aRas><h <br />Ai~Rtti3 RATt Ot~ ['HhRt;t t)M 1!ilOSt#95tTRY #Mt7'C#- E7fEIt+T}D CitNfitRREtYTLY HER#lY1TH: ?:4 per month on th:t part of the a+Wab 6~tante o! <br />ihr Ammaar I~inmx~:<# raft ec.-medrttg St,00#1: ib:`f per itlrutth rsn any Wrr th(sreai Cxcmdmg S #.000 but me exceeding SS lu)B; irh+, per month on the rueYgader. <br />THiS Di'#D Oi TRL-57. lfade t6#s_-_9ty of ~~' _, 14~.._._, bpwroenda!'Yfa (i_ aH}. rEf+lr.r Y • 'a ~ - <br />A ~e#k atled TRt:STOR, fr(toae aadeeo ta.....~.~._. Y~DOd Ri*~`_ NR (t$fSR'~ aptt JJtiiMNi.`f4iii4 T'.CtL_ r <br />-- - -.____..___.._--._. hereinafter ia#dM TRi15T#:E, whtxe amresa is 319 $oath 1?tA St. dfht. 1!H 68 <br />and AYCO tlNAii(l AL SERVK'E5 IhTF.RkAT]ONAL, iNf., Nebraska curyoration, hereinafter ns9M BENF,FKYhRY. arhpae addrm is <br />~2fi2 Yist 2u?d__~t_. _-- 6rand,_Ilslead ~-.~Q--._-- _ <br />41RTN#:5$:TH: Tkat Trastar /;Rh*iTS, Cr)NYEYS, SELLS ANU WKRtthffFS TO TRliSTE#:. IN TRliS7, R97'FI #rOWER OF SALE. the faRnxing dea¢r#bed <br />prrlpaRY. sssnatisd in__.......... __ _._ __ _- R&12 __._.~_ t'otmiY. Netxaata: <br />ta'= <br />i"` <br />AF,T,r LctF' ~ (? } , ANFS TFFE '£AS'l.T 35 + OF FAT T4RD { ~) a HFACx ESC{A'Fh'~Y.' (1$ } r 114 TBB <br />4?RS#331iAI. T()4r#Af 6F',~#~OFJ t~IYE14t AALL GOUI4TY, NB$$A9xA. - <br />-.. r•~°- - - •3 , .^•_ -. •.,:. ,+.rr ,:r hereafter em red fharnm arW elf a•arngs..fixdrs wxll and tAmds, and heannR• righting. <br />a#:rnb+n• xxs. iw:irs +ss.s~tu>z .ir~raa>trg and,., ottutprrterrr ntw ,_ -.. rxne..txrv e~src"f+ei:, oaf .« xr :.. .ne P++tV"~ ur n,rs deed ~.r <br />7-ww, stt,ra, P,r ucererd r tore. and suim..r en tee #ren hemoi, card tare ntteJrbments arrd apptzrtmancaa perialrltRllt~`s nfie preparrv above der~.stt,ed, end -ail <br />"•.,,~ :~ - _ ;~ ;=~";a. =a? -- ~- >faa - v, ;->~€c.::hexwars - 3 rrtviicgr.. wne.w,e.r - --: o. ~i!3mR ,.r m ,nv>r i~ ac#=rusmng and the <br />m,erx,a» and cmainder+, sll ~i wrrx.n ,s trienin# „ herxttutker 3n the ' premises '. <br />FV E#?t t't itit) Fri Ht;t ? the ars,,.4.k.>.r:red tmmuea, w~fi#1 fhe :#psurtcnasc-es arW s. unr.• rnr la,.i bcxrx~farr ,f. xu.ceasnrs ~.nd asagnr.. #,aravrr, inr <br />ma prr;r a ~-r~i era= s.:~ r: .~ u,: .g .ePi. aa~ hert=fit: std .-J k n, _.->re..S !-.. ~.. _eti_ ,. .. ];zta .., :'et><-.ska <br />w#rxk rra? ~'?SG.resr` a~•ji ~~$ aJ fr,asctirs [6i a.W 1 rN duvs not ~ 'fpreyatp x anJ +a ra <br />~saa~._xS € - ., defxair !ur ancr rtar_ 1 a- - xrna <br />prs.~mtapr ~tl -cih.rur rear t - a` to ~ snp ern th v n r - r n out <br />>," vttti `m # ^ic ~ aJ .~ ppip tr>: it'rr ,.s t t -r -. n m n vi r-h_- a.. n, maludmg tcaumahle <br />attu+ree> n ri'tr, _M>a a °.deb5e#te ?€ ?x~- s ~.n .,rte a- Oe_ -fem.: ^8= - .~- <br />FOR TH# Pt:RP{35E €)F SECL'Rfi.t_. +l! yrnorniaa.,-e a.h a•rexurrre, .r - nr=1 _r Pai man, ..f the ~,rt i,P'.