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_~ , <br />e Of~g`~q~ <br />1 The mortgagor mvmanb and ayees that it he shell fail to Pal said ~ or any part thereof whm <br />tha0. ~ shalt tail to perform any cevenanE or a{tvxmbot of this iatatvment er the proetiarory torte atxnred hereby, the <br />cosies iadebtednesr hereby reeured shall imaaedisteh beeotae doe, payable, sttd tolkeubk witboat notice, at the <br />ylfaN of the taortRat4te ar asaiitns, regardless a[ rnatnrity, tmd lire wtMt~altec or his assigns may before or tdser entry <br />attl) acid Property witlroat appraisement ithe rnort;st5er batriiaa xsived sad asepted is the tttoetattaee sli ri~taa of <br />ttbtjesiaetaeat i <br />t t M ~ jttduial rate ptrevuant to the provisions of YS U.S.C 20011 a) : or <br />t Et; M the uprise of else mortsa6ee, eitbrx by aaetioa ttr by eolieitatiaa w` reeled bida,'far the hiahrt sad <br />beat bid oamplyind with the eermr of ask and roamer of payment rpeei5rd b the prat aaeiae of nets, irmt <br />pvinit font weeks' notice at the time, terttu, and pDaee of etch rk. b7 adeettisetortt trot kw the oooe <br />d+trinR each of said tear weeks in a uawspaper published or dattil~ed is the eoaoq ie whie6 said proprriy <br />s rhrtated, dl ether tsotise beiayl hereby waved b7 the taort~ar (sa6 acid mortasyee, or nay paaon ae <br />bttha~ of aid ~6aYJr, euy bid rrith the tmptted ~ evidmond b7 ss~ ease). Said sale aaR IN <br />1taH at ea• m the property to be acid or u the Fetfanl, meaty, ar city coaetbeaae fee the oamty m which the <br />propettp is bested. The mortyt6ee is hmetty attiboriacd to execute toe sad oa beha~ of the toott~or and to <br />delirec r the paechaaer at atteh sale a aei6cimt waveya~e of acid property, which aonveyancs sha11 sustain <br />tetsitaL r to the happeniaa of the default open which the a:eeotiaaa of the pawe.r of wk bevels ~nmted <br />dapettda: and the said asort~ar hereby mmtitntr and appbiab the ttsortaaigee or nay a~ertt or attoaney of the <br />ttrrt~ee, the went attd attoetsey is tact of acid moet6raw to make aot$ reeitab and to ascents and <br />eeazeyaarse and hereby erivsaaor sad aseen the ibe roratab• so made shall be elftrttwl to bar all etlniq ~ <br />riFltt of rcdemptioe, homestead, dower, atal ail other ezrmptiotts of the martxaFor, all of which arc kerdty <br />expreaalr waited awd conveyed to the saortpa)gee: ar ~~ <br />(tu) trke nay tether appropriate action puvnttnt to state or Federal statute either in state ae F'adord <br />evert or otherwise for ibe dispo.itism of the property. <br />la the eweaE of a sale r hrreinabove provided, the tnortRpeer ar am person in poareeaion under the mortgagor shall <br />thin b and be tettatata isoMiae over and shalt ttxthwith deliver posaeaaioa to the purcharrr at such rate or 6e <br />~• •^lr diapastrased, is aceordatttr with the provisions at law applicable to tenants hofdintt over. The power <br />toad afpem~y hereby granted are coapb!d with an interest red are irrevocable by death or otherwise, sad are granted <br />r tatmttttNive to the remedies tw colhectitm of raid indrbtedner provided 6y law. <br />4. The pesdeitt of uy rk of said prepem in aeetsrdsace with the peecerliett paraprsphs rhall be appl~f !~ <br />q pay she care sad txpeaaea of raid gala, rite expense itteurred bY' the ttsortsayee ter the purpeae el pratrctin6 w tarttia~ <br />taittits>< said property, and reawnabk attotTeya Eces; sertxtdly, to pay the indebtedrttwa serured hercbv; and thirdly, <br />tc prey nay attrples r3 z;:~ to the parson ar pen.,tan i,•pih~ rntitlcd rherrta. <br />4 far t~ _"~. =,.~ pR„~a.~~y le asid a: a ndleal oak or paraoset to :~- prser at ants horeisttbovo <br />!ranted. ref the proceeds arc not sa~rirat to pay rho total is~M.d,.m xt+ured k7 €ha irae€twmest ~ evitlesead by <br />rid prorvwrsry trots tie maei6attee wits 6e eatithtd to s de6eiettey jttdamewt for the answer of the defistiattry roitltart <br />~ r aPFreissmaaa• <br />6, In the evcrtt the tnartRstrytr !silt to pay soy Fedenl, state„ or (xal tax aaaesmttent, income ta: or ether tax lien, <br />rhar6e fee, ax other tnpem cbaeKed straw! the propcetr. the rttorytaaee is herc:by authorized at his ogiion m pay <br />fire acre. Any costa ao paid by !be ttsor4Rsaee shall 6e added to and become a part of the pritttypa! amnnat of the <br />itcdebtedttesa erideoerd by said note, subject to the same tcrnn sad rttaditiaeu. It the mort~aRor ahaU par sad <br />dirhatge the iodrbtedness evidences by said prontissarv note, and shall pay such wore aad shall diecharyte r11 taxes <br />sad bees and the costr, tern, sad eapettaes of making, eniorcinR, and rzecutinR this morl¢atte, then thin morlpa~e <br />ttbafl ire catrreied anti aurrendraed. <br />'• The cucenants brre4r taWtattted shall biatd and the bees&ta and advaattgees shall inure to the respective ntc- <br />ewpes atsd astp~ss d eha ptwtier }teaoto. Wbetaevu wed, the aiasttlar number shall itteluda the phtral, the phvsf Was <br />iyelar, atl th. ttm at troy paia'rhdl iaolyde all Bradurw <br />>ir =~v''r+iv+tr ~ a+ay o+vaaant iterria or of tkr abfiaatitm socaared hereby shall at soy tune therexiter br held <br />is f+w a waiver ~ tbtt trawta hersef ar at the Hato aaottred hereby. <br />Q. 1a eampFfaiaee with sstetioa 101.11 d } of the Rafe attd Re*ulatiows of the Sraa11 Barisess Adatisiatratioe [ 11 <br />C.frJl 161.1(dl j, this ia+trtttasat is to 6e eaastrued and eoloteed in atxardaaa with applicable Fedora) law. <br />l!t A jadie;af dseroe, order: or jtrdlpmsat heidiaa any proriuatt ur portion of thL irtururneet invalid a na <br />aha11 netts nay wq itnpaie w paeelade the twfotcemsnt of the rtmtaiaia6 ptorisieaa or pottiatts of <br />tlsis iatttrrnaws, <br />vas saw ass tr-rri ° -° • _ , , <br />