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<br />
<br /> (6) To us: -,:e ;crap evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized ly the Government,
<br /> r7) To p.; when due all taxes, henx, ju.dgrncnt.s. enc-imbranced, and assaasments lawfully attyching to or isacssed
<br /> xj;A;rest ib ptoperr~, includinti all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and wa;rr stocl
<br /> rtarr rF tc, or rezscrrtaul~ nrce!•_kary to the use of the real property described alcove, And .211 taxes and assesstnerits levied
<br /> u,t•r this r^.grtg.t: cr the nr,te, or ,.ny urdebicJsicis hcrebv secured or against any legal holder hcreaf •.r of the nett or of
<br /> sat: in ieF,c_dnesr Under the LAWS of Nebraska, and piomprfy deliver to the Government without demand receipts tridcncing,
<br /> su;.h payrscnrs.
<br /> (18') To kctp tae property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Govetnment ani, at it-i
<br /> recurs-', to deliver such policies to the Government.
<br /> To mairknom imt:rerventcnts in goo;;l Y7,,.tr acid make rrpairs required by the Government; operate i re propr.s! in a
<br /> g,oii apes ltusbsrtdrnanlikr manner: comply lviul stack {arm conscnvation practices and farm and home rnan4gcn,enr plans at
<br /> the Government from time to time may ~atcr..ribr::nd not to abandon the property, or cause or permit wax+:r,',si Mint; lit
<br /> 'srspai;rtent of the security covered hcreb+ . or, without the written ;onscnt . F the Government, cut temo,,-, or k o.- : ny
<br /> t1MbCr1 gravel, tell, qas, CoAf, or other minerals except as may be ns:cesxary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br /> 410; To ct~rnply,svit~s• 1~ tax ,,ott i,tartc,cs, and rcfs:la-.;,ms affecting the property.
<br /> I To ploy or reuriburse the Coverrtment for cxpcnsts reasonably necessary or in,.idertal to the protection of thr• livri
<br /> and priority hrreof ar:ci to thrr c.ri,srcetnent of or the compl4nce with titt provisions Isereof an. of the note and any suppl t-
<br /> mestary agrecmcr.t rv:hether be`ore or after default 1, including but not limited to costs of evidenc'r o'` title to And sutvey cf
<br /> ikr property, cost, of recnraing this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, tour: costs, and expenses cif
<br /> adwrttising, selling, and con.cymF the property.
<br /> !I2) neither the p:operry nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold; transferred, or
<br /> encumberrd, volun-t P ily or otter rise, Without the written consent oS the Government. The Government shall have the sole
<br /> VII, e.xclusiv,e rie:ti as rn crthagec hereunder, including but not limited to the power to tyrant consents, partial releases.
<br /> w,rlotdinatio:45, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or an;' benefits
<br /> hetcof.
<br /> f1 3; At alt rcasc,rable times the Government and its agents may ins>ect the property to aiarertain whether the covenant;
<br /> Arid rpeemcnu cnnta,,ricd hereir•. or in any supplementary agreement are Ling performed.
<br /> iiA, 'rhe Govem-ment may (a) extend cr defer the maturity of, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the dei>r
<br /> eviicnceci by the note; or anv indebtedness era the Government secured by this instrument. (b) release any party who
<br /> liable under t'r,e note or for the debt from liability to the Government. (t) release portions of c_tsc pro erty and subordinate
<br /> its lira, and waive any otis'.r of its rights under this irstrurncnr. Any and all this can and will be one without affecting
<br /> the lien c.r the prs:rrity of this instrtsnr.cnt or Borrower's or any other paiiy's liability to the Government for payment of the
<br /> note or debt sccure2 by this ir:strurnent unless the Government says othcrxise in writing. HOWEVER. any forbearance by
<br /> the Go- c.r;invent-whrthc:r once or often-in exercising any tight or remedy under this instrument, or otherwise afforded by
<br /> applicable law, shall not be a w;&ierr of or prr.cludc tl:e exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br /> (155', If at anv rive it shall appear tea the Government th= Borrower MAY 'tae able to obtain loan from a production
<br /> credit aSSptiaiiirn; a Federal land bank, or other respansible c s:rEe:.tzcc or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms
<br /> fo: loan; for similar purposes and periods of time. Borrower will, upon the Government's request, apply for and accept such
<br /> loan in su.lficienr amount to pa, the note and any indebtednesx secured hereby and to pay for any stock necessary to be
<br /> purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan..
