<br />THIS DEED OF TRC:ST, made and entered into this ?4th __ day of Nov~her Ig_gr~_
<br />by and between Ed®asd J. Jtmiter sad Alice L . "Trustor. andlr+*at ~++~ 2* i ++ r.++a _,,,,Frustec,
<br />3aaker. husband sod tsife as joint tetaatt+ta with right of asssivorehip sad trot sa tetsantaniu cam.
<br />attd Postal Swings Compmy, a Nebraska Corporation, l3enefit~ary.
<br />WITNESSET`i: That the Trustor 3o by these presents grant, bargain and seal, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Real F'statr including ail buildings, improvements. and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on rite real estate, situated in gall County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Fart of Lot 3 of the County Sttbdivieioa, located in the SW 1/4 of Beetles 14, Tttwship lt) North,
<br />Range 11 West of the 6th P.M., in Hail County, Nebraska, more particularly described as folloet~st:
<br />Coking at the Southeast corner of Lot 3 of the Corratq Snbdlvisiaa ash rtraatag Iresteriq alaag:_
<br />smd upsa the Southezly boundary 13tse of I.ot 3 a distance of 14t) feat to the paint of begfs~ng;
<br />titsfrca contittpriag Faesterip aloag the Southerly boundary line of said Lot 3, a distance of I7$.5 feet;
<br />t@saea Atortherly aad parallel to the (Asst boundary line of Lot 3, a distsaee of 14iJ feetr
<br />t#atttte Easterly and parallel to the North bottadary line of Lot 3, a distance of 17fi.5 fit
<br />to s poltnte thtt is 14Q feet crest of the Northeast corset of Las 3; theace ttmaing Santherlq para31e1
<br />tta the Rr~sterly boundary lice of Lot 3, [o the Southerly bouddaxp lino of lot 3, being the'puiat of
<br />anal ptmsrstuon of said premtses now delivered unto said Trustee; begi]etittg.
<br />TC)1tAb'E AND TO BOLD the same, wrth all ngh[s, pnvtlegrs. and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee.
<br />it is rxea:utcars, adniinistratars, Freres, end ass ;¢ns forever. And the 'fnastor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the "F'ntstee all right, title. claim, interest, benefit. and estate whatever. m and to the above-described premises and
<br />each and every part thereof. which is given by or results from ail laws of rile Slate or Nehr+uka pertaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor r anvenan[s with the Tnrstee that he will forever warrant and defend the titre to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of ail persons whomsoever.
<br />th THiJSi' H04Y6:y'F;R. roe the faiiowmte desrnbrd purposes WHFRI[AS, the Fnrtur did on dtis date execute a
<br />ttttxmtssory note yvHlentsn¢ a Loan (or the pnnctpal amount of j I7i.'.?~, 75_ _-.. _ _ -- -_- and ;ni4rest
<br />thoreran aeaaniing to the terms of the note. caul note bring payable m extra! manihly rnstallments at the office of the
<br />4..r.:.«., and ;.~. 'ayrrte ~t '~ r+tt tine +.n itesreobrr ist i9.9Il-
<br />t ~.: -. i -.n t h.- -. r n nartt••c here*.u at ., - i a - 'S- - - „ if ,.. I t.c r- ulrr t ate t - s ,,av ah prr.rnr
<br />dnd irtrtu.e .axa•- .nd awes r set±~ s n_tal aai -~t ~aa,~ s,,;..r3at ;std r,. ~ptr , .-, r.,~ ,i.c =a+•rr _vmes delinquent ur
<br />acttnnabh•; i.1 Keep all !mprovrments yn•ctrd r,n the land utau re+.i as Wray hr required !rum nine to brae by beneficiary
<br />sttatttst lrrx by fire :tad artier hazards, ~asuattrrs and yonttnitrnr-tes, to such amount, and fur su+ h prncvin as ate rrasunablr
<br />and may i,e required by benrilrtaey. gnu to keep sll pohetrs of such insurance m ioree ur rf test upon the property hereto
<br />described cursstantl}' assrgnrd ;end delivered to heneficaary, r ±1 pay and ~umply with a!I the terrns and cundntuns of any
<br />lien, claim or utdrirtedness that may he sentar to ur take precedency of th€s "(rust Iked as scwr. as any sash pavmenl.un or
<br />of such iien_ rtaitn ur indebtedness shall become due, and upon failure ut Fntstur to kyyp any card agrermrnts, hanejjplary
<br />Wray pay such tax, pay tier crtch ~nsttrancr ur pay ,lfl ~ucit Len. ur „arms e?r utdebtetinrtix a the ease may hy, -,ud [itr
<br />money so expended with mtrrest ai !'>`~~ per annum snail be secured by [tits Trust 1?eed. and the TrusUx aKrers ro rrp'y the
<br />same upon demand, and upon facture to ,:n sa the balance +~t the attached note shxtl tre•_urny immediately uue anti p'~j'yablr
<br />al Ehe option of the beneficiary: r41 apecrfiially confer upon the Irustry the power ui .air a, prrxrdrd m 'srbra.R3'!uw_
<br />t^,)rriein txasrsxton tN tht prctnrsrs and caNect the rents and n•<rnues thrrrtn?tn -~
<br />L'--par. isaV mrni to art the +ums securers i,r rim irwi treed. the Br:~~rhr is re -halt try ri r-t ti,c [roil ec try rr,.n: ev shy
<br />praf+erty affil >hai€ salrcnder this font i>zrd and ail notes rvnlen~rnu videhtedncss .tuned by this Trust peed u> rile
<br />Tnrstee. 1'ntsttr shall rr+:anrey ttte pril'perty wrttwut warranty to the person ur persons leyaliy entnied tttrrero; tint tf
<br />default he made r^ the payment zit said nose ur any part thereof or any ul the mtrrest thereon when due, or in the faithful
<br />r ..
