to ~apaeta#e w~ t~}idaast}s „- ,aa~ be bl +~. pnrtp +~ tL. eecsaa part aq st ifar
<br />typtiea be taeerl~lt'd a e>irfanlt sad ,ss t8e paste of the nsett>sd part +xt deelatr+a qtr
<br />~tatiles intde iaasa£afaiy doe sad payable.
<br />lied tfte sail first }arty hereby rxpreasly cnvernatx and agrees ! I i 1'o pay lily said tide arxe, interest
<br />irr fall ca[ the day's t#te same sitaU s'CYeially txectnrte dac: (2) tieizher to tmntnit nor petmtt waste on th,: y`a#
<br />premises, sad [n pd and keep the said teal estate, t>aildi[tgs, attd improvrments in good repair; (3} To pay :~
<br />tarns and a~essYnetHI.c <xr the xaidread elate before deli[tgtterrey arxd txrtii the said \ote is fully paid: f4-} Ta
<br />pay all texts and assesstrttltts upon this .i~ftxtgagr and t}x debt secured thereby, together with any other
<br />tents and asaessrnetsrs which (tray ire in~erl or asar,;xetf. under the Laws of 4etxr-aska. agai:tst tfte said stx~ortd
<br />pang..or rite legtef fxoider of the said ikde tar account pf dtis inrkbtedrtrss : (51 To procure, keep itt forty, std
<br />tfrlivlr to the said secnnd party policies of insnrartrr against loss by fire and tornado, in such amamts and
<br />ittattratscr cnmp:trties ax rhr said secuwd-parry she!! select, sad as stsd! txe ax aFl tithes-satisfactory to it. coveritrg
<br />rhr htvidutgs which nrtw arc or may hrreaftn tx rrect~ed on the said premises, rrmkittg the }osa. ii any, pawble
<br />to the said second party or its aaaigsrs, sad curry sttrfi txentrttct of fnsttrancr eRrcterl br the saki parties of the _
<br />GrsY part rrr for their teertefit shat} he prirnariiy subject to apprr~}eriation ter the said seeotd parrs for the
<br />payntettt of said iadelttcrim-sa. l~ailtsrr m avx maintata such instturattce sdta!! auttrarizt fhe .secmtd parry, ~' its
<br />assigns, at its ru steer p{Nipn, to etTrct aattl nuitstain stxh in at the expense of tit said first party, std
<br />ttte first parts' a1 to a a!i satyrs stt paid, with interest at$ percent: sad such atnns so pttid by itte seeatd
<br />patty. with interest at percent. vitals Ire mum( by thi+ ?tfortgage: +(xi The[ tfx said sceasd patty or the ,
<br />owrtrr of Ate said °iotr may make such repairs. pas' such texts, arrel pay and rrtnovr any tie[( fram the said -
<br />pretttitxrs, tgna faihrre rri' tM tirrc parry to rb set atnl aH nenneys w advanced with inzerrst at the rate of j~$
<br />prrraatt pry annum thrrrrm, imm ,Easy of paymrnt„ steal! !rm repaid ttv rite saint Ertel patty, upon dentind, and
<br />ruhaA rte secor+nd tn• ehi~s indenture.
<br />iAnd 'it ie furtf@er muhtaiic cnvenaattrnf and agrr•cx1 that in the x-vratt nt the }nusa{{e, alter YEue da4e of ibis
<br />mstgage; rAf'arty ia~w eftrrttn:rng env }irn tttrrrrxra frmn the value <rf sand fur rhr }xurpase u'f taxation, rrr changing '~
<br />i~n :ury way' tfta faros nnw in iorcr fr:r rhr t~iatipn ex} mttrtk„agrs +rr ,4rttts .axurrd hr tmrtgage rrr the nra'ttner
<br />aqi Clue colirrtiun rd say .;lute racers, ao as [o ;edrrt tills ~f<rrtgagr. tftr wtxt}e ai rtes pirineipa! sum rxcrtred lnr this
<br />!ktrxrrf,•a¢ge. t'reRettxer with the irttrres! rate tttrreurt. ,trail, at rhr optinn u# the said lam of ihr :eccttd part,
<br />+ritiaxuc esotisar. lx^rxasac imrrtrriiateiy dtir and trayafile_
<br />tend the acid tiro lrarry iurthr~r aXmre that if clrfanlt rrr made in rhr },annrnt +=t env of +aid interest, or
<br />env part t}mx~of. sr <rt err }• isstrrest thrrrsur. rrr .,f =aid ~Inte, +,rr xny tetrt thcreot, ur ui nnv nurrrst then<•un,
<br />.r*_ r
<br />,n , v Ix•+nrnx?ncr :,f znc of ihr ._, rnant~ to-rem :arntaln<ni, rtu~n. +:r nt a»v nmr ;hcrranrr :luring rhr
<br />tiuiitmnxaftEe ut o-ttrlt Jeiault, ilrr ,aut tivtr, arui tttunro-a }nut ma adr.uu l _hnil, arf t~a,puon «i rtes lryta!
