<br />This instrument, made this 7th day of November, I980,
<br />between Charles F. Fairbanks, Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />psrty of the first part, and Paul Stephen Potter and Donald L.
<br />Bockhahn, Jr., as tenants in common, party of the second part:
<br />WITNESSETH, that whereas, at a term of toe District
<br />Court of the Eleventh Judicial District, of the State of l~ebraska,
<br />in and for Hall County, held at the courthouse, in the City of
<br />Grand Island, in said co•.mty, on the 22nd day of August, I98D, it
<br />was among other things ordered, adjudged and decreed by said Court,
<br />in a certain cause pending in said Court, between Town & Country
<br />Realty of Grand Island, Inc., Plaintiff and Robert Webster, et al.,
<br />Defendants, Case No. 73-088, that the premises mentioned and set
<br />forth in the pleadings in the said cause, be sold by or under
<br />the directions of the said sheriff at public auction in the county
<br />where the said premises directed to be sold are situated, the
<br />said sheriff first giving public notice of the time and place of
<br />said sale according to iaw, and the practice of the said Court.
<br />And whereas, the said Charles F. Fairbanks, sheriff as aforesaid
<br />and party of the first Hart to these presents, in pursuance of
<br />the oraer and decree of said Court. did on the 1vth day of Oetaber,
<br />1484, sell at public auction at the courthouse in the City oL'
<br />Grand Island, in said county and state, the premises hereinafter
<br />particularly described, having first given due legal notice of
<br />the time and place of said sale, for not less than four (4) weeks
<br />immediately prior thereto in the Grand Island Daily Independent,
<br />a daily newspaper, printed, published and generally circulating
<br />in said county, together with a brief description of said premises
<br />ast required by the order and decree aforesaid, at which sale the
<br />premises were struck off to Paul Stephen Patter and Donald L.
<br />~ckhahn, Jr., as tenants in coon, the said party of the ae
<br />part of these gresents, for the sum of Twenty-nine Thousand Dollart~
<br />(~24,vw .uuj, that being the highest sum bidden therefor.
<br />And whereas, an the 6th day of Ncvember, 146D, said
<br />Court duly examined and r_onfirmed said sale and the said sheriff
<br />