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~p-oo~~'go <br />aaan;~.f Rwcaiosa <br />©eAtar Nmr2lrftf and CaearttK- 19i That except fa the secamity ;ntar9st granted heretry D~tor .s, or to tna extent trtat this agreement <br />slates Krat the Collateral rs as bB~ aepuired after ittie date hereek, wilt ne, tltc avrler of the Coillatarai free from any advxca liar, security <br />trte9reet a prpaalxa!v=e> ,ltd thM Llafrtar wsii defend the Collateral against alt claims Ord demargs of atf pmsons at any t;.n~ claiming <br />the 96'nB a any interest therein. t2I Ttat rro financing s~tematt covering the Cgltaterai or arty proceeds thereof is rxt fife in arty public <br />atfce and that at the ratluest M Secwed Party, Deb[a cavil join whit Seamed Party in executing one a more financing statements W+ratr <br />ant io tfta NeFxattlca Uniform Corttmarciat Cade +n farm satisfactory to Secured Party std will pay the cost of fiiittg such financing s[ete- <br />m®tY. tltia eecttriN 8gfeeatenY and any contintaetion ar termirttNtmr Statattant, in aFF public etfices +Nterwer tiling is deernad by Secwed <br />Party' to De rtecear,~ or desirable; and if the Collateral is attached m reef estate prior to the perfection of the security interest granted <br />hereby tx if fire CoilalarN incfurles crops u oil, pas or minarets to he extracted or timber to be~ctrt, Debtor call 1, on derrtarC of Secured <br />Parry, Famish :accred Party with a dtsctaimer or tlisdaiTetera:p~ tigbadination agreematt signed by ail parsers having an interest in the <br />real ~Mtsts, d±sc7ai+Prtsgw aabardinating arty interest in ttre Coitatarat which is pri« to 'yte ingest at Secured Part', 13) Not to sett, <br />tralrsfer a diBpo9e of the Collateral, nor take the sane or attempt to take the sane from lire county where kept as above stated, without. <br />the prior written cansent of the Secured Party, (I} To pay alt taxes arW seaesanams of every nature rtfti cft may~6a Isvied or assessed <br />against the Cottatarai, t5) Nat ro permit or allow arty adverse lien, security interest or enctnWrance whatsoever upon the Collateral, and <br />not 6t permit the same is ba attached ur raplavinatl. {6) ThM ttre Collateral is in good crxtdition, artd that he will at his own expanse, <br />-keys%Ais sane in sped cortdetion and from time m tame, tnrthwith, replace and repair ail such parts of the Coltaterat as may ha lxoken, <br />.ttrartt act or dartugad can ttran allowing any lien to !)e created upon file Collateral rxt account of s;:ctr replacement or repairs, and that the <br />SacuMtt Pares matt axgmims and inspaet the Cotlstda! at any lima, aNteratrer located. !7i That he will at his own expense keep the Col- <br />talarai insured in a Canipany satisiaetory to Secttrod Party against toes, as apProixiate, try theft, collision, fire and extended coverage, <br />with loss naYaDle to Secr,:ad Parry as its :merest may smear, attd wilt rtn demand deliver said policies of insuratce or famish proof of <br />such insurance to Secured Party, t8t At .ts rxatinn Sacurtxa Parry-mav arocure such ,rtsurance, drarharpe texas, i lens or security interests <br />^_• o~-...,..v..:..,_,ae n-a°^y ti. F .~,;;~ M ~.r-zY, nrt she Cuiiatarai artd mar peY far the repair of arty damapE ar inturv ~ a- fnr the <br />prasaxwatlcNM1 UexY me>ntenax-e at the Cailaterai. Debtor agrees to ralraltwrsa Sax:urad Party cut rientand for srnY payment or expanse incurred <br />lay Party punsaant to ttta faragpiny auaurre zailar,. Until auett reimhursamernr, eha artxxrnt of arty such pavrrtant., w11it rnterest at ttte <br />mate •'tf' ~ per armem fram dart at payment anti t rairnt,tnsmnent, shall ire added n:s tfit irtdabtedrtess nwwi by Dabttx std snail be securetl <br />!',' Chas r'.y{rtmmtenL i$; TttaY he writ not use me C:ailaterai ;n viatatrc~ of lxty fiMppir£~aDle stauite, ragwdatrrcan a ardrnanrx anct +? a^v of the <br />[,+ySlatltraF Is rmusor vahrcles 2na same wJ. <wt tx+ rented. usod .e, rr_ntal serv,~::: e==,a lr ~ Jnv ~>Pact cr rndnurLmtce £cnto<.ii. ,iC9 Dabtar wflt <br />pay 5'ae;urad PertY arty ftrkl dti ~a5t5 and espenae5 'n urreO .n rec.