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>ran+c,-c~[narrl~. L 23.@`~ N~IC <br />I~OritAi,E.t~18YT4i~EPRP~t~73:That Tisiothy ,I. Hansen and r'iaureen A. Hansen, each i.7 <br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />MneMPt,wletYraror srrs.fseerllrnSbsatgwtatraf <br />Twenty-seven THOUSand Five Hundred and NotIOO ________ __________________________ .,ra.a.. <br />>wnad to and mvtpyo. by The Egvia9k &rWine and Lena A.oaiwoe d Cnsrd idand, Ns6aata, MrsMea, ~ 275 diratcdneadt eat <br />aid ASSOCIA'tTtkl, Cartifiate No. L 23 I C , eb 6aebY yasn, ~Y and ~F oro the rill XSSOt9A7TOltF- tba ~'~L <br />ekarxiMd rql egNa, atltatad is FtaB Counly~ta: <br />LOT SEVEN ;7) Bi.OCK EIGHTEEN (78) BAKER'S ADDITION <br />Ti3 THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />tugethu wnh all the [entttretru, freredttarmv[ta and appt[rte-oattxs thereunto belottEm6, inclw7itta attached hoar coae[i[gs, a!i wadnw speeoa, <br />wtrtrMw siades, btouls. strain w[ndows, awausg, hrtugt, au txmidnwnutg, aaM piumbitg attd warm equrprrat sad accarorin theroto, pmaps,aitswa, <br />teftuenttas, arsd <#tiCY fututts and equipaart now ur hercdtar attaedred to or wed m umntrtiem with asd rent estate. <br />And whereas the ratd rnxtprgrr tw agrad and does hereby agce tfat rte mwtnagor shall and will pay ell taxn atul eaesrtaats kyiad or <br />assensd upon ad prettsaes amt upon the rtxutgtgt aml the beard secured t y fore the amr dtatl become delingwm: to fumiah approved <br />u[aurance upon the buddisgta +m card prtnstats xtuated m the sum rrt S Z 7 , 5001.0() payatrk to sod ASS(X'fA710N and to deMce to said <br />ASSO['IATICI!v r!u policxs tot sod tasutatr~: sad rtat to svmmn ar prrrmtt any wsae na ur about snot premaea: <br />la sax ,q ~Ynatt m t~ perlvtmatt:-< of arty ut ttx trrt~s sad c::a+fawns :_::hu retort :sr f:u FneW ~~seaA ixrehy, i,4e tuartgtq}u stg13. <br />on deaanaq, t+t catnkd to r[mrredute pusrasron n( the mottpgrd prenwes and the uaogtap,t herctry zaoyrs, «ansfm amt sets over to the <br />uxxt~ger yti the rtntx, rrrerstr[a and ~narme to bs dertval from the rta.ripgtrd pranusts dtuutE st[dt rota as the mor[=aye mdebtudness shall remain <br />unpaW; arrd the aautg~as shall hex tFUt Isawsr 41 app.=int aaY alts^! !x atlents r[ rwy dttaee Hvr the Propose ut repaustsA neat ptrmtees and Rttimd <br />tht scar attd nillectrag ilri rents, revenues sad itscome, and ri tiny WY <wt of std ¢aa~sane sli aapetuas of sepruittd said promraet attd mosmty <br />axsair3:~ ara£ tzpeases ;srtursed bR rauttag and traaa:~ the same arW t:( toiietYerid ernra6 tiserafrosn: the Mhsrtss roaamiag, if nay, [o is <br />-ppitcr; tuvrard ::a; .iii-•hasgs of saa3 aut;t~}e artehte.{naet, these rtfh[a of ftx rmrtg~gea may be axe:emd s[ anY tithe dusutg the aatstaasa of such <br />ek(ardt, irrespective vi nay remporaty wawa u: the same. <br />Tisasa~ FRtaeors, truwever, are upuo ttre Coaditam, That rf the sad Mautaagor d4sli repay ward iwn otr or btiwe tIN! maturity of uid shaven by <br />Pactaea;t, ~y aamthtY to ~ A3°~tJf,'IATtC1N si fhr mm apacn`ad m tt~ Bun.