<br />~~
<br />F~~=:= ~lft~$r?0
<br />to[ytthtr with a(! righxs, iot<rnts, casemcntz, hrredttaments and apyureenanc<s tl errun[a bebnginq, the rents, issues, and
<br />Q<9fiCS thetrod and rrvrntus and ineomr therefrom. sl( impror<mrn:s seed personal proprrtr now or later amehcd thereto ar
<br />rxasorubly :ae:sary :e rhz :.ce rf:aroE, inc-;udirtp, but n .t timrted r.:r, ranttrs, rrErigeratnes, c~iurhes waxhers, c?other dryers,
<br />a',K eatpstinsc purclsaaul or finsrzcrd >n whole .» in parr wyth lt~,arr rundz. a63 seat<r, w,strr ri~itt,r, anal u~atrr stExlt pr rtatrztng
<br />t~srs~[o, and u# pa menra at anv ttttas rswtng to Bcsrrorvrx by vraxur ttt am zak, Erase, rranztrr. :onvapance. or condemnation
<br />rtt( axtp #pstt therral ar rnrrrrxt rhn<ia^rall i>t w#tieh snr heeern rallcd '"rhr pcragrott'r":
<br />7tS:1 f}AYff .A{r'D T'(] HC)L!? the trconaty unrse rhr t;erzw.rnn:r,tt nssd i;s assts 4?rrver ::x fc< srtn~ir.
<br />P'~'31RPCC}YPER stn Btmc>vsrs'. »z;N,• lksrrnwrir hs - r. n, ~.dro veer VSatocs. s,,,as sou s~ne.nrc WANtK A:vTS 'CHE
<br />"3~[TL.~,'r~.r ci;r {ara{xrtg to riu t~-sv<tsstreent a;asn. rc I. Eariri~nt r-lrssaosw rn.•I;a^:oear.d+. vei~ ~,~.~-r rt-~... e. • .r Crc ~, «nruml~anet=.
<br />ursana+~ugMSlxa.t±zee vtutsss.3rs.a;nr<rcaw'i<s sgnr-_s#'rta,91`€rrcr,a~bao~z, ssruk (,IK'1YY xr t4N'i'~~'k ATVC mtIPI E.£ cE,;:{uws:
<br />#- 't,"o _• -'.~.:;x~- ~h dxzs, ;sbr ~ c.. . ~t ri ,r xt_aa - ~ a v ~s•ue;l sad -r inrArmsn:ly and zar-e {`=asxn-
<br />lrnu nhe iiiavcrtemsnt apaimst soy lass under its umaouant~r f tarrw<rrx +se •~.r: bs eras.,n .={ any drfaol[ 6v fio_rr>'rwrr.
<br />Azas9 Limas wizen rise aot: ~ bsld~y urssrel holder :l.~,x<=*.z: r::ais ~,,:.€;r,.:t .:. -:.air -- c+trn s n tfir nrstr m the (:ovrrn~
<br />ment, u coilcction scent for the Ewidar. ~ ~ r .. ~ .,
<br />`= '1'o gzaX m tl*t Ei.3vxsmncot stsels Ease arsd .,river . k.e xra a ,. --,. - <-..,.,, < sryuvrd Ar rcRuiatusna of the
<br />Kartnars Home Admitdstratwn.
<br />i3; If reytxired by the Government. ;c magic .dalrr r.nu~~ -*...,..... .... - ~ •fir exxima[rd annual razes:
<br />aasrtum<n[s, tnwrante premiums and utltcs <ltargrs »pvr •hr -s;.r.:r:s s:~, .,.>f_
<br />?~) Whsther us ne! tier sure is tnsurrd by tfir .:.rs~rrsrr.raa -,,r;. -.tt.«- «-_: -. ~n< pa, .ns ~nhrr :mounts
<br />enquired herein :a M P~ ! y ito<row< ,n1 u:d ' t>+.r•, r< . . ,. .. ..- :. ..~, .s.u e.i.enscr i,sr the pra•
<br />tervatiesa, prtttar:txut, enforce mrni [~f t'sus 1' ,.rs :.x _...,..~ _. _ ,..~..~ -~~ ~ .,,.,. s: aevauces .hail bear
<br />intert:t at tine ever berm 6y the owe whtth Pw<t'.c ~t:e~ytn~:*,r =a~ ..i«
<br />!; 5¢ Ali tedvancas by rhr Gnrxrnrnrnt as drscrsbcu sn :tors - _< rr: .,. -<.. -td payable
<br />by Etrzrxasvar to rhr Government wttlswat dr wnd .: chr }via,. .. s+piw. ,. .., ,. ~, t h rebr. Nn
<br />:stele a:lesn:.e by the [:-.zrvrarnt shall r<itrre ba<r-,wer t t-+ca,. i. i ate. -.v,. .. ..~--. .. ;,.n -i.ark. r.. -.veth
<br />u"-retort, shall be rraz~ tr ern th< !:rsr ,s,.i.b4c . , c--.~ ~,,.. ~.. ~~~~.. _. ,.. ..arm-,.-.k.. ;ray hunt ~nadr i•r
<br />Butrpowrr may br apphcd un rhr u.r ,r .~r. ,: 1 bt du=.u a ;.~..r _„ -._ -.t=. .i,.,.. ,
<br />3rearnsknrs, •, . "s" ,.,
<br />
<br />