NO!•fGAC~ _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN too. L 23,8b6 ~~
<br />pipwAty~teaaav'tt~a;sel~tFSEff7s rsrt Robert J. Johnson and Merleen J. Joh^son, each in his
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />MoagsPr. whetter oae a }sons, is mddeAtim tithe t~ of
<br />Thirteen Thousand and 'iol100-------------------°--------------------------------
<br />taternd eta etas mortgytu by t7te Fgtdtahk ~6 ate ! oat Astoe6tioa of Gnod lira, lVabtata, Motsplpe. ttpoa , 130 abna d eoaelt of
<br />tW ASSOCIATION, Cettffivte Mo. L 23,&b6 . ar, t>e*t'hY s+u. and ttaorfpt ttmn (he ttsd A,43OC1ATIlXi the [oeowfe~
<br />dpnt6rsd r~ dote, vtsraed is tie6 Crwaty, Vebrdra~
<br />:~EBRASnA,
<br />ttaFt.itrr wsth a#I [br trvesnrnts, Sxredstarmns ao6 sgptufenan rs thereurrtu hehnytmg, uxiudut~ attuite~d Ilrwr vtertttp, aU wiw}ow x~teetn,
<br />wSedrm dudes, blinds, uatm ,vtadnsvs, awntttq, itat)rg4 au eundnwenertR, and tstumbmR am5 water egwpartat amd accessotsa thereto,
<br />p}}}ops, stores.
<br />refraysntvn, asM other futures sad ecpatpartrnt nr,w •x ivcreafter attached to ur ta¢d m ctmne. txxt wnh m,d rot caste.
<br />• _,• ;vftereas ±?:x ..,ter --. n:rtgage~ "as *kr-rd am5 drx, hr,.•h., a¢rce ,oar +M .~,.. rean+ .bail arse w,tl t>rv atl taxes and aarmoents Ieyied ur
<br />araslydr~upm sod prertaxs .srS upon Ihu :rti.rttgatar xnd the Mn,d tccurrd !hcrchr tx(urc ~hr same v.all (u+.vrne dehnyuent; to furnish approved
<br />rtus~arkx opus :hr hrsti$mg .m sod tatmsxs satuated .n the +um -:1 t 7 ;I ilf ~ r_~ emvahk !,. .ud A4.Sf)t-(AT10N amt [u delirer to sapl
<br />ASSUS: tATif)!'•t ttx psrfscs¢a fern lard e)uuranrz-and rtr:t :s= cr>_mma .x permn arsy wxstr r,n u. itix,w rani pretrsrxs.
<br />In use .ri defs+dt :a the peuernsemc ,d say ut tqe terms am5 .mwri n,rat .H thm ~nrt,Kq(r w t(K tnsnd .secured tmMY, the mortpga stall,
<br />on dtaraml• he eats&d to tmatedsair puuesamn of t~ aaxt~d prcmun xtw! nr nsorti(alsn hereby aa,[sau, trertafns grad net, user to the
<br />nksHyt{ea ~ :hr revs:, rcw.mms and :nra)me to iY Jerrved trsxm rhr ttxsrtysged {nemtaea dmuta uuh [rme as ttx :ssvttppc mdsbtedtwa shall attnm
<br />anps+d-. w : mrngatcrr ; h ne ;v,wer r:, spp, _ t avty agens Stmt. v t fi' fuse ,t -epatr)>g~satd prernlxs e)ad sen[tttp
<br />tap }sale asx5 ~,~~tn~ : - .er-,ses ate ,.,~aR+r. - 1 .- ~. fat ~ w.~ ti=~ - _~..~ _ „~msYS s.~ :tex-.srr
<br />_ : __ .,,.. _ , ._... . aiey. it ._
<br />~~5=t ..vast. - ~*. __ - __ :_ .. ~: n;~ - ry - 1...,. :f . ..: - ''`l. -. .... ..... , E::rxu,n:b. t.
<br />+y~-z<1 tr~+ird :hz driir~.t~Z .t ,a,r'3 -rs.rtgadt :ndebtrdnrv ~f ncr ~*at„^ ,nt. n.r,riFatkcr ~rur~. i» erne. r,ed,rt any r~se dmtrsK tix exutent~ of sue.!)
