<br />~~
<br />€~~-.t) ~' `~ ~ ~ Q MORTGAGE
<br />7RSS tliDl rri eSi-,24tb _^_ day at_ ovembez ----_---__.. t9 ~~ . by and hetweea
<br />Robert L. 3akisbtytraki _and Isabelle B. 3akttbryvskl, husband and wi€e~ each in his and her
<br />Han ri ant „apf{_3„y„g~aptgtrtp aF thgnLr_ -~~.~_--------.-_--- ___--
<br />d ~.~tt I __Catmty. Na4aika, s S_.. and Gtaad Iaietd Trtttn Covµsny of Grind tailed, a twpoeatan
<br />ae~aeiaed aad at3ethts tmtiar Jr kras at kfekeaaiu wkb ita pt~peE office and pktae d boeates eL Grand Eaktnd, piebtaska, u nsorcg~e:
<br />t~E'fKR.SS~TA: T4atttdd atartipttars ..leeadi$a~deratbn~tke s.~d _ _
<br />_TIiI.Et._.:~141ES8~ Tin Datlarf3_ „_~?._~/rte a•a:st*:**r~t*~***,t~ye~:'~ ~ f.
<br />tkr ndi@t of t.hih is h~dry . do ~ ity thre paseots taartgaga and - - -~ ~• ita~yslWge aad aeaigne.
<br />kteaar. alE the tttai estate, ~uteda the ce,mLy of _. -.. _ Ha 11--- ---- v
<br />aad 9iaee of Nelxuka. terwit:
<br />The South Fifsv Peet {56') aad bight Inches ($") of the '.6orth One Hundred Three Feet (163
<br />and Four lashes {4") of the 4)est Oae-Half {ems) of Bloch Two (Z} in Pleasant Home Suhdivis
<br />a€ Part of the East Half of the Southeast +:,?uarter {E!;S&~~? of Section Torenty-One {2i) in
<br />Trnmship Elevzn {il) 5orth, Range 91ne {9}, kea>t crf t'he 6th P.W., [:isc cif C:rand Island,
<br />Hall County, 4ebraska.
<br />5'r>lpsth~ web si{ bnl.tng, au caodittotunlt. itghttntf, aad plun:.itsa eywpmeal. ataf futunaa. ;nclmiing .rtveas a n;ngs., stares wrndows and
<br />doors. and wisdo. akeds or biieda. tread tw a m amsnacnn with swd pea}+aet r whet her the ante.. s.e c..w icuttai rsn was.i nnKxert.~ u. hanasFter
<br />oiresi tkaerua
<br />TSZ 7iA4~ A_':L •m E}c_tLi3 "r4{€ y~E, r~t.__ wsk ~ ett?t ~ tax its. !s~zLn=~ ~~ ~._re.-t„~:e,~ i!ti°srxrxn he-
<br />u"+~'~i, ux rn s~.-wix sr~..-~•-~.. :ores. sad waresa: the :n.'f m::nE nase;E. 5a_i ., o~aA: .~ `=rte,. ,,,.-~~. n? w,th a.
<br />- rr sro rd ~ ~ d ~ :~ aa.a;~a .` driv`Aa~ e.iretare. ~ :. ~- rss•~>.n.~. gym, coat ,r•,._ .+re
<br />warzua sod dnird the tit6a tharsta it~rw agarttu the rfaans std asartaie ai eli perxms whnuxawv,a
<br />Y(tUV EUf~f3 AGVItAY&, sod Lka iaatritaatst w esarutsd aid dekvwed w aexm the psY:nant .,f tha aum rtf -
<br />Chte<< 1'h.!usxtxl Ten ;)~i;ar5 anti Etc)ji~+U e><,txamaaax=tx.,~x-.xstbilars•a '~' +
<br />g+t¢ftA iaiwar.:ist+ron, ttealhar with eaak tkee,Ys tsrd rdvsnny as maY ix dues sad payab6a u: aad rteortgatt~ ussdn +ix~ tnrtn> amt r.rndita,ns
<br />-~ the pmnaesory strata of was data iau:te'ak aid scared hat„tsy. executed by sad rrasrtgsnnr 5 t.. yud awrtaat{se_ WYatsle t:, rntsr - ant
<br />...qt pfd ants. std 4a e+attr tM #arfarwner of sii tLe testae and eondatoaa wtH,surtad thatatn The rxra» of sad n.ax• are hseey usearyeaatad
<br />'fiaaie 4Y ~ tagtanas.
