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~~- tj(I;~'13 <br />d. For better security of the irtdebtedness hereby secut'.d, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors <br />or assigtut, mortgagor shah execute atul drit-ver a supptaaentat mortgage or mortgages covering arty additions, <br />improvements, of tuatertrterits tmadr to the property haeinatxlvr described and all property segrired by it afta <br />the date Itaeof {alt in farm satis#atxtyry is tnongageef, Futhermtyre, shauid mortgagor fail to t:•arr aoY default <br />in the ^vytrrrnt of a prior err inferior eruatmbratzce ~ the prpperty described by this instrument, mortgagee hero <br />b7' agrm to txrttrit mortgagee to cure such default. but ~VRre is nee obligated to do so; and stxh edvancxs <br />shaft bectune part of the ittdebtedttess setaued by this inattvmmt, subject to the same [erms and conditions. <br />e. The righCS orated by this grneyance shalt rettsttin in futl force alai effect during any postponement or <br />est msitm of the ttmt of the payment of the indebtedrtrss eviderteed by saki promissory ntyte or notes, or any <br />part tleercof scatted hereby. <br />f. To contittatousty rrtaintaia Itarard insurance, of such type or tppes and in such attlounts as the mtxtgagre <br />!nay from time to time require on the improvements tttsw or islrraYta on said property, anti wilt Pay promptly <br />when due any premiums thaefot. A[t insutatsce shall be carri~dtn companies ae~We ee mortgagee atxi the <br />pttlieirs attd rtttewals thereat sltaU be held 6y tnertgagtz attd have aita~td thereto toss payable ctausea in fauor <br />of atx# in Corm asceptats:c to the rtlortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing <br />to mattgttgee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if no[ made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance <br />company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make paytrtettt for such loss directly to mortgage <br />instead of to mortlptgor and mortgagee jointly; and the i95ntanlr proe_•mds, or any pan tbzrasf, may be applied <br />hY rrtortgagee at its option citha to r.he rcductien of the indetstrdttess hereby severed err to chr restoration or <br />repair of the property damaged err ekseraytd. In evrm of Comtosure of iMs mertgage, or other trartsfer aC title <br />to said prcrpsrzY in rxtinguislrmrnt a>f the indebtedness secured haebY, all right, [ilk, and interest oC the <br />tnortgagar in sort so any insurance policies then in farce shall pass ro the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />aptlon of tttr s;narattagcr. may br sunendrtred far a refund. <br />JF To keep a~i! iwitdiags and other improvcmenis an said property in fwd re <br />g pair and canditian; ±o <br />pexmp. commit, err suffer ao waste, imPavtaent, detaiaratiatl at' said property err any part thereof; in the event <br />of failttrr of the tnongagar to keep the huildusgs on said premises and those erected cm said premises, or <br />improvements Charon, in good repair. the ntttngagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem <br />ttecasary far the Proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and cvm• such payment shall be <br />imu ~iat~y due and t%tYalstr, and shall be secured by rite itin of this mortgage. <br />, . iu uW toiunsue4iy ~ereu ,K t,rrmrt [n or srcatttt against me proper +ubtect to tn:s mortgage arty !ten <br />err i~ infertar to the Lm of this mortgage wtvrout wrattea 4ansen[ of the mottgaerr; and father, that mart= <br />g,agor wilt keep and maintain the same tree from ehe claret at aq Dersons supptying tabor ur materials Car con- <br />ntrut-iron at anp and aft Mnlditlgs err ttapr:ytetrrents now bring erected or to i+e erected an said nremtses. <br />s rat rcttt .x a~=get a~ty,~~, r'f the rrttt of said ;na^,gttggd }~rtyt'~.,v .;r ;}e-mciisf~, or remove. ur <br />uetbstattttaliy ahxt am hrtrltdir_.g ti<tt~aut the wsiuen uxtsent of the inartgager. - <br />,_ Alt. aw:rats Ft..o to .:o•t;ae. w,.,, a.