<br />uaaxtnf, erra3se~ P? ~:. a- , -> - r _ -, wr~ev¢e .,i ewe 3-_
<br />fir Nimes. ~=*wg!•-• .,µ ~ - - .~ - ,. 4 "E:,.:~.u =. _r2y 3 ~ ...x.. .. .~: 'AS ~[ :;3 i ,~.E' . .am s`.arEs' of
<br />payment. PaY raunttdy co .ara kzSiti'1A lt(ah :,i the ssm~ ;pecntev~ut the }fora secwed herrbY as intateat and prmrapai ran raad5lusn, un ur before
<br />thr T,sr ss tefq Jay uE each and ewy rrasnth, ua4i saad liner a las4ty pod. pay a3i taxes xnd tsaemrcnta)erxd apxe•ea seat premraes artd un. the kvrt~
<br />usd the lbnrt xtxsraed thrarM, tteforr drlwatserracy, twadt apposed rvsuras.u upw, !ar buddmes rhrswn vt the sum of S ; , 000.00 parable
<br />to sod ASStx:fATIUN; repay to asd 4SSf}CiATtUN r+Pm~:temusd aU marry by .r Sid tar such taan, aaaesunenes xrtd tnstuanrs wnh mterea at
<br />the aaumum kyf raft rgercws from due .H payment ut .,f whrch ~iurty,ta.x }leech} ~Strer, to paY - prrtmt ear waste on sod permses-. keop and curttp]y
<br />weth d::tx ssrscra¢aU saws camdstaxns c,f t1x Ms,rxi :ot S i 3 „)0':r . 00 tars :Say g,sen ny tae rant ?.fcrtgryp,r tr vad ASSttCtA'tTUY, and wmplY
<br />wsth ail ette reyuurments of the (: oaunuttun aaat Py~irr> of lard A,1SUt'IATIUti, then .lase {nesenes ds:l1 be.urrnc null and vutd, utlurwise they
<br />riot} rulers in (tstl toner amt may bs (:nerk d at Ih¢ upteun „f ttu sxu5 4SS{X~iA T1U!v ant: 'adore t~sr tfure n,unths !u rrukc auy set ss:J
<br />oayWett(: w ix rAttt ttwantts rn arrears en. makuyt -wtaf nnmtgfy pay }runts, .n to xeep arsd ~umplY weth (!x xgrecments and cundttmns u5 lard (fund.
<br />and Morty~tx agrrvs :a fsa,t x resxryct xppvmSed funhwnh :n ssscfi furnksaurc prsneedntgs
<br />Sf tq¢r¢ n xuy cha»ye m uwrx:ahsp u7 the :W estate uuzrtp0,ed tmrem, 6} rate .,r ~,rttutwsor, then the cntu¢ renuuuug indeb[edrreu hereby
<br />d m1aU`, ai thz s.~ison . ; iYsr Faanata:r Csusitr(gt was ism ,ire-ur-satxm ui i,rard iss~trd. etbrasa,'oe~orm rwrr¢dwroiy dbt atxi paYabie wiiMrut
<br />ftrtlaat nvtra, sad }Etc attawnr tennatusg due uodcr su3 boru5, arsd any enter tw)ruf !nr any xddntunxl adnnccs made thertundtt, shat}, irctm the
<br />da4 01 rxorase of vnd nptxm, hear mterea ar the maxvnsua igla{ rue, and rhrx rtaartgake nvy then tx totec1vsed to satulY the xnnrunt der un sand
<br />tavasd, utd aa} ,utter frnwl i..r adddrsaul adrau ra, tu~,ether wnh a6 soars paui by sod ?he tysutab~ t!)ailduyt amt thwrt Asra:utaon of [;rand I;Wrd.
<br />NMaaza tar rauvsans+e, taxes sod acaesantents, u+d ataatracttng txiertanut ~gargea, with mtearst thernm. foam date :.rt paY~nt at the rnuamum
<br />toy} net.
<br />As m tlu 9tattd stwupf herekry. wfuie tits ttautpye reaawta ut effeu the tttarct~ may ttptafua ulsaox sddatxarut luau to t&
<br />listen atad Srnd, tMu > ,a atsxx~tua m sniareu, soma stall qe wtthan tie txxutetY of this nrartpge the lasts u else rands urgissaOY
<br />tersuad tSwaeby. ttse us(a( aaaauat .,f ptouPal dab} nut to rxcud ai any suss tae urytrril anunutt u(egts tswrtg:tst
<br />1 Z~Lfi ;i,~r ,,t -..- Yovemner { {>, I4 'Stl
<br />~ ~~ /~.tx~~
<br />4ierleen nson °'--
<br />~ -.
<br />;~t`ATE ~ rtt~xw. ~ u
<br />f~*}7Y t3t?tiAtl.~>s. ••°`ms ~Atn a+Y o' ftgVC'ml)er ~~;:i11 netwerss,
<br />3
<br />yRotlert J. ,ighnson and'~rleer, ,. Jahnsar:, °1~~'"~a'~='"°taswbt,rr,rxndt,,:,x,d(:.nntr.f>pt~,ttaffy~trta
<br />each fn his afnd'?"#er qtr: ri fh: and as 5prr~5f :~f NdCh ntf)e3•~ wM, see t~rxmatfyk~nttr
<br />aar (ts qa (1qI adpatCai }wau) ; ahuae awne `; t r@ xniarA [o the above aaarament ~t msarsga4.x `= sent • t?P y sevrratl}.
<br />~d tho amd atmre,utann tv M Lht'' r d,tatary ~ and
<br />w ~ xt 4eat.
<br />K!`r'v m„ ?atw# atad ~ }'~~ t*.z dau ate~t~n! .
<br />it f
<br />si± s.ti.~. •°7 t r..< . . ' a -- _ ""`-,.re.: sr ~ ~ s `' ~_.. tt 7~ahhc
<br />+ara,na u
<br />