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<br />~~~ ;}ct~E~i <br />'ens [l4D~PRTR$, aaai tWa~__`.25th <br />MORTGAGE <br />day >~_ :Jocember __--._.___-. t9 s0 _. by awd F,eeween <br />d~_..__II$13,_~.__.__CoartY. `iehrrW. as ametpgor ~__. sad Grand talard Tenet Company of GrruW laland, a corporation <br />rc anttiag uadar the laws of Nahnetu with its principal office a~ pWs d hueiaese et Gruel Iaisad. Ne}saala. a. : <br />Wfl'NEIHL'IM: 'F'lat acid morya~er_._-,tor aadltcoaaidantiondtisa~d_..~_- <br />*tine Hundred Fi httsen dollars and 8511.00 ****************'**~' '~ ~ ' 4~~$,-~i-T-° <br />W raaaipt of click a haroby . do _ by tlese presents mortgagr and warrant aateaa~ _ _ ~ snaigaa, <br />hall .. - -.. _ . ~, _:~.., <br />(aevw•. a8 the blinvuts ds~ibed zert ewate, sttuud in the County of __- _ _ . __,. _ ,..___ __ <br />ad 3tda d NehrasM. tawtt~ <br />:'tiE LR&T uALF c. ..c Fclloaink Tract.: Part of the 'n'orth 10 acres of the ~,7~NE.Tlt of Sec tiara <br />1(i, T[awttship ll Vctrth, Bangor 9 West of the F~th P.K., described as beginning at a point on <br />the ntror~ttn 1 ine crf the Unrth 10 ac.res~ of Wts_iJW?x of said Section 1.0, which point is 1056.0 <br />feet ;»'«=sit. :~` !tie ,`dc>rtheast earner of said north 10 ;acres of the 47~P.v~~- or said Section <br />1(.1, rtenrfin¢ f:henr.e south parallel to r_he :vast line of said north 10 acres of the 4AgNW'~ of <br />said Surf:tiara lG„ 3'Sl.ti feet, runnti.nE thence hest parrallel to the forth line of said <br />tr'~,°t, I13~~_'.^ ~;"esw~t, r„nnink e:zence north parallel to the east line of said tree[, 331.0 <br />feel' to :i point on r_he north line ~.a? sai.d LO acrr tract, running. thence east along and <br />upon the nt.rth tine of said t0 nc re tract, t32 *eet to uoint of beginning. <br />'Tog~¢e,irtr wild! all #aauiaR. err mndaioattrft, rig#teug. red PtumbueR equepment and fixtures. mciuding scrims, awnings. storm .nntiows and <br />a{i,ta. ame ~u n -.. si~.ri. ++r b"~r-. ufic.. ~ u .a ,e. c~zfcn w..a -ate; PT~h~v. w...=. nor ~..e sar,.a ar rn.w~ :ua w., .,r..wn; P.~ L:7 c;r ..rra~;tF <br /> Nana <br />1'G HR4'~ _".tl'tY3 ttLFL#T THp, SAlit;. E~tltnr with aL' aaG smgatar ttu; tAraements, t,srwL-€.amnnta snd appurtena.-.~ chc±-ca,nto ix <br />i®~r~. za m ~ r~ €~. ws~.g,• t~ ;.,~ k, ...e ;r.. -..,..., ~=gar her :,r .,.z-~.: ,.t_ w:€,: ,e... <br />vireo tea. -_.._. . at the dairvarv '.avvi. the is;s(ui owrn:r ~sf the Preaaie¢a above conveyed a>rd deasrffred. <br />¢eQz~ ~_ naiad rd a good and mefslearilie aware of inhareunea [harem. tres areei r#srr ..t ail em~umbrnmm~, ami that -.. ~he___ wdi <br />w~yK rttd deterrd the tifie ahaPoW forever Kaiaaa ibe etarma and daorada of all pextrma whuntaunvnr <br />~YEtU4'ip}~ll ALW RYS, and ehn eastrttmaot G eaacutaf sad deievcrai to [wcearn the paynxut ul itrr sum a! - <br />~4y,,,~3e !tunur>_' l,lytias~en ~.Sulinri, !ns rat' ~-xnet~x:er*a<x~x.~s(k91ara18 9iti.:;,.' 1. <br />HgaRla[{wNA eoch clusrgea adf ¢dvaanro as mr> he due and paYai,ir. w seed nnriRarfcx under [ nr tn~e_. snd cmuiitinns <br />d the pemnraaxy note of war date h¢rswrth and rreur.