<br />Et h the i~lSSaand of the pastas hntau tier thw ®artgsp ahail atao satvts any futssro advaa rnaia w sssd mwtytascx ~_
<br />"'yy and monaatgtt, std say ud W: imabtadaerr, m addition w the ram oat ab,ve atwwi rhr6 u.d mnnKagor+..~r am .,i tr.~rn. spa ...• +.,~
<br />said ~. max eridmt~, *hel.~ by xis, Mrs ~xx-.sat .ter uLrwrs~. :r*n, ~'rtgse a;•as::~rxu: ;n !uii h„r.~~ sm.1 r.::a.~:.r:=r~-ac
<br />the parties hmetn std tbau hats. persoaai raptsusntau:se, auaceaaors and asasptte, untal ail ettuwntn secarre.i faaeunder. snclud:na tutun•
<br />adarttasa, afro ptwi in rui: w-sth :rat at.
<br />'Pits y- iwroky aasitpa W sad n»ttafegea a!1 teats aad :eronea ariesxtd as arU• asai x11 txmt+ irum Hard prrperty anu
<br />k~Y authoress said n'axigsgaa tt its spear. at Res <ptran. upuu delaitit, w take riu:ga of sad Wui~Y esd esdlx~c ali r.nt. am{ :exp.>m.•
<br />t6+aahatr trod sryfdy ti. sass M eha PtOaat d asYaraat., patampri. i~ traanww. tars. eea+tamaata, sgatas or wprm~uwavta
<br />neatatatty st kaap std pnapMt~ pe oaaaatekie aadiitim, a to utMt ckarps w paymou pwvidad fnt ktnaia w in the xce kerrfrY secured. 'rh,s
<br />tau at~meot nkaS cantieam ~latcas toga tfra unpaid kaEaets of sad apse is futEy paid, Tke taking of ptsassirm hweutaWr sMll in m raanrtar
<br />peraeai ee t.aad .osE saot6pgse ie she reu.?iva d +yid +otm. hy_ roesrMsura ur nther.•tsa.
<br />Tke fsi&tta of the is tsaeett aaY cd .ta r-tdLris :>~m -- a any tuna abaci n.d. ha runatruad ax a a~arre .,E .x ~. rytht t~, ax..ert the
<br />ware at att> letter rises, aad s iaeiel apon aad «rttatts attics rampiirnr¢~ wstk all rho terms and prevwwna of sad mrcx and .:! thsa narrtrtsttr
<br />Ef Hid aaaetpaaor s chap tatua an hs paid b acid mwtgatta~ the aatua smonnt. due rt lauaattrtesr, aad ursdar th.! le+rn,s am! prsua.wsu.
<br />d said gait kntadgry saea[ed, iaaktdiee lutuna adwasa, and any eate®axsas w rwawale thereof ®att~otdae~ wirdt the a •rmu and yravraun.
<br />aad H aid -.i._.. ekdi etmp~ adth ail xir ptevwotw of acid mac sod of ibis twutysgo, then i.taaw prssauta shall be void.
<br />ttirieanistia rateele is ht~ kao aad sfhea. and tsshi abaft ba wa.xiad w tM paassaioa d ai! of aad propsrty. staff essay. ac its uutanr.
<br />atiatas~ ist amads ai tatiw sass aad stn iatgces~ant woe
<br />IaplWan[aa GMUay tmrnW Wady flan aFd payaLie, ani ewY hsncliba Lkb mcrctt;aKe
<br />tR tabs resit' ether krttt ac,4an m paetau~t aL ttaiu Apprriseaam wa,wd
<br />'s`kis +apeypt«a ahail tea ttgws aixX akatl route w tfr htwe8t of tM hairs, sxaeuttxs. sdmiWattttars, asceaessrrr± amt assytoa .d t:er
<br />*atgwtit*e patties kaeata.
<br />f*i H'?'E"iii~Fi Wfiti:RkY3f'. tsad kSa:tpsgrx .a ha .-tx:. hava:aw asx ....._..... ksnd +±ha _J -.. ,.ml yeix fast alw.r
<br />welttau.
<br />`.. (.
<br />__. _.. ._ -..ri.... '_ '...-.. ~~'.__
<br />f-
<br />