Ls~rncu~ t.aue! no. L 23,865
<br />ItwRAU.~tsv'tt~rR>~ss:'nrt Duane M. Evans and Patricia A. Evans, each in
<br />and her oan right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Thirty-Five Thousand anti tio1100-------- -wv±sla'wheuera.aaemom'mmnadeotfo.uffhe°~
<br />Ltaead a aces ttaasegasrle Ey'flts Equih6fe Bt.'Yioa sad t,ara A.nadakiae trf fraud itdasd, f~ahc>Wta, Yorgape. ttpw! 350 thaetxeN that of
<br />ail AsgoefA~t~gl, eerrttfka~ [da. L 23,865 . d4 hereby ~,.. c`mwY sed eatxettase tmao tfie aiA AS40CG77QN rlti fasoaes
<br />daesied ead eataee, aitoxedm Mali CaaMy, ?iabrasta:
<br />tagethev witfi asi the trtrsareou. heredatamenra and apptatc~s [hneetwto heloagvtg, rttcftdtng attadtM Flan
<br />tt~daw dudes, herds. sterm witrMws. a+amtts, hntmtt, uu cundIIram~t~ and pitunbegt and water ~tx'r~, aU stindow saena,
<br />aqutpment and atxeaaies thereto. paeaps, stoves.
<br />srfritperaias, and outer futures and txiutprnurs rww nr f~re$'tsr attadad to w rtned in txn+nectioa wrth ad rcal estate.
<br />Ard tvltaseatt the resat aam~r ha ageed and does hereby ogee that tae rsatrtgagot shat! snd wilt WY ill taxes and saeaaaen[s Irvied or
<br />atatald spat std pfemess arx! spat ttla ¢wrtgtrge sad the trlnht SGCLred thfYetry Defurc the aces stlafl betxtme dehstquent: to rarault lpproved
<br />-. ~- .... ~ ~a u,t tr..:t~='~ t~ ~ -. ,-~-.,ss mttre,±,n ,.f,,•,.,Q, ..r s s5 , 004. l1..11C tnyatrk tv card =tsstti7-4~riot~f anc to defitr to ad
<br />45 e'.X'i.A'i'If31~d the pntrems toes ~4 irtairanoe; sad na fv asniret w perntx any waste oa ut sasut ad paemrma.
<br />is cttta'. ui' dtrauit m etrr pafartruece of soy ~ti tM arnte and cvedttwrtt vl then ttutrtta5te .n ikte Masnt tsatntrct heeetty, [he ntortpOgne shat`,
<br />ant t4nas@etd,, epe a^attuLtd tv lamaadeaas paaetuwn of ttst maetgattrd prcmras sad the uasRgtypnr luxsby aargrts, transfers sal sets over m tfte
<br />msetsetpe uiG tpe rrnt:, rewrtwn acrd nlrrtrrw to be durtved lsum the mntpgptad prrmsrees dtnitt~, suchh ttntt as rite morttta® udeb[rdrlaa rlts8 esmam
<br />ertttraA;: aau' Fps mosar~a~r Y~x fire power rv +6!P~xnt say agent re iettta[d a say d..vere iix the tnutxtae o! re}aatrutg cud Premaes aed rrntiag
<br />thu saata atwi axdeorva eats rruua, revsavea. atnJ attnma^ artd it e~Y pap ~.xtt .,! sta! r ~mne s?i rxprax. i -,~tiag, ate: prempus :sd su~sary
<br />~tru~3r~'.ns € r_ ~. ~ ,~tn~ ?n teat=~ a;~ ~~ ehc sera" our{ :.,! .,n.L:,.t:ntt ;ends urwratsn.n t..,., !.~la.:,s ~~sra.adt~, tf say, iv fc
<br />ap§rFxA luwaad tfias ristfutda or aid mart8alla aafepaeaiaaaa: share rtgytda o! true trtortgegca trnY ~Yre exerr.~tueat ar say tuxee durrttg tits exirtatxe o! such
<br />`sa,~,..r::,qe..~, n mss tcrrr~r..-,fsey or t..e aarte.