+d huaby, nxe vied by *aW rn,rtRaRur [u mad rrn,rtRaR~. S~aYable nn rxprcreaeal <br />io rid ante, cad eo aaeon tine prformaeea of rd the user and rowiuma cnnwn.d tharaen "Pfia; tarme of sad note era hanky inurtna¢e.rxi <br />traaia by ttre raf~p. <br />IR to Ll¢ rDRa4etiNtt sad agrarmam of tM pries lwalo !tut. ihr m.utgaga ahatl aloe. aer:uro any futuro advances ouuie to acid mnriKnRm <br />ly rd mortgages, and say ¢rW rdt mddrt¢dowa m addstemx ua the aez¢arnt eb,ve sued wmct~ >ad mortrtri~ zs, •rr nny of them. may owe to <br />acid tnasiptgae. however wrdmawd. whahs cry eau, hradt aax~uun[ .a ot.Mawtae. true rtawrigagn ahrl! remain m hill i.xrr and effort twtwnen <br />t#a partite taazau wui char haws. pareorrl repter,>s!atevev, su~reasavs and saaegn.,. unui ail anua:nts s.xurtxl hersumfa. u;ciudmg tu!ure <br />rtdvutcea, aro Prtd is feik xtth murxat <br />The awri t~gur Errfby .. ra sai raartga;«e at! enure arwr [rruasn arruig ¢t env aml ¢fl trmen !rrm ..aui property ami <br />latsiY aathorfsr acid mwrgfrglr or iu regaat. et rte nptierr. tytoa de}asdt, m tni[e chartte of and gropers and .xdloct uli caeca and itworan <br />Ware6r!ra cud ap@iY tie rasa 4 cis p¢yrast of iolarr[t. priaeipai, ianrtaraa proniuoa. cases, .ase.amenu, reeprirn or imfarwwreaata <br />gyEaRaatyr W kasp acid ptepry m tasaa/atda neo~tm. a to echo chugrw nr p.ymaau pxwidarl for itasin w in the mwn ttaraby secured. "Prue <br />°~i€ Riwtasau .azC 2 `~fi a&ia: i~ artpitc oai3ss.~ e; saa~ --cote as :Wii i;¢:c:. 77s [afZdK at ----{a~w3-- - r fimsunCC+a _. . <br />p+araaat d rY#Fr$ ai1:i ~'' ra ila °-"•-..-n d s:td sumo by hu~a-lusure .u r;tltar:vs¢. <br />7`M faiiwe of the tanri~e w ¢aaart app to ru reghu ft!uweorisr at any t,r.;e slat! ewe M: rmnstruwl a av- nl era rytht to aaa.~n the <br />aettaa oat rosy 77iirt t[ppt, aYSb b eaafat. uprm cud aderca attic[ ersap{iaaca wtih a:i the terms and pray iamnanui saui ea,tx and of [#ta nwryt¢Rr <br />tt rid shay raters to d prri rn sasl mort~daa tle entire amoxnt duo it tewrundar. and ureter tla twsna and Pn,v a a <br /># eaud ado haroktY setaaaed, iaelarys,g httara advaoew, ¢ad say nsterriorr .u raswwaW thereof in aa;ordrata with the term,: and funvuaena <br />tista[1. reel ~ raid eauteartur .. s#u#i «asaWv with all the wtwiaiorr ,d saW calla arum of t lie rnutx_eun+, than tha:~a~ crrevreo!.a aMff Ixe ~ nrd. <br />tlfierrstaa to nattaYr is h$ fora and acid, sad aafd ~ xhalt #a stuulad w tlr ~e of ati of a¢id praparty and may, rt ice opta.n. <br />duta+ne tM wide d aai$ ado sad a8 ¢ rsyreaaraRRai thereby to Sea Imardµtele rlre and payah!a, and may tnrecLae thin uenrtRagv <br />ar Ralu W silts iagrf atAiao 6o pawed its riglt ApprauromaoR weivsd. <br />'t'IS1 ~ alaii #er typtda!E trpor acrd shah sears ee the 4anailt of lfee haua, «xscuts,rn. admireiatraUUa, +.w.~vms.•:a ores naarReea „t rnr <br />r paatirat hesata. <br />p~3~h'. Wf'f'NE`$kt WfitiiliUt, rid iYSartFazor fu 3 iearatraun .urn ~. hr:r haexi ikw Any Duel t~wr [irat uhrsva <br />ft 1 <br />P. e .. <br />