# seeuead fx[ehy as uteerrst and prtneipat un and twn, un or before <br />tht'I~wentklh daY of each and evwy rtxarth, until aa! hsan a fully pad; pay a!i oats amt ssseaaments ksved agarnat said prorsmas sad on the Mortpye <br />and tht t;urrd aecwsti thereby, before dahnquntty. f umtsh approved tnsusarxe rµwra the btutdmgs thereon m ttrc sum of 5 Z 7 ,SOD . OO payabk <br />to seed ASSOCIATI/N.d; repay to nerd ASSOCIATItN upon dsmetrd till rnmcy by n pawl for such oxen, ss+aarants and muaarra with InteraN at <br />thr maaemum kpl rate thtraar from daft of paytacnt a13 of which Monp~gut herehy egces to pay; permit nu waste oo tad pwatxs; keep and enmpiy <br />wnh all the ~eements a~ cartditsum ui the 8orsd fur S Z7 SOO.OO thn +htY gtvcn by the urd Martppsr to ssrd ASSO('lATtON, and raamply <br />wrth nit the eequ:remcrtu at the CoaRitu[gn nail lly ~isws of seat ASSL)C:FATION; then these presents shalt besysma null and vutd, utherwife they <br />tad remain m fall t'ara and naY be f::rtciesaad a the uptssm of tht seat ASSOCIATION after failure for throe memtha to Hake anY ul sae! <br />psymaats v[ be three mwstha in arrears m aakit[g ra[d rmmtidy paysaeats, or to koep avail amtply wUh the ayvasnrots and anditsorss of n,d Bumf; <br />eta! Mwtpdur ssarvas to Mve a rorxsvas apposrttat fwthwtih a sacM (urecYaura pres[aedtnp. <br />If there is nay chaope a uwsswffigs of the real estau taurtgged herein, by sda w cetherwm, thin the eatue retratoutg ittdMtadstetr hereby <br />axured shall, at thn option of The Egnitabk BnBdieS and Lwn Aasoeaatsern of (;rand lthnd, Nebraska, bswuane umtedtauiY due end pYabk wrthuut <br />iwther novice, ate the amount remaYr[rsj dun under said bond. a[d any other besod fw any addnsaal advsaeas made tMrotu[der, dsail, tran the <br />Mte of eaarcae ut sod oFtwn, batir mttroat a the taaaaaum kyttl rata. and tfw mortgage rtry then be foreedwd to sandy the amour[ dw urt nail <br />bead, arxl any es[tsr brad fw atidilwsur{ advances, ta~thar with all auma pain by aid The Equiuhk a[etldtsh{ ~ Loan Arruentron u( C,rond Island, <br />Ntbraai ~r fm tawsata~a. taaw utd maearasasu. and abwaciut{ cetenssun cMrgcs. wuh interest thereon, trrats data of paystteet at the ntaiimum <br />legit{ nor <br />As P tswded m the Huard enterer hs»by, while the ~tg+8s re[wees u+ etftx:t. the [awyatea nosy harerftw adyaaex addttsowi aura to tM <br />Haim of aaod sa.d. iGeir nt1i~ ~ aw;c«eoes;n bttarca. wAidt Hera idait be within tta aocuray or the tnaatat{a t!a aaate n ttte faada oript~ir <br />.rtr.d thereby, the testa! m~avtr of psiaop8 debt trot to earned u nay time the origjtu7 ataount of ehs ttnrrtpp. <br />nand ttra ?stn daY °f Navemher a. o , ty 8Q <br />t~ <br />' <br />Kgureen A. Hansen <br />- W9'ATE OFt~N~, 2dth daY e,r Novemfzer re f3l~ . baforo the, <br />r ~ ~ qa thin <br />......,.....~ .,....6 t <br />the ru,deraipsed, a Notary FRtbisr: m amt tw soil County, persuneHy sate <br />Tialotny J. Hansen and Maureen A. Nansen, each in his artd her i)ten right, and as~s~ of <br />eaClt D thrAr are hewn to <br />tr [a ha ifta rde[tard parssro s wtauas Hare s are affaW t(r the absvs reatrsrgwa » ztwttittgr>r 5 sad t heY ,~,Vh, <br />aattttwwA.d~9 fir awd taeartrassst sn ba tnei r ,okmsary act end ebW. _. <br />afl'i*: ~ kwW ~':ourid Ssai the sLer sfeastrsaW. _. ~T '4 <br />My Cussnwfioa cywar <br />_.. ±5 <br />.. _ .... _. - t.-..~. - <br />rrs.ertn - , <br />^,s:ayi <br />~ ~ v <br />