<br />Tbe6ra'kOT Mid-Continent Enterprises, ine., A Nebraska Corporation
<br />a corporation organized sad existing ondtr and by virtae of the laws of the Btate of Nebraska
<br />in eonsiderati~ of X52,000.00 (Fifty two thousand and na/100--•--------------} ---
<br />received from graatee, does great, bargain, veil coavep and confirm ttMo
<br />Eileen Meininger, An Jnremarried Ferson
<br />bereia called the gtactee whether oae or more, the foilowittg described troa! p:oysC~ >bz
<br />.........~~.1.2 ......................._.._......................._..._.. f.'oastf. Nebraska:
<br />Suite Nc. Thirteen (l;} and Garage .I, "B" Windsor ."square Condominium
<br />Property Regime, being part of Lnit Twc (2), Lct Two (2), Block
<br />Ei.gfut (8), Kepler, Cotstinental ~.zardens, an Addi,tian to the City a'P
<br />4lrand Island, Hall Cattnty, 'P~6etaraska
<br />SThMP TAX
<br />~;~~t:.=_ ~~ PiGV 24 t9$p
<br />5~ ~Y
<br />'p., have xn<i t„ i!=rid t€;r isb~~r*r ..ienrreia.,si ;~rra4,uu,4 €r,~afrilter with rail trnYn,eata, btr'o€liT~o~.ta xae$
<br />e.p~ tfrerlte belgiug F_~*~• ti=r• nrar±ue ~..d .~ srx*_rte~~a boirx aad rre~ign+ fnre+.•er.
<br />And the gmntor for rtself and rte +ucresaon uoea hereby covenant with the grsatee aad with
<br />grnntee ~s hesra and aaaign8 that ~rautur rx Iawfu;fy .rrse.l ..f vaed premreer±; drat the}~ ere free from encum-
<br />Faxuce
<br />exceFt t;aserner:ts rin<7 rest^:~"..~:; ~?' ._rord
<br />ttrst grantor has gaud right and tawfssl authority to cunvKy the carne: and that rerxutor warrants and will
<br />det>R.nd the title to said pr~utases astairwt the la+vtul ctara,s :,f all pera.>nn whaetoecer.
<br />In wit:rert whereof, grantor has herauato •~au..•,i ;t+ :,,rE;neata Yeal .n he afflzeti and these
<br />prr'uw-nta »rgndt by its Yreaide.nt.
<br />,. ,
<br />~'A1`k. ilF' ~iIifiltASfCA, ('aunty r,f ...^•~~.:~
<br />$efone toe, a aotmry Nubite cluxiifre,i in .yard r,ruuty, I;err+nnnlly name
<br />` „~ r•"; i. i a: r ,.. ' ; t ~~ }. PrariAaat of
<br />`did-:',rL Snot, e:raerpt~i ;es,, loc. , a oarparatien,
<br />knowa to eoa to be the f'reeidtnt and ;dtmtacsd person who xigned the foregoing ittstratnent, anti aeknow.
<br />Iscfgttt the PICCliL}9A thereat ter ts;e hiv culuntaty act rand dnr~t z«x ,;~aeh officer acrd the a~alueztary aot and
<br />deed ,af caul c,arpvratrmn amt dint ;ter •wrporsCe weaiwax thereter sfttzed by ris xutbority.
<br />S6itnrza ra,p batui and notarial ~wal rw, ......'{R,Y.~"•e1'": t' --~' `~'~
<br />'4. -., €^latxrr f'ublie.
<br />i~till4lrtt#gr titlsE
<br />lR1M;kClillilAlt - ~~ `~~{,
<br />~iNai~~~~ 3fy rorvtneraua+,n ezy,rex _ ~-*'-~~.y `~'- ... _, i9_',J.-k..
<br />