<br />`cZTtst ~i 3r.r ', a~,y yr -'shoe •+t tiai.i apizemcnt+ a+ atore+a7f.i, then 3;7Y wito(p a' .aid Hutt hail hrr+,nir clue .i mi br [`In+l .1~
<br />Srrrtnaitcr e,ovxfrd.. ,aril thu Jerri shall r_matn :n Inter. Ittr I,ustrc ..r tits at:arnty- nsai' ~ -• cord t~-~ .rrl the preprny ui
<br />:€s entirely tit .n parcels of the option tit the tntstrr hrtemhrtorr rte<inhcd at lwbhc auction, to the I:lghest htddrr t~,i
<br />cash. ifawrvrt_ the power tit s:tlr itrrrrn .unterrrd upon tht trustee ,hall nut hr reerctsed +;nitl ~ I i !hr int,tec shat; t;nt
<br />'. Sfa' for €e,eerd. to the ni't lee of the rrpatcr of duds of each county u-herein the rratit !,roper~ty or name parr +,r parer!
<br />thereof is srtuatcd, a ntaarr tea dr!'ault, tdenUfymg the ttusiee by stannR the name. ul the Trustor and namr+ therein anti
<br />~ttrtrg the ksrr,fr and pagt• where the sarnr is rrcrxdrd, a descrrt+tion +,t rh,• iul~.! [~rr.r,errv r,+l ._ ,~,r~r~„4.~+~ ~~ ,r_rr,•..,,•.,t ,i,..r
<br />a bicolor of an ublrg,`tttt7~i for which the tntst property was ronveyrd as ~.rrunty Ira. occurred utd +eiunq t+,rii_ ih • oat urr
<br />cif each breach affil r'ii Ki4 election to sri! ar cause to i~r nu€d sur:h prutxriy I<r satisfy the tit+}tgatron..,nci t ' i otter the lapse
<br />r*f nut !:`~ than one month, the tru3trr shall give ncetrer of safe ^, provulyd by ~rhraske law..-Vtrr ?tnuu• nt drtatdt and
<br />is}sYe oI n zt 1 than cx~ mrsnfh, the truster Shall gtvr wnttert ncxtcr tit [lam-ttpir anti pFttr +'d sale paru.uiart, do+c~rihmg
<br />iil2 prrrpert S' rC? i+E sold by prtblttai}on +,! suth nnlrCy. at I apt Pi,r tt enteaweek f!lr flay lUn~ri ul~, r' w. k- . r i-at
<br />puttit+istttstt ro nr at !rest its days tint rent tnr,re than }Q says }~ yal n-_rrr t 1 xsI itr ~ -n in.
<br />iu3atavat rn t•a>,n - 3sat,y ur the i>rrrt*rrty r . >- • x,43 ~ r .~n"11 -?.xr ts+ . ,ita ate J t r - ... ..
<br />r
<br />east ,-.Rer.urq* -,rte t itvrr a rleatl c, .:unsryana +,i the i-roprnp s t~~setur.hasrt r ,±rr=_-n ,, ,:.~.
<br />-.lar~.a-en; :,r rag., -i .~+t t,rs.t +n ~a:+.. i; deed :n r°i&tic*n t,; the x ~r~.~t5~°t»T +~:~• t , Ir i ; ,
<br />