<br />tradr'~ts t#xrrxrf, ixprrxure ai ,ttu'c dttc a;ui cxx{dratifxle, and .hall hear merrest al }r rttt c t Ix•rcrm per aartune
<br />is3Nr. the elate of il_rzatdt, ,rrJ t.,ro n:r}rntssrc uxa} i,e i,n'rr}a,e-=t ru tiah,+(ti rhr smooth of [he c[ebi. irx htrling
<br />adcaace5, ,trte±'ezt, acrd cuss _rrr t}a- uz-cr»a turrtty-. ,t, .rure~,n~srv i,x as.r,~+a. ut3y- tlorecu,e <,n1.}~ ass to the errs*t
<br />(asst :hx, u~nluu.c tt?urv to rtes. :fUrt;~e rbr ,ti,~,i_fa.-,.r,-,t+ :rr :z-r,nirrrts^.t ,.. st=n iie•r, ttxtenf.
<br />Arid au uxc cventt :xt der G,,rzekrnarr =xe chic ilr,rty+agr, tree +Ixutt ii cst l~cm auvcnatnm aril a,g tees to }sty ttte
<br />c~rs..l€ ztznl;.g t ,~ , __ ~_ _ ._au ,?>ne tlx~ ~ :ire ~,. rra;crrisxry} :tu. 's!e>; [rake t ~+ ,l;c ria[r :,r 1:hng .wt. nd
<br />~~tsst:~ ~ ~h# =rrat £~: - - .~ .l=,1 -- i +.,n --. err -- tee rr I }r:srt ,nail tx~ar rntrre.t :it
<br />the ra[r of~pera-rstt pry anrttun tturetxu :cad ,ttwtl 1x x<urrYi a 'hv. vrdrntur,_
<br />4 is ittrtltrr ttu[tua!!y rornnanta! arsd agrrref t#tat the }arty rrr the srxrnxt }art, u, ~urre~wr~ ~tn,f asAiKns,
<br />arras! ai tl[rir uptir,tt rte ,+ultrogatrd to stet leer}, alttxuttK}r rcleu,c+i of rtacun#, t,i any terror , ncutubratxc. ttenctxinx-s,
<br />actdut's, w Wber Batt utt card ar'p»iaea pax! wet of dtr prax;rrrls ui list i«an -rnrrr,t hcrriey,
<br />!-t#. it is ftml~ a~,resss! that xn r~ crf a =let~edt sex dnr. }nymrtx ut t}x ,a nl ,rnoo}al utr .,r iuterea.
<br />ur arty putt threeuf, as tt shall uxattsrr, ur is a.ese aai iatlnrr to krr}, :,r }.rt turn, a:rr ~,t rhr „>arnatn~ ,•r at;rrrnrrm:
<br />t:uut3ix,~~ in t}ti: ,^=lrHtrtr', t!'tett rhr= sErrtnr! ,ratty; :t, srx;crc.,,c.r. of .t.erY na, ,stall ire an+l ~. hrrrirr autiruneed
<br />sad empowered to take ~nanxrhatr }w>,arsnrun ~,r dry: aui },rrnu„c. hcrrln <,m r±r+! an.3 aI3 gin,}x, thereon, rrr
<br />to ru}l+tvit lily re•trts ttterrtiruuc, asnf apply rhr }rrarrrr,is titrrr,r; su tlu irayttn_nt, ::i tiu :Fret iterelrr xiurrd.
<br />adJizxura! rend crallateral srcurtty tut pay-nx•nt +~i tttc dote and rndrbEedne. tterrinhrfnrr !r-.cnlrtd.
<br />tie: sairlparties rtf the pro part herby astrigtt rrr the said }tarty of the „runrl tr.xrt, rt: u e_ curs r r t r s, al}
<br />t1Ye luattta, revrttura. rexysities, rig}tt+.:ux} lrtYKlsts ac~ruistg to thrrn under .dt utl, ga,, or nuttrra} Ir t .-s <nr ,aid
<br />h~etittttf~-, k=tC~ ;t~igreiten[ rrr trrrrnnste artd E,trrxtrte nul} anti; :-=aid np~~n tftc rrka*e +,i ±}hi~ i$ort¢:~c ~
<br />}
<br />Aatd i[ iz furttrel agrrasl Etta( to csser asty wit is ixr};un to i<zrn:-use ll4is urdttttutr, the t:~utt to whtt#1 ,uct}
<br />u'ptx}t shall !ir btlrtght, tar arty ludgr r=f vtcta Lnurt. ritlrrr sn trrnr tnrtr ur set c~aratiutr, is trerrby :rutfaxrtai-d,
<br />tyaor, applira[tvtx ttterrfor. try ap}rtxi»t a krcetecr to takt }xxawsairxtr vi r}~ +aul ,,rrra:reea .uu! , ro!». thrrr~nr,
<br />Ht tD e[+~k~t~#~ the rear. thrrrArrnx, aut; ty ekx ar»! der}r.r,n sttCh nicer sae a5 rrc tr: ro,tnxrr-t Fn rtes ,.rdrr ,,.
<br />f:~ >< "x'94 ~ ai?puintnlaut, :estzi riot tryst par > +~rebj cxxrrserres x, rbc apyumtrmrn .,t s } ra,•~r rr a}:.n+
<br />t!K lNfYr~t of tilts Ittdentturr, Wri}runt ,HlMC ra't,lfllCr'.
<br />