+J'~+a!,ng pa5?HeSrtnc(in rtf iha r<..ullaRaral frrxkY r v,. urrHl9 . i enforcing tnr5 <br />3rrtlfq'Ft"y I'Jgllearna[IP, lkK'S tine 5ante Shall hp ~fYCtxed !)b tn,S S'e C:uc'IY apJ'eMlnef!Y. <br />Urael Default Oehtar ma; have pnsaess+en ;;/ me r_yliateral and use ~t:n any fawtu! n;anner ::^t ,ru:ansr stmt w+th tn,s .. ~eertfant arw not <br />:nCfX4Sr Stett4 w,th any nra?iCY of ,r:aUtanCe iheraan, rrx1 .+W s tie{cult Secured Pa: tY ihetll nave Lhe ~.mmedfat2 right to the ;;os5ts5,on r,f <br />the Ca(taterar. <br />Ratite Sham fie +n Datauif under this ap=eattertt vpbn uxa nanpun~ny ..f env <~i the Iv; ii:winy events ur coruiftian5: i t f detouit +n the pav- <br />msr,t or ;aarg,ra mr ., .:,t env ,tbi:cuttion.:.ovenmt ..r ,aeri,ry .: on2av,ed r~. reterrttd to r, ,r .n <,r ~.i any Wore rvutencinq the sane: ,2! .xty <br />arraniy, repraT,:t!<r2ntizm ~x statsrttanl made C.r fn, of snc-d trr Sacnrea Varh t,Y err rrn 'remart ~. .ie L+tor I,r,+bes to have hewn tar 6e i ~~ env ,ne- <br />~a .. M <br />3mr-rz a "_ ,.re :. ?~'xtL.+R, BegeBrnkrx! <±r _x3er+ga=^t: 3- •i.sS. T>• 4 . ~>~, y„ .€:.: ... r • . .;.-, ~,.-:sGr.~tGC t. :a ,.i ,~.,v Uf Fne ,. <br />G:. <br />'rtdarai I'1n ~•}. „a;-i ,vtY 3etr~ute _. -sits-?orx.^nt rnerN_i' r Y wrl•(9,.. '.:. 'Seams. ..: •.v ~' ,<-e, ~.:m,rrwl ,:,: f. ~re~r.,. a- r -. ._.., <br />t.WCx;.. p. ,. ar..,e c. tt -'~ T-V p,~rt ..:, a -2;.'e,va. rTt a ,utrt t the „rr,t, _ rr r:l, i XT~tanl ~ !r -i. ,, . ! , ++..ri~ k,t. ,. ~t° ~ n~e...;.r• <br />n!.det .f irFy irtrs~nxt .t u;?dtr any txatkruptey 4V ugwiitWteY Havre trv --+ mye,ntit L. -i 4 „ <br />~,. a y , .y.t<n 4-_ ~SY rr~r Llet)tLtt. <br />- 'ter _F _, _ <br />Vpe,- +'f ;1Ut r,., , ,. .- , ~ ..;, ~3. ... -i ,e .tan, r : ._nrm» ,n~. . . ~ -f:..., ae::ureo 'te;reuv <br />r,+ 5 <br />:rr~e+L.x..,'., .a_ t...,dr a.n _.>.- -+av, :•.• ,~rrr¢ €. , .,e:, .. -. a,;y .. Jtir :hr °s. t r _ <br />rtWr^ , <br />P'ar!y _ . ..... .. ~etcr [£ a51Wnr<`,~ L•ery ~ ..,ri~xai ;n 4 ..~ , :wr_ . •'.2x1;e :,. ., ... ~. ~ aYlr r.<.. 1., , tens, irintW-1 Yy <br />++ ]Y § <br />, r - r tr, ar ._ .. , <br />n'IBltye ., ,. ,r ... ~ iv..t :a ~w xF wr., n. ,-11-t~ _ F~. ••.LN, •ts,„-a11. tom„ nxr a, u,. ,-. <br />, <br />err! txrur:~ :.;a.a a'tryrrk,t -r. r,f ;tw t.::.:..»:fa wit is ;.rv,., .. ..:,+.. _.+... .3tv; - _ .~:_. <br />,.H <br />+nerr25 of raasu+.iit a .r_t;'v't snail trn twat ,f y~f ti,i, r.a. ~~ :. „sriael, ssytayr, r,•twF.a,a. -~ -.,a MktiraY , t',l, tsi,rv , , v. r: "i t ,e Irey~ tr„ery nt <br />m,s ilgt'del5!-Jnt <st 'entii f.rc ,IaVS .rof.~Te enT. tinttr :,t thY ~,.ir_ ~~r ,fi5i,,ta, .... <br />tKa weaver Cy 58(:'urNri PaItY _f any default vtatr „txrTata as n w ,Vent .. r~tneT ~tlt,tt,i; .-r .. ..e ,. „ ~SCIJUI{ ~_ ~ .~ ..,,, . ,,. r a , , <br />The lekuzg Ci' tats ~Sez;urt}y 4ptCrXR6ni shat! rxst wane .. .,er{aau ..cry .tnar a. r. ry 4ard Ger. ~re,r , arTV ~•,aY 'k ~ „aradttar~acaur+e .`,,, <br />tht txSy:Y~'t2 !.t ttia ~Yb' .,§HSklhxaS, rKT :`strati tRT: takirx~ ~. iN Y tic Cit add - 3i 5ri~ur tY ' .,r It,l W+r 2n,fi Sm,;~l1[V dgreffY ltln l; <br />txJt said 5ac-urad P*xY4 `~Y 'anw[ ts7 any fia;:uri;y ii may naVp r„ ihG rnfkX ,t rnaY `---`m f?ratn°r, 'T:b) ~wiwrtflvtand~np n+t i_.,it atarai ac~u <br />rtf{. Sacoad Pat itr ;idiait r@4git::ts :,tptin of se:ury ~%aLtvr. <br />Ali rrtytts of See•,r xt Partp he- N -...,. a ,o the,[ :. -re .,,..,. ,a-.. s a xf a_ s,yrr>; .vtri ~tl, ur...,,_ ~ .ui u~,f,rs -~ <br />Yha{E'bt+xJ his parrs. axacutwa ur atx•* n7s6aitirs ur irv: sta :a ,r svva cr as ,y,s. :t tnx>re I;.: :,v,<~ t .a . - _ ~rbt, .,. ' te., ah,'-t ea <br />hkifrXitxlel fitiai7 tx, ;Vrrtl arni ~YtlT:*I. <br />ihta agreenaxtt site:! txsz:txna aftac. t..r .o-tt~• .r ,.. ,npuxi r,y :ITat,r<-,, <br />~+..,. <br />