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r ...~._.._._ <br />,; ASSTG~1'I OF Ia~iD CONTRACT , fl -'~ <br />~- Fa eonsideratioa of Snail Business Administration (S$A) approving a loan is the <br />. aarauat of $ 20>1~.00 sad to induce SBp to dialrurae said amount [o <br />tae pIIrC6laeta named is 8n A <br />estate described therein as: <br />caveriav :al. <br />kY East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E~FJE;[j o€ Section Tvo (2), Township <br />xS Twelue (12j North, Range Eleven (11j Xest of the 6th P.N., Nall County, <br />G.:- Nebraska. <br />i~trein Charles Dares and Georgia E. Dazes, husband and wife, <br />is named as Seller, said Borraver does hereby assign and set over to SBA i`cs succes:ors <br />and assigns, aZl their right, title and interest in and to said Agreeseat. <br />'?(f NAME AND TO BOLD the same from the date hereof during the taros of the bast <br />referred to above, as collateral aecurlty for said loan, subject to the following terms <br />a~ c.il5$#tic~nia: <br />1. $orrower shall at all times hold SBA, its successors sad assigns, harmless <br />froe say such obligations and from any and all liability cahieh may at any Cane arise <br />from said Agreement. <br />2. Borrower agrees that they shall noE have the power to and vial not modify or <br />terminate the above described Agreement eacegt by payment in Eull, without prior <br />written cottaeat of SBA. <br />3. Ia the sweat of any default on the part of Borrower on the Note to SBA or airy <br />extension ar renewal thereof, or any other obligatior. or agreement made in connection <br />with tF.t aforesaid loan, SBA without notice, may enter into and take possession of said <br />premises. <br />4. SSA shall. mot, except in the event that tt takes possession of Borrower premises, <br />be under any obligation at any time to perfarm any of the abligatioas and duties of <br />$orrower and shall not be booed by any of the terms, conditions, provisions and covenants <br />which may be bindic~ open Borrower undr? the above 3escribed =,greemeat. <br />S. $t-srrr,.-ex agseea eo extend option in the Agreement contained from month <br />M ~a*__h -.' __ .,t.-..d by the _~.~ anc.~ con..~,.::or.a of ---em=-_ asd in the e~.ggt Che <br />ogtioa is exercised sad $orrower purchases+said property, chey sill forthwith execute <br />a €irat ami pri'o~r/ mortgage on said property ro SBA. <br />/ ~. <br />1! (Dyne F#el~'1E--- f 3 <br />~'~ nde Pfeifle, ~s w~e-~/ ~-"'~ <br />STATE OF NE$RASKA ) <br />~,. ~ ) SS <br />CDUNTY 4P_~~j <br />Oa this ~5' d$y of ~~, 19~, before me, the u~rsi~ned, a, Notary <br />Pab1 `~a~td"~o'r~l uaty sad SCaCe personally appeared r rtLl'~~ ~ ~' <br />,~, <br />to a~~k to psraan(s} described in and who executed thy; foret,airg in- <br />strut end atic~vl~gad that executed the same as vol- <br />ua~ act sad deed. --~ - ~ -- -- <br />:~ ttu °• F: <br />GEC-,- ,-,~ ~ :. y...,~,:~,w <br />1 NOTARY PUB + <br />r .- _ <br />!~' ~gsgisaioa expire+r. ~y._ .. .-._.-._.:,_~ <br />