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8~?-= tJ(1 ~8~p <br />stfof:r troy t.cest twxtteer__!+~1 __ - ~ <br />~toretrr,r arrt~avsresar -- -~- <br />.~. ~,.:, t t1lr,r. ~ t ITre <br />MEAL ESTATE MQRTGAGE <br />i~ow ALL turf BY T~ >rs <br />TBAT_~~.4~~~...4.~..~5~,?,~~:_a??d.Dgb?:a..Ie.~...F~~~&- h,`g~~..t..~t~,...is2xutLX Ana an~h trir <br />otrn r L, <br />hessaaafbe: catlesf Mortgtgmt, is a®tldseat3ort o3 the sma ot_.~.k5ik~ii..TEit2It~2~? IDfl <br /><~ %, 5?~- ~~ )DOLLARS, tfx ~ which s4 heze~ . do taerebg h~ <br />ami CONVEY as abaohztie title, including all the rights of h~es;ssd sad inirmitamae, tmtt FRRSR' <br />FFIIERAL 3AVIAIGB AND IRAN AS90GIATION OF I3NCOLN, h~ hn~ftes ea>trd <br />A4os^tgagee, its eaccamors tad assigtts, the following described reef settle, aittttted ia_..._...~~1......_.___~ <br />Comity, Stalls of rB8Rh8NA, to-wit: <br />wot ''_°wo -,~?, :1oex T_iairteer;• ~,i3!, cJl' ;'cniatmer'r. 'ddition to <br />*re;; of ;rand 'eland, riall Co.u;*.y, 'tetraska. <br />Ttl IIAV>? A=`'7D Tt~ fI+[tLI) the real estate shoes ~3e.~ribed, wsth all appurtenane~ thereunt<r <br />bsk+ngh'i$ unto ills said Mortgagee forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the eapress con- <br />ditisn ~ if t ~ a..,rid t€o~ f~ieir rrey e~~-ufTare. admiuratrsta~aa or artiste :.hail ~y or muss <br />to kie paid to the said Mortgagee, its ai±rrcdeors or aseigna, the p~ac~pal sum horeinabove eat forth, all <br />mceortflstg to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of acid '~4ortgagora bearing suet data with <br />tins mortgage, snd shalt pay taxes and aese~nents levied upon said real ctitate, and all other lazes, levies <br />and assesearents lev~ad upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to aerate, before the <br />arms or any Anetatlmeat titereaf beoomes delinquent, than this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in hill force. <br />iT IS FURTHER AGREED (1} That if life said Mart~gar shall fait W pa y such lazes, the <br />Mortgagee may pap the arms and the tun so advances with irtterert ahatl be paid by said Mortgagors, <br />and this mortgage shat! stand as sa+.•urity for the tame. (2l That MoRgagom covenant anth the Mortgagee <br />that ttasy are wt~lly eeiaed of said real estate sad covenant to warrant and de€end the and real estate <br />agaitutt the tawhil chums of a8 parsons whomsoe*rer. (3) That in case of s foreclosure of this martgnge. <br />~ plaintiff in sucA prnceediiogs shall fie entitled to take p~s~an of the premises, ptotecL the same and <br />collect tiva rents, issues act profits thereof. t4} That a failure to pay any of and money ar any instaI!- <br />t~st thereof when the same becomes due, or a faiiute to comply with any of the foregoing agreenwnts, <br />shalt cause the whole arm of ~Y herein secured to heoome dos and collectible at once at the option of <br />the ~. <br />` thip..;asa..., day af_...._.:~,xa,~a-m:~az___r.,....... <br />~:~ , <br />---- . ~. s,.._....... _........_.._. <br />~,.~~s „,. lla7~er <br />~,U <br />ATE ~ ~~ <br />q!~ wi.._.._.T.,1Z__W... dry d _.~.Lr....., tY9~a bafaaa .na u» w~de++irar.d. a N®ta*'r PubiK. in and tar <br />said . twraaraBr asa ...~QS~+I..s_t2s ' e ' ,.`vs~~i:~i.,>,,._:del.:.ts;,-.i::~2:erii..:av1..~e.._.._....._ <br />P! h~ zs me tw ip Wa idm~ Psoawr wheat aaass ate aiftttd to tlr thaw am! to+aN+r+e ~>rM~aR r <br />mwtteaaar, tad each adaawetwteaa saidmwmnset Bo b t+4. or her vdantary act and and. <br />w' ass" hard and wpdo5at tad at__..._...___..,_._.:.i"._.b~;'sa~'-~,s _~'.G~~x?s_. <br />fha dw ~t +riaiw S, .... . <br />}~ e ~ q <br />_::-:;,.wa,~......~;. _ _ ~~~ :mot ,_ _ .~:i.'~fiil~.. <br />k ~'~ <br />~--1 . _ <br />~fstit~r: '~ i9$I .~ <br />