<br /> (If)) Default heictindet shall constitute default under any other real estate, or under anv perstanal property tit .ether.
<br /> sr:urity ,nstrurnent held or imared by the Government and executed ter assumed by Borrower, and default under any such
<br /> caller sec ufirv instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br /> (17) SHOULD DIEFAULT •xcur in the performance or dischar a of any obligation in this instrument or secured by this
<br /> n°trument, or should the parties named as Borrower die or be declared an :nearer f4r'tnt, or should any oar of t.h. parties
<br /> narne.1 as i:utrower be declared a barskrupt, or an utsolvertt or make ate aszignmcnt for the benefit of creditors., the Govern.
<br /> aerie, at its option, with or without notice, may: (a) dr.ciare the cnrire arnount unpaid under the rote and any indehcednzrs
<br /> to the Gnycrnrn-nt hereby secured immediately due a',id payable, (b) for the account of Borrow•ki incur and pay reasonable
<br /> expcnsts frrr repiir or maintenance of xnil take possession of, or-rate or rent the property, (c.) upon application by it and
<br /> ptnduction of this irsstrumcnt, without other ev+,icnce and -%irhout notice of hoaxing al! said application, have a receiver
<br /> appoirtttcd for the property, with the usual pow is of receivers in like cases, (d) foreclose this instrument as provided herein
<br /> err by law, and {e i ^nforce am ind all other rig",ts and remedies provided herrin or by present or future law.
<br /> '1R) -rise g Leeds of foreclosure sale shat: be .%pp'•lled to the following order to the paynsrnt of., (a) .oats and expenses
<br /> incident to enforcing or cornplyir,g with the pr,wisicn: Lc;,.of, (b) any prior liens tequittA by law or A corer .etent court to
<br /> be xo paid, c) the debt evi enced by the nose and a+l iisdebtedneza to the Government requred hereby, (d) inferior liens
<br /> of recor i rcgk:ircc by feu- o', a competent cout't to be sc~ paid, (e) at ti;e Government's rption. any other in:ieEtcdncss of
<br /> Bost..-wee eying to or insnrc-d by the Go-mrnmet,t, and Ft) zny balance to Bor:owzi. At firreclQSure or other sale of all or all),
<br /> part of the pProperty, the Grtvernrmerit and its aganrs may bid andptsrvrhase as a stranger and may pay the Government's share
<br /> of else purchase price by cre"itin;g suck amount on any debts of Borrower owing to or insured by the Government, its rLit
<br /> order prescribed above.
<br /> (1q) Borrower agrees that the Government will not be btrund by any preser. or- future State law, (a) providing for
<br /> valuation, appraisal, homestead or exemption of the property, (b) prohibiting maintenance of an action for a deficiency
<br /> judgmr-rnt err limiting the amount thereof or the tune within which :Atli action must be brought, (c) rescribing any other
<br /> xratutt of limitations, (d) 41coving any right of Tcdcmptioa or possession followinj any iorcclosute sale, at (e) Limiting the
<br /> corsd.itions which tl,c Gov%rnrnc.nt may by regubtion impose, including the interest rate it ma charge, as a condition of
<br /> Approving a transfer of the progeny to a new Borrower. Borrower expressly va:ivrs the bay
<br /> reech*, of any such state laws.
<br /> Borrower hereby rrl"tnquisltts, waives, and conveys all rights, inchoate or consummate, of descent, dower, and curte.sy.
<br /> 71,
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<br /> i~ 07 ,rat` ,
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