-=y e.y;.demr~tirrr for p>Ihtic „-- ,-' _," - .iurY to aav of r- <br />prnPerty sutylecz to this moriaagr ere hereby assigned and shat! be .,a"a to :nort~ager, +~ .,may awry t~ ~.~ €u <br />payrrsexti of itu instaltmeots test due ui>der said rtotr, and mortgagee is herebv authortzecf. m zhe name of the <br />rnortga7tar, to exr>~ztte amt deliver o--atid acgtiittaucrs thrrcaf end to appetti from any such award. <br />k. Tex mortgagee shalt have the right to inape,:t thr mortgaged premises at any trasonabtr time <br />!. To comply wuh the provisions of any }case rf this Mortgage is an a leasettoid. ff this Mortgage is an a <br />trait m a condemtmum tx a plattrted unit deaciopment, Horrawet shat! perform all of Horrowrr'<. abtigatiatts <br />utt~rc the dectaratean err covenants creaetng or gov@rning the eor/domrntum or pkanned snit deve}aPrnent,the <br />bv.laws attd rrgalatians of the condarrriniuaal or ptattnrtt affil devetapmtmt, and cattsatuent dorumrnts. <br />2. prfau}t rn any of the coseruu-ets err ^.auditions rf this ntstrumrm err of the note or lean agermrm rc4ured hereby <br />shall tam:ttate the mortgagor's right to possesswn, use, atbl enjoyment of the property, at the option of the <br />morte err autgtta in being agterd chat the mangagm shad have such right until defauttl" ijpan any nub <br />default, flee trjtyrtgagce shalt htx^ortte rtu owns of a!! of the trots and profits actunng afta !tefault as seeurtty for <br />tltr utde#gedaac secured tgereby, with the right to enter upon said property fur the purpose of collecting such <br />rrnts arxi igoftts. This imartrmant shat) operate m an irsaignnrertt of a~ rentals on said property to that extent. <br />_. €: _ tr~.trr aeiattts. a ft~ is rtsdte any fiaYments when due w to conform w and comply with env of <br />tlxr t`txsditttsns err asreceettts €~tatta+d in th-.i_q trt~t or thrv :+asia it sc~ures. titan ttte enure prinespa} <br />stria and ac-r:teed intaa~ shall at once tues,onrr flee cruet payab~, and draw _ ` _ per :-rm t 1f?.54?rrnt interest <br />tltitttat#tsx tnnil at tlxelrrt~ of the mortgagee; and the! merge may thereupon tvr farec}osed rmmrdiately <br />f# the s"'ttetkr of tttr itttlebs~ztttess hereby ssaxtred. inrlind}ng the +atxn of extending the abstract +yf tiNr from the <br />dsse of this moe°egagr to the titre of cenutteatcing such sun. <br />Sixteen atyd orte-ttal~ <br />#• let the evera of a ftxt*c~ttaute tx daiattk as prorti~ttl heron, the mtxtpager shall at ont`c hr rmnled to the txrs- <br />i flee. acrd enjoyment of the rtal estate aforesaid arttt to the rent- tssurs, rayahtrs, artd prattle tixreof, <br />ht~ the aurruirte of z!Klt rights sad during ttte prndem7. of ttxeriosure pracct^dings and such ;xxrrss:arn, .ti , <br />i+'at tae dt~veted to ttte tttort~,tgee apart retjueat, aeon failure such delivrn• aR' ouch t#nsrsansn ens; hr <br />+aitart~rd by snort; fry any atgtrot>;rplte leipa! pnacardingy. irtclud <br />iltg a tRYY1Yer toy! ttkr piet1er17. <br />S. '#lm Prat of any salt>af satrl prt>~ttY =n as_-ds~x rxth tit.: !`° ~`6°tiit~ }raragtap.= -.~i ~ siH?=:eE9 'its; :- <br />ptrt the castle seal exprrrers v# sacra sit#, the exPeaers irtrttrred ~x t?sr nmrt~aeP +~• ,?+~ p[rr+4~• r;t „ ..._ - _ -.} <br />- - 'takl prottrr'tY. =;~ndlY. ity fray the ixut€hi=1n.,± -_s,.,,l t,~_t~: ...n. , .,d#:.., . ,4-*; . - <br />exeexb qst titer t.ersrsn .• Evet'sx tm~[aliy~ tturticd tttrretn. ~ ~ . <br />