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MORTGAGE <br />r <br />TIiIB MOfifiGAGE frr toads tLis........... ZA?n, . , _ day of .... t/ovt3gtper„ . , , . <br />. - ...., <br />i88L'. ,hetsreewt~elNortgagoe, ,.IGNAC,lO.f~,,VALDEZ.AND,CYhf>•HIA.ANN, VALDEZ,_,hu~pand,and.-ir,i,fe <br />- ............. ih~ "Bactwr~"!, aad the Mortgagee. Hie Fedm~aF <br />8avinp and Lean Aaoclatitm, a oapossSiou otgat-ised and ea31st3ng under the Iawa of The United States of <br />Am~ky, wftosa addt~a is 2213out_h Lttatat 3tre~, Grand iaisnd, Nebraska (herein "L®der"-. <br />Wtsettsrrs, Borrower is indebted to ,Lender in tfx principal sum ~..TN t RTY, S~V~N. 7N.Qfl`~Ah10. F1_YJ; ,Ht1Nf~ED <br />AND, t~/ t Otl------------------.--------°--- Dollars, which indebtedness is evitknced by Bortosrer'a txrte <br />dated.... Noyemi~er .24,..l 4$C .... (herein "Nutt"), provit}mtg for ttnrttthly i~tal-mettts of ptittcipai aaxi interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dne attd psyabte on....~G@~k~r ..1...2005..... , .. . <br />To Stacttae to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedrKSS evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />~yt~•n1 of aL ether sums, with initr~t thereon, 5eleanced is aeccrdance harswsah to prolt[~t t1r4 se~trity of t~ <br />bltmgags, and the pertormancx of the covenants and agrcemems a1 Borrower herein contaitud, and (b) the repayment. <br />of any futttre advantxa, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by lxntfer pnxsuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />""Future Atlvancss"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following dtact>`bed property <br />lttcatedm the kALL ..................... State of Nebraska: <br />County of ...................... <br />SOUTHERLY EIGHTY FIVE AND SEVEy 7ENTiiS ($5.7) FEET OF L07 :iIX (6) AN BLOCK FORTY SIX <br />(d5) IN RUSSEL vMEELEt?rS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF -RAND ISLAND, (TALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />w1~h hsa the address d..... - p~'2 no5t. 1 I tr;, ;?r:etr3. ..... r•.3na I. tat~d.... .., <br />tsh.W ...... 4C[tYl <br />...!~~tsrasiua ~tioi therein"~ropertyAddress"): <br />tavy aw ry+cawt. . <br />TtYiPr`uai +rit~ ail rl.r. _ T~_,_.,„ _ <br />_-___.___ ._..~. ,mF,.,.:F'-'~ nz L~ ,.~,.. ~., ..t,.. a..~, ~,~ . ,rz: ,rr- y°ri i,~.ici[y, ai - cJFaeaacni3, ngnib. <br />appunetw,ttaa.s, rents, rnyahles, meneni, oT# and gas rights atrci profits, water, water ccghts, and water strx~k, and all <br />i frlttuh.a t+aw tat het`eatfcx attached to the property, aEi t+f which. inriuding reptacemtnfs and additi+-ms thereto, shalt he <br />tX~. detmer3lo be anti retaa'tn a patt of the property ~overe;3 by this 4lortgage: and x!1 ;:f the foregoing. togettmr with ,nid <br />p+vpatty for the ltatsehald tatatt' st t l~ortgsge is r+n a teaaelwktf } are herein referred t,+ a the "Property". <br />Htrntr :mss thx! Bartow;,. i~ iawfslte Kcd of rise cytate 1>vre~ cc»~s~yed aretf tea eta ri~iiE ttz nrorigage. <br />g-;r~t : r„-,y t'~ Tnp<•rty, ;ka; tF'',~` ?r.;p€-sEr is nz~iues=rrtrieFSS1, av*.i riser t3orruwis atii war;a .t anti <ieien.i <br />r~r1r the to t~ Pntt.++rrv but mll ,1-itt~ arsd ~:x;-,~~, : sst. ,_ vr;,- -'c~'.a: a_a::a, ~a-~:.r -tits ,. trF;=tit=r.~ <br />+.~++ R a mr`i `Ye xaw ~~ .,, ., .,.c7v*~., Ie+ .,iiy rv[s, ra,'~,E;Foiac } ~te[.r lv~~ur+STt -c ,nun ,.+[ire51 nt ins sFnipefT;' <br />~- ; is d 3lwsp- B! ?'.«~ ~i1Ma(fiRrtt iIMYOaa lMttaal~lT <br />