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THkS Jr~TGAC:'t, mule then 2bcit day of ~ ,14~yelarowy _ ARFI tom- <br />~ v'SAND IS[.AY1D, ItiC. , A NEBRASXA CORPEiRATIOii A19a J;~BY E. ?r4RTI79, A~''•~~ ~,- <br />herslaeftei re[bsred rn ffi Atnrr~ara, and r1 A'~ Fi1t5T 3Il'Bff GQ~~S, ta9trtlf!" EJ, ~ <br />J"st36d1 <br />'wq~: Tha€ the tamed Rfnrtgagora in axraidenrprr of rlu p at tlu ahorra dm~d feMMr~ ~6aat~r~pa~#;,. <br />.+~ wa1 canvas rmtir Maftgaget, the fai&tra~ dascribed .xal ettata, to ruff: <br />~5 1, 2. 3 ANfl b, LINDSAY StJ$DIVISIt7N,, GITY Q~ 6RA2+kFf ISI.AiiID, RAI..I, GwY, N%14SiLA <br />i; <br />rather veiX}t ~ ttrssnx2rta. huedttanasu:art appartenat,c:es t+eWngurg therein <br />'ftJ FfA`J~ A3!ti3 Ttl rf(3k~ll tJU atwrvr da>a`.tt+ect prrmrs+s. wrtt, at! :he prtwiteea arat appurtenance thersuwta helungartg ux:ltrdrrrg <br />aBsprLa, isauaa aad pted;~ t!larai unta JMUttpartrr, hxevtr. imi Mnngagur hereby nrvsnaata that blorigattrn iavx{t aad traLy xdamf of <br />a frond. rfeM m tlrs prarnaet shove cnnraye,! m the taw, m ies Wmptt, ared has gruel r!rrttr and krrfW xttthoruy to wxtvey the senu, and <br />rhae the ails sty ~sanveyed is ,:!car, trre arxo .~rrnr.:ur„~trJ r<,:rpt „ „therxnse n,rted and that Murrgagar +rrilf forsvec WatTani and de- <br />ignt ~S same to lba~rtgnlyec a~afsrat aE3 :3uern u#txwravtr. <br />Ihia liftxtgags u given by Nsntgaguts to sq:-rrt the putunturo:e .rt agreearenr ;::mtainrat herein. amt to sauce the payment <br />a iatet~in tha-a[uotrnt cu tJaa iorae crf Payaxnty rruwa atnr,a", ,rhrrkr irran laeinitt tvedenced Fry a pt'gnuooty Hare tyen daft <br />neaa>Kdt and'wrric It it futytt~s dear-riAed abcm. <br />~-!6~11f+RY-S. Ord itrese prcaerm ara upc,n the Mprex.ed ~.ardi:n.n. Urxt it ttte Mortus shat! pay in trill to tht tdaxr- <br />gaget aprrry ttaie btartrrg r%tn date hsrsw,tts #n the ae>mm~t .et r,anh aks.iwC, rwy:rhte ra mstalJmerrta acc-r. trderrg tai the terns there- <br />vrath inteaexr as aet i'vrth rhsrexn, and s#taii pay alf taxes aril assesamtnrs levied upon ryfd rsal eUae hefirrs the aama ba- <br />cgtgwwlka~lypr~aisi,aruf ksap the txilldinyys ~,n xani prenrnes teuaued forr a cunt t4uaJ ra the tmlehrednrwa atwrtet htrtny. iswc, it any, pay <br />trG1n ato 0118 said llhatgtrlt~t, tttctr lhsaa prttta to ht mdi utd vend. athsrwt~e trr Jx and rnrrraln ur Crrq fares. <br />t r <br /> <br /> <br />