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<br />~>E <br />MORTGAF.E LOAN NO. ~ <br />Subje~o L21,9~- <br />KNOi,'A[iM£Nev7HESElaRFSE717'S-Th3: Gary E. Va3asek and Mary G. Valasek, eacfi in his and <br />her owe, right and as spouse of each other, <br />Twenty ThUUSdnd and NOlT00-------------------- Mortp~vt.wiuther«teormore,ma~taimdmewmof <br />---- _ n6[Ules <br />ks~ed to aid naartBaBor by 1'he Egtdabk Buadinp and I,r;att Aaocutwn of Grud [land, Nebraska. MortgttBee, upon 200 abates of atnrY of <br />aid ASSOCIATltFt, Certiftsate No. L 23 8 . do hereby Brun, convty and mortBg unto the aid ASSOCIATION the fo9otvitg <br />desmbed red [:pate, atwted m risk! Cswnt~, Nebraaica~ <br />A PART OF TFtE SOUTHEAST QUARTEP. OF THE 50UTHWEST QUARTER (SE';SW;) OF SECTION TWELVE (T2) <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (1T} NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH- <br />WEST QUARTER (S'rl~;}; THENCE ~IESTERLY ALONG AND UPON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION TWELVE <br />(T2) A DISTANCE OF T'adO HUNDREC SEVENTY-TWO AND TWENTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (272,25} FEET; <br />THENCE NORTHERLY PARALLEL TG "iE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW;) A DISTANCE <br />OF TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240.0) FEET: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL 70 THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID <br />S`cCTION .w€LvE .T2), A DISTANCE OF iW0 HUNDRED SEiiE;vTr-1'.d0 AND T!+tENTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS <br />(272.25) FEET, TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SWts); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG <br />APiD UPON SATG EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SWI;} A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED FORTY <br />(240.0) FEET TO THE PLACE Of BEGINNING AND CONTAINING T.50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF WHICH <br />CY.2O6 ACRES, yIDRE GR LESS ARE PRESENTLY OCCUPIED BY i_GUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. <br />Subiect tea Wrier mortgage to the nortaagee herein in the <br />erincioa! afnaunt of SSO,BOO.OO dated January I2, 1976. <br />tsaBSthrr wsrh all the trrtrrrcnts, hrrNnanxnts and xppurnnamxs tlseeeuntn LuiangtnB, u[cludtrtB attached n«xs cover[nBa, ail wudow scteern, <br />window shades, btinda, storm avssadosrs, awrtsrrgs. hpttryf. w cvndnwnmg. and piuntbmg and water eywprrtenF ud acWeortrs thereto, pumq,poves, <br />retsigxvatora, and nth<r tuturn and rququnent txsw or nercaftn attacisrd to or used to cunrrcctwn wnh ad real estue. <br />And wherys the sad smrtgaBatr t[as agsad aM Juea h<nby ague ttus the tawrtgaBur shall and wd! pay all coca and ufeaamnta levied ur <br />spewed upon oast prcmgp arw aposs ttsro rssurtyaytr a::J [i[c C.;saf secy~r 1scAeb• ~ ., . 'hr same dsali became deliagtrnt, to furnish approved <br />Inat[rarttx upon the bwldm~ on rid prcmtan snwted to siu sum of 4 L~i, ~UU. ~0 ef,,. payable to sad 4SSOClATY(}fv and to deliver to sod <br />ASSOCIATION the paxitcses 1« saa! utauratus, gal n,.s su _stmmss c; pr.;.at any waxfc ssa tie atx:ut arsd p:rana-a. <br />!n pie .ef defaW[ m [frc pratrsr.r~~r [ ar -.- !a .-,~, - - -- eag- -hr ~UnJ se.-sstea ~ir•rh'r. ttt• mwrtgagee sfuif, <br />nu demand. tse ennttrd t„ rmsese::otr f*raesa s( tnr ~ gagr.d gee r ~ sA ;h w tgagvr Ix rb aavrgru. •: anafecrc am'. its ores to t}u <br />ms:[[Bagrc aL' the ta;[s, rc-.rnura sad :navtnr to b< derived rrom rise rtn,s. gaard erem[~s dw[[sX au.:h teas a e>"•x mortgage u-adrbtedrvese :half retmm <br />unpanf: and !foe rtarwtgeger sttaf! have nc~ ra:cart so appumt xny agrrt[ :rr x[an[s :! asap- drss.-e fo :he eurpusa _rt rrpsytsr~ ;~ ~,n,~ zt~` rr:tErng <br />rhr sarrx ~ cnfirctstgt [tar rear nun ar:.~.<:~tx, and t --sat fray - ;xsJ trK us s<xpeFisea ~i rrprursrg premtaea artd nesxaaary <br />.:e , ,-~ <br />ua;tmsrN.-. ' ..i ~. ` ~.r<,r uf:~ ;a»ag ng ,~.r sanse - _p iii -[ g rrnsaix s'arretn+m. the -natancr trma-rs~, a aav r <br />.s M <br />~~£,• ' ,g-'- : =-- -.