<br />'f;-~ 'ft~ta- ta,wm+vt, azc tt~~ €l~ t_-i~~., rtrsr d 3-~ ~ bka; shy sue. ~t :ra c:: asE:>~ t1t ~'t~ry trf and atuucn oy
<br />pn~anL tray -ntusshti to tnd AS,SfyCiAl"eftA of ahc sty spectt7ed m rite tlartd acustxf huebr as inumat avd prmgpil un ad Ittan, ors w baton
<br />tbs 7~tieth day ttf each sad ewey [math, until sat Lien a testy pad; teay all !axes and asmssmeale kvied agautq said premaea sad oa this Martyge
<br />sad ttte sued actnsd tfinebY. lteiwt tieLartrm~y, fmmdt appettved untnarwe upon the burWattp theretta to the sum of 1 35 , 000.00 payabk
<br />!o sad ASSf)t:tA ttW: repay fo sad ASSL1CfATtON trpat demand aft aatney py n pad tw sutfi tarts, aacatnents and msuonu with mtmest at
<br />the tigximtert kttnA rote thsrcurt f=tmt dots td payttstnt ail of whack plortt;aµtr haneby ogees to pay, prrrmt nn wasts on snd premitas: Lesp and atmpiy
<br />h!h as the ata~semanta and tstrasRtau tit Fitt card fin S35 ,000. OO thta day gi,wt by the natd Mrxtgtpn [n rod .ASStN.~tATIlNi, sad cnmpty
<br />wah alt the rsepartataats of ettr Coagittatoa and sy-Laws ar rod AS'S()CiAT'i(YN; then tliu prttsratta shall Demrtae null sad vttW, uthnwtae thty
<br />ahaN :rmsttt to ftrN twax std Gray ltr faxmcloaad at ttas upttva ctr the sad ASSOCIATitlfi afire failart tot thrxe retarihs to mate any o! ;sat
<br />payteaau an Le them aretn:ltr ut atraars a uWt~ sad taatthiy paytrtea[s, w to keep sad cumFkY with its agssmants and cwditiom vi sad sad:
<br />sad IMwlgtsur ageea w haw a rtotavn sppuurtai rrmthwirh ra suit forertowre pruuedmgs_
<br />It thava rs uay charge u uwmtstdp tt[ the tea! create trtatptpd harem, by rye or uttbrwire, rhea the tntue retttauiog Ltdebtsdotat hereby
<br />aasu~$ 3sas. at t~ opsaar .tr tie :~itab:e saiidrag and ' ' - Aaiurartisnn of t:raad `stand:, ftiebodta,iwcoate dar tad
<br />$ui8ror noaiea~, aed the araomrl rlrs order sad bond. srd ~' payable witlnttt
<br />rsgtttwag any wits[ Brad for say atidRgoal atlnncn made theretmder. stns. Crum the
<br />dyr err rtwraotw of sad opteoo. Dear ettarms at the ntaxaratrm ktpd :ate. next thr ttwfgase maY then be iorecioscd !o satWy the tatts6nLL dm oa saat
<br />basw&,tad arty utbu bstad [w tldditiuttaf advaetr~, tugethar wrth iii Wrest pad try snd The l:.gmtatrk stritdag sad L:aaa Asaoaattoa of t;rasd lslud,
<br />1'ildNraeita far kpnrtrance, liars x467aae8trataa, and abatxYtrq; atcasnatrm ctursn, wrth uttsren therwa, Intm dote ut paytttent at ttte nuwaum
<br />katYl rase.
<br />Aa peoviMd in tfla fined aaarwi Mnby> xM7s thin ttturtpg Fermat at aff+w the ttvt'tpe rtsy hearaftu adsaooe additwnd wms to the
<br />[palaces of sttiddogd, t6gt asap`} ar rtca~att in iata,eest. wkach sttttu shall Da within the saturttY of ttaa tmntpye the uma as r!w ft~ orientally
<br />ttsiytpd tdmaaby, tha taYk aaartN d prtacptti deb! ttw io earned n uay tnac the vrtg;rtai aauunt test tha matgpe.
<br />~Crx~t~s G~C7t :ley of I`i0yetnber A. n,tv 80
<br />-fit
<br />-~~Nte S~,~YaflS ~. _._-.-._.___..____
<br />i. vL"~Yt~ ~. rte. / ,~y
<br />~'fAYfi t7~ ~A, ~ s.
<br />C€7fA+it'Ift~ifAi..t.~ ~.. •,r. a ~vih ~y as UVC~mer iv i5O .lutwe me.
<br />Dt;ane t~. € vat`s and Patric; a A . Evans , t~ mtlaattped, a fataty Fnbfic in sad rtn sed cwmty, ptnsurtdy samw
<br />?aCh S!~ his art; zer right and as sitotrse rtf earn other, wLv arts parmttylyLnoraaeo
<br />sea fv pie-the dedieey patscar s rgaatt! caws s d i'ro dfusd tv ti a atrow tahttttnaaat as a+oetgagot s std t hey veveeally
<br />~IY~d ikiryw$ ieaetteasot tv be the ] r ~MUtlrg rma ~ dab!,
<br />2gIT±yHB.~ aw 7betd sad ~! tf°e data yc:~sd_
<br />!CAF t"c`t-"~ -~ -
<br />a ~ - '-
<br />s:~stdxf ~taar r , ,,. , ~ ~ ~. - ti. 1K;n'f`az°?`
<br /> a! ~ / ~'
<br />{ ah : t .r~ e[
<br />__ _ ~ .
<br />