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~~~ ~f1if 8~1 <br />~MORT t=oRM _ 9~ <br />PROPERTY tMPROV6MEf+tT LL>ars Nember____ 45606 _-_i.::at"-"i~'se' <br />rofltt No. 2t i fitrv.. 5177/ <br />REAL ESTATE MaRTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL MSN BY THEB~ PRB~Pf$ <br />THAT. f:~~:..~e...~~R~€E. apL_.~.~Rda?..G.,_.~A.d~F....h.dD51...dRSi..leL1i,~....].R1A.t~.X..AAd..RA+Gh..3A...t~eir opa <br />right, <br />l:aw+tinaf0er called Mottgagotr, in t~aideration of the stmt of _. THIRTY SIX THOUSAtiI! EIGHT H~ <br />..F.3.~YEN._ArVR..9Q11Q0---...--:----..---....--;---- W- ~-._-.-.--_---.-...--~- ~---._--. <br />($3b,811.90 ) DOLLAR, the r~Pt of which is hereby aclmawledg+ed, do hetebg MOItRY~#~It3$ <br />amd CONVEY an sbaolute title, including all the rightm of homestead and inbenita>x+e, tattn FtR~f` <br />FEDERAL. 9AVINGB AND IRAN A390CIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hmeiaaitm called <br />Mmr~tgae, its and atoms, the following deecnibed real estate, situated in__.._.~ x?ll <br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />Lot Zhree (3) at Jack Vosa Subdivision in Hall <br />t;ounty, Sebraska, as surveyed, platted and <br />recorded in Hook 104-A at Paine 4 ~+~ Leeds ir_ <br />the 'Jff3.ce of efie Rey,;ister or Ueeda of Hall <br />"ounty, :7euraska, <br />fiCi i-If.,'E AiiiD 'I~, E€t)`i~ the rani €staie e~ive descrihed, with ail appurtenances thereunto <br />belorontin¢ unto the said Mortgagee, forever; pravidetl alwags, and the :..ortnabe is „an the azp:4as :,... <br />r3iuRni thstt if the afof~esaid :s#artgagors, their heists. e~cutors, administrators nr assfgna shall pay or cause <br />bs paid ra t.tts said Mart¢a~e, ftt snczv~lora at aasagna, thrr p~ncipaI sum hereinabova sat forth, all <br />accrordiag to the tenor and effect of a cetfain installment note of said !tortgagors bearing even date with <br />thu mortgage. and shall pay tease and aseea~nts levied u{xm said real estate, and all other tales, levies <br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />same or any installment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in fnli ffur.a. <br />IT IS PURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such fazes, the <br />'•~ ~Y PaY ~+ same and the sum so advanced with intermit shop be paid by said Mortgagors, <br />and thu~inorigage shall stand as a~urity for the same, f~) That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee <br />tha# they ate wfully seised of said real estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />against the lawful claims o€ aU persons whottesotrver. {3) That in case of a foreclosure of this tnortgage, <br />the plainti$ in such proceedings shall he entitled to take poou of the premieea, protect the same and <br />oolkct the rents. issues and pm8ta thereof. (4) That a aiif ure to pay eny of said money or any instaU- <br />mettt tbtreof whit the same becammsa due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shall caure the whale sum of taottey herein seYwtted to become due and collectable at once at the aptioa of <br />the Mahe. <br />t6es..:,..:;._..dayof..... _. 1~,:.._s,~. ~ ~ ~ 19."'x,, <br />_ , <br />'gTA~g GF ~~ Linda C. Sander <br />w. <br />».-s <br />Ua ~ ......'~~._,._...... day of .,...-k-..,.~-....::..., t9:.~~~bt[eer mt, tht u~Ite:ilmtd. a t3a6tey ~ aafl-2bet- <br />eaiQ Cftmb'. eeeeeeW7 auoe .._ (;ar~,._L, _Saroder, and Linde C._..Sander,,_„tzueb~,nd a3ta.,i~g.wT._ y...w.,v.. - .. <br />Jereteatf7r kaewa to saM to b- the iAta{ioel t'~ whtr aaatee set -AnA b ttr ebtw sad farygitsa. ~enttaess:.aa - . <br />. toed wri eekawrWaed ta1d frrtaveesat bo ht hsa or her •~rrr act eed cod - <br />tLe AM+~aw atMrfet eeei st....._ ._... ~.:.>.~.-...;_.,:a..... ~.,.:... ,.max. ..:.-,._::a+._,-. fi...r..c: ' ~ - ,..„, <br />- i s~ ~s.~ <br />- ~ far. ,z 4:zf,1~, <br />. ->"e.~ <br />` n4raa,bxiaa asplsrt..:>.:-..:~... .... ~' ... ,_...' ...,__.. _.,.._,_, '- t ~ :-,. <br />