-..'ti_~...: .v.s~ uwa`.srJurxx. ~.rm~ rtgms „r !nr n.wrtgayer ,,sF nr rxncaxcs! a*. any tx~ n,.•- <br />-. ;au: ;: W .~ uz extstrnw of !sou <br />datatstf, HFe~@Ctt~r ut any Ir[rryoraty warier :rl the ailfK - <br />i arm ;°mererta. hswz-err. nrr s,~rn tY,z t r,ndntun. i iv[ a the sasd Lpsrt Baytur Shall repay ,:asd i:,an on ,~<hrloec the sv[uety ~~r sx[d shirrs by <br />~-°~^-. ~sy ... -s€`ry ';. ~' A~.ATf~, - .:; t~ =„-m spv~tfx„f u: r:=ir €l::nc se~u: rd nrrct:. ac rnrrrrst anJ prmc-ipz un ad !pan. on or brfare <br />tiK Fweottrtn day sxt ras;t! and every month. un[t! sad loan ;s tu6y pasd. psy at! tarn d,:d ssseasnarnta kvxd agasnst sad prcmracs and un [his MortgttBe <br />aril the !R'saxd secured :her«n, be!ure drtasqurrcv, tut nsxh appruveJ !nsu[aesce upon the buddusBa thereon rn rise sum of 520 s OGG . GD payable <br />to rod ASSiX'IATtC}N. repo} su vd AJSIX'IATION uixm demrnJ stl rtunxy by rt plus! fUr sus:h [axes, aveaanxnts and masuancc wrth mtrreat a[ <br />the «asxunum k(td rate theaeun from slur of paymeor aif of wha.:h Mos tBagur nenby agrees ter pay perrm[ tw waste on sod prcm_sars. keep and comply <br />wrth alE the ayyerwra[s sad cusdsttom of the HasraJ fur S ~() ;~QO. J0 rho day garrn by the sxd MortBagur [o sad ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />wsth i1 t!tr tequuevxnrs nt the Cuteafatu[rOre std tlY ~l-awa o~ said ASSOt'I ATION, then these present: stall bunsnr null ud vutd, otherwise they <br />shall rcmem in fuN fwxi aeuf may be foreclosed at [.he r:rp4un cf ".u sad ASS(X`IATION after 6dtue cur [lvee months to matte any of said <br />peysmnis ur Fx thee muattfa rn aoeass m makstsg xsd ::wnttily payrtxnts..,r e•~ keep and wmpiy wait the aBrxmentr and conditions of sod Hund, <br />sad Maxtytput xfarea to have a rettsver apprsutted iwthwdh tr, ssxh furrclosurc prax:erdusBx. <br />!f these to say ctsinte to uw[sttsbap u! tf[e real rstntr rnurtBared tsenus, by sak ur utherwtx. [hsn the rnttm nntatnusB mdtbtedneas hereby <br />rcusrd Wa!!, a[ the optwa of The cquttablr BttJsiir[B anJ Loan Aavscm;can ul (;rant (slatsJ. Nebrafka, hr vtrx matnrdsatNy Aue and ~yabk ws!hauE <br />fusihes autxz. and [tse d[tMDgdt rrtnamusB due under cad baud, anJ any .sthrr bond for ;.ny addiusmai advanvs nude [htrcundet. Stull, tram lhr <br />dale of exeresae of sod optwn. Dear mttxett a: [he nwxsmurn kepal rate, and thsa traertBage not then to forccluaeJ to a[safy the asnusmt due on sad <br />bunt, and any ether hasnd tar additwnai advtrtaces, trrgrthtr wrth a!1 susas pa[d by suJ ~lhe t~.yuvebk tluddmg aesd Luan Asaucusteon of (;rand lsiand, <br />Nehttaka fo_ erxsuratser_ taxrn and ararasrrarnts_arul afxtracttng c.srsrssurs ctsatgrs, wrth mterrst ttrr[n n, from date of payment a[ the nsaxunum <br />irpa! nu. <br />Aa grovsded to the Butfd w., harrby, while ttasa t[sxntBaagr rr®ans m atteu the tntMpBer may hereafter advuscs additiotad aut[sa w the <br />tq~ttea ad' acid $nnd, their a[agp,s su auu:raauas m miens[, which s[ntu shat! be w,ttun thr sectuity of the [twregaBe the satne as the fsmds urigsnally <br />tapped ilseeaby, tha taxd amount of prnscrpd debt nu[ to rx eed a any tsax the ortBrnal a[[wunt of thn mwtBaBe <br />-tfa lyated tirbi ~r_ s. c. n.v ,. <br />(, .2 f ~i !~1 yet `! ti:.vrf~T .. Cs . r LrU <br />7 'r.-~ _: r ~ , <br />],g <br />r a ~ -------- <br />ary Valasek <br />Y'tATE Of N&BRASIiA. <br />t"tyt!*frY etc taste i sx On then LJt11 day ,r[ ~Jrytr~„ta:~r to ,zr~r !x.£.,.r ,.,. <br />_-_~__. .,._ .a....,.i __-__ - .,., _-__..._. <br />n$T }r L . Ala ~ dSQ~C ~fid 1$a ry a. d8 (d5@K , tAr umiatsgtned. o Naary Public m and for aytd County, par~nalty cmr <br />t=eCh in his arsd her can right and as soousF of aach nther, wh„ nrP p~,aanall~-knuwntc <br />aan to be ilia aientami pmaou $ asyatts atatpe 5 are afftxrd [n the abrnc tnatrurrunt w arsrxtBaBor `, aaJ `-`; e V s e;dty <br />arknrsuigiBad tha /Md xasstrsmuafy Mbe- thQ~C va4irscary act arsd deed. <br />:Yis~l'x mT-1faw~:sesd Nsnaryf Sea{'iha die af.xsaaui <br />aiY Coastrtur~an e - <br />~ _ ~- <br />q!ataaa es _ . _ ._- - w. tan f'ubli. <br />