+t rah <br />sc <br />mtnrest. ax prwlded m cwrtatlce ntih the rermr arW Vnaanrans ;,t . Ytrxmxu~l~e 4ot< ~ nt.,.wn Agreenvtnr therumai ter retrrrrJ t~rr a 'i+V rn,nwry <br />rat:>c`t d•e~_..~I;ber 'I~s?~52,_ _ narrw,rA r<r.utrJ t,. Tustoa ,nd PasaMe t„ the <br />r49uir x Bcnai'a<ur}', rn =hr prwcrpa! a.m :.t S_=732aS1..___, amt hxa'mE the .stz ~.,1 ,ts ,i:ai Fa}.nerrr .iue ~,n __~CCl~fwt T1y..?Q~ <br />eAtefidra#, Jetnrred :H 'rtSeSlGRirried ba' - p. i ana atldat 1 1 ICtt 1 <br />'titssanah as nNY lxreaFtcl her #lxapadl 6 Benetb:larY to T nai.H n n wn 3 .Rea a: sh -, , , tr.• h t .' f d ,•t <br />rar <br />True: lei TAa paYmaet a anY m[HreS (trot maY i+r adexrned by she I#rncrxfgrr r., F'uf -..., , an> reasvr. .,...:.#eu=} I•ar _tes, auh +n t. r. ... ,he.,. vr, uttrrs ~.hc <br />sioounta ue tldvancW to prurect thr >-..urttY ~: m a. e,r3an.:r arth thr ~ .enanrs ,;. rlxar tk=d ,.s /su3i s~I Arey ;erx w~si. rc(mara me ,;.., ,,•nssun .,. lard <br />petmuawxv nrxa, w xnY ui$6Y sgr. msent to pa) rvdrzA rnao 6e whsbtutrd dcerefor <br />AO pa)'11*snrs made bq 'Fttartar c.n t#x uMtp,#r.tri +aaurcd by the Daerd of Truss rhat! tar app#aed m [!ee sUHaw mg .,tJer <br />FlR53 i'n the ppyenenr e.# raxrx and asaewnrrarn :bar m Y M #rvled and acsesra:J again,[ soul prrmne.s. rnsure.r. ,awm., ., ,,,~ .,, . a , <br />stet a,yfmae~ aj{xaod t:r 'S paW r.f. ,he T+u-ha - __--- -- - _. -- _._ - <br />S#LpNU: Ta the paynlewt 6t m#xeett Joe c=rs au# kxnx. <br />(HIRU~ Fc +he PaYmena ni prrtv.rpal. <br />-Tt7 PRUhts'7 1TtE Ykt URSF} H#-Rt#'sF, 1RtS'Tf)RtSt ta758ttAN73 AtiD Ac.Nk-tS- ,ir to kecq. ©YJ prtntur, ,s .ar«J -~- t t, r . - •dm, <br />hatafrls. =awl:rsy- and eemru~en. x~, isg a t!K furl ranyr :,9 .i? .:aM~r men:s t nc~ r, te. nr+n ..: kener«, <br />-: Sa N.,re..,..Y tsiay l:vrrr UrtY~t., tyros urY, a 3 i#fat t„aa , - a,4 ,r. 1 --: er , "r f ~ - u,n <br />ailntFar dwe ar not m [o t#s tnitwa.lima of rld t`'"xeaJs ttecr eapen-sc at ,:.;rtxr(,.,nt :hall Fsenrt>,U s „. F r+t .,,, anti <br />'•iba mey mate prwC at Was yt ymt ma3e t mprryaamma. in event n iwa 7ruswr wtl# pve Immediate mtur h, mai# to the Rane#icgry, <br />p umpt#y by Treatan, and each irywr•rxx wmpatry uyacernad is #stOebY aurhorixrd and Aue-.icd t„ ,nxte pavmsni t,;r <br />sh,#t loos daR:4t#Y ro iha 8me#knr7 mabW ,n to yM Frusax ,. Li T=* #uY xli r•.aca and spacial ataesananf~.; of env' k.utd fixt Isaac been :,; maa !x kzsicd ,rr <br />asaeaatd ujiWltSWS1 plrssnases. arld to de8serl t;, Rerr#'KIaIJ, up taq#ant .. the RE1aYla:lalS, the tttalat tpy rhnMmg Pal ment .,r .I ~ 1 anJ <br />.o......"'.- .. to xa' - _( ~ - kz ir~~ y~'~--, - .- <br />it~faE~s it -~N ---y t t -tae, ayw - .ir - t <br />pytraYitrat f,m W iarae 1#rrulRllrrwl the to .i tha Uead .ri rriari and pee the ~ kunxMe CMlbt.. :xJ Pyar(My .lv t -ht - -~ ' <br />a3#hURk deunitrynarg itFa xa#td]tY tt+3!