Zn conaidnatioa of Sonli Duaiaass .;dminiacration iSBA) approving a
<br />amount of S 10.7.1111 sad to induce SSa co 3lsburse said amount to
<br />loan !n the
<br />Thomas ~g¢gA„~, ana saw t.=rte a~ri.R~„_.,_>.~..a a..~e ...cow iSorrover)
<br />t2~ purchastss namid in an .lgraaseat dacad .tune 14, 19f'0 covering real
<br />a!><ata dascribad therein as:
<br />Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter {NW'w) of Section Twenty-
<br />~ree (23), Tnwnship,Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (4) West of the fith Prime
<br />keridian, then duo East along [ht Quarter Sectinn line 1,637.5 Feet to the point
<br />of beginning, then Nnrth parallel to the East line of said section a distance
<br />of 1,327 Feet, then East parallel to the Nnrth line of said Section a distance _
<br />'of 43fi Feet to the thread of the north branch of the Platte River, then
<br />deflertinq in a Southwesterly direction along the thread of the river to a point where
<br />said river is intersected by the South line of the Northwest Quarter (Nib-~) of said Section,
<br />then West along said Quarter Section line to the point of heginninq, all of the above being
<br />Vlbirs~'.~l ('aunty, Nebraska. ~ ~ 1_ F,~PYS, TNL. ROBERT W. L.ASSEN PRESIDENT_
<br />is named as Boller, said 8orrover does hereby assign and set over ca SEA its succeswrs
<br />and assigns, all chair right, title and interest in and to said :lgreement.
<br />'f0 HdvE A'JD TO HOLD c:tc same from the data hereof during the terse of cha loss
<br />referred to above, as collateral securit^: Eor said 1o:n, subject co the Foiloving tttasa
<br />and conditions:
<br />1. Borrower shall ac all timee hold SBA, its successors and assigns, harmless
<br />from any such obiigationa and from any and all liability which say at any time arise
<br />fznm said Agraameat.
<br />2. Borrower ogress chat that' shall not have the power co and will not modify or
<br />tarminata the above dauribad Agr~t ezcept by paymtnt is full, without prior
<br />wciCtaa coaamat of SBA.
<br />3. in the avant of any daEault on the part of Borrower on the Kota to SBA ar any
<br />attaasioa ar ranawal theraot, ar say ocher obligation or agraamant made in coaaaetioa
<br />with 'cha afaraa:id ioan, SSA without notice, say enter into and cake posaeaeion of said
<br />pr~siaae.
<br />6. SEA shall not, azeapt is cha avant that it takes poaaaa:ion of Eorrowr promises,
<br />be utadar any obligation at any tiers co perform say of the obligations and ducias of
<br />Er:rrowor shall rzat bs boon-+ by aay of the tart3ia, conditions, proviaioaa =~ covenants
<br />which stay be binding upon Borrowr under cha above dascribad Aarasant.
<br />:. Earrowar agrap to aztand acid option in the Agreement caatained from loath
<br />to aoath as required by the tecaa sad coaditlons of said Agreement aad is the avant cha
<br />option u axorciaod and Eerrovar purchasaa said property, ehey will forthwith ezacuce
<br />a Eirst and prior rorsgega on acid property to SEA.
<br />,.
<br />Dated ~~~/ St.1 l9
<br />V'f o. L. .:,n er~,an
<br />a'1S"'rTarzi 'snserson
<br />STAiE CfP 1+1EBRAStM }
<br />) ~S
<br /><.Y)IdiiY 0l~~ . ~ c _ )
<br />On this z - day of ;~_ - .. ~ , ._~ ~_-._,.. , 19 ~ ~ bafora ma, the undaraigaad,
<br />a +btary Pub is in and for said County and Stara persossally appeared
<br />to m! eo t e parson a ~dtacrl6ai in sad who axacuted the foregoing inatrumaat
<br />sad atkllawlotbjad tort rt n~-,•. axotuted the same as ~~,,...~ voluntary act and
<br />dead.
<br />is>4Ai,) i
<br />~,: ; ~ r~
<br />!t~'PA$Y PUtlLI ~,
<br />~~~~
<br />!1t' aoaaeiasioa aapiraa
<br />