<+?I, aN4 !' y P.y '•Jii+ Ie.~iT :"a :~ Ya d tns ~,.Rntc .#.3#i rt a-. itu , . ! -J b' J _ t- cU ,~, <br />Ttnsy artd v/ui! ba rsnradiateiY dttit sad paYs#t9r tr7' Truatrx .- Rtnrfaaaty ,ai l„ keep ,he hurl tang -of .she p mr,n - rwi ~ r,r. as , <br />csta:ted to .~cni[Alteoit old sogw. ma ; ~urpanry rx w#ir xnJ w r» .~ anY use ut sod prenytsea - -n t. ~ i n .,t - d ns f <br />ezi paaaant3 -r, eat>m et aR teaaaeubk ? +t thr pyarport ;,t Hlspeetiflg the praynysex, nor . ,cnyuvr „-.J t,dash aa.y huUdmg rh yn.. <br />p?„mp[#r atW Mt a gww# and w-,-4^,a~c rrunsct aaS 9ur#iletga wktih maY hr rL=mr~vtt 'f ikHnfr d thrr n, nJ p- wi 1 . ,~f ,sh,r,r <br />#rerFwetad •af mararlait tatrrrapnd deet,Aair, S) lLar ire vW pa}, pruatptiy the nn#ahtednam era. 1 M 1 t (rn ii th , ..N g [ r-rU <br />+,wafelM+e -vr,itp #pn #era» uF ages Mvmyeucr #intir yng t#us i)~d ,a.' Tryxt. t6Y FAai thr nine .rt wYr ,en.: ! rnr mJenrea#nr I .. t v rs.i. ..t _, <br />¢r.+~:~: C'I~tet+~, m4Y t4^ €xterwtad yri AxS~. a»d anY prat ittntr of ihf prennart iarrem Jex:ttheJ rr .,1h.~ut n.,ih-.. ta• -k <br />n.,.,.: t*rraatta r.e afieet~e the r>rv.~t ram„ .~ _ _ - <br />? Mind tfie. rrUa nai s P° -.' `°` - 1 t :x ~ ' .,€ - e J.-.rr he:Eha -nl• uht <br />ka:-v praap He¢reo4 ~qsv the bvra+ csannx .,t ant auA~tx!! 3x mne wwia,resr ~ - , , n , ~ a,«, <br />37 RSSFtdSUA3.#!F AtaRffRp iAa\i: <br />fIt SRwraJd Ta#gtgt rasA ra +sadM +er3' p•Ytwat dry auy ari ~ ~n provu#ed, ) ,.:tun - i' rcdmg nme ,# h:t nor ryai,r ,-i,~~.. <br />MMMF Ya}'"Y 42#at~nxt to t}y ~ 4~.p ~~} ts. Frs1a;PoS, P>t{i Klih.,r5rt rrb#~'tF9 t. 3. sx# h t tf: a } y <br />1~nttS tra•xaa~ fetlmy ary w#aiA6liiurr h•ravsrdni, m•y mate rrr du 1#{e +ams. and tray p r i se ~ ir5 rnr, tx <br />rn ~. wA~ as Ora imdtlaas9# srR airtser ayFeats a„ offers rlh9 #RUpMZY: anti L' caescintp rap V.k ~ aura a cnear a „a&htl ,+m wRya <br />r#ra a#andlasa• adaaaHar ni Rs~eFicmy of TrarYre •it##~ m•Y deem serbssarY thrae(ru AN ruin. a., fins crt ,. >prnir.1 k•r- 9 <br />aGliaasy tieen:od laptyer'~ card g•Yah4t hY TtSSSexrc ~ 6nt mintaR3 a: J+a rate parmyy red r .. -m1 r yl. I.. ~ r .., _. .rt ... <br />f:.t ~ ra asry .part a#seas.q 'ae taken b4' rngNxa .i ~; ,gktgrQaat~-n p-rr><-re-Qa~. hs--`..-.a,~. .. «,. -,,.e ; . -.;;;; ,r ....:. ....:...t, <br />rs~:~pt 9a4'~ants ihrradea. au{ 3rs spg~Y the saost rrw nc~ rrlrir6tadaer rxrarad iee+xl: .._,~ _ <br />~_ gr -.= s-. +eKet'ES ate ~. nrr area. - .sta, a#r ~r+mc „ ,,,.,o r <br />- exist -''.~ ~ a ~ t~ ,,; . e sr t-. txcrso-¢ rat~iau# a . <br />•~.. ..F .lafa..k ,yp# .a rt,w+.ann vn aet5, l+*t +rrt arrgmd ht+~v ,; cwm >a:#ce, +ym*~k. i~ Re+Krars., t ; ~ .. <br />a,,.«. „ - .., ,~. >a-as e.u,,.,e rho sa#r :~ r»ar a- r,x =,p+r~,a. raw-: r..r„r, F, t«. o,iz ..,,~, .,~ .. „ .,~x, .. <br />- „t <br />_. ea.c ,aav a axi ,•s-.r.x»:y..-arww* ,~n.,. <br />