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~i1t1S81f1 <br />CDMTRACT FfHt SAL£ ~ R£!d. ESTATE <br />THIS A&REIIAENT evade ash entertd into this ~~ day of . ;~e.~1 <br />i4l~i, by and betwetn MILIIAM iYt~IS hire#n called the SEi.IER, aeui DALE and £LAIME <br />de 1a Motte, herein called Bl~ERS. Mitntss that: <br />Seiler hereby agrees to set] and convey to Buyers, and Buyers hereby <br />agree to purchase free Se1Ter the foitaring descs#bed real estate, tc-wit: <br />Lot Nintteen {19) mitt Sunny Slopes Subdivision, <br />Hatt County, Ntbnska, <br />togtrthtr with ati appurtenances thtreto btiadging to aad new thereon, an the follow- <br />ing terms and citions: <br />i. The Purchase Pric <br />As the purchase price for the real estate, Buyers agree to pay to Seller, <br />and Setter agrees to accent frail the Buyers, the sum of SiiRV-SEYffi THOUSAND AND <br />Pd}jiDO {$b7,0DD.DD) DDl.L.ARS. <br />2. Manner of Payment. <br />H, b'LDD.DD in cash as earnest money, receipt of which is hereby <br />asknowiedge€i. <br />B. The sum of Five TPuwsand Eight Hundred and No/iDD ($5,8DD.DD) Dollars <br />. at tP~ tip of tlae signing c;f t'tis cWntraet, receipt cf which <br />is refay aeitmtnriedged. <br />C. Buyers shah transfer ti tie to their trailer mobile home, identification <br />Neer 57~~ ,Model fc5?f'b; ~,nnnn~,tllta free and clear of <br />encv~rances to Seller, and receive a credit of Seven 7ireusand and <br />Pita/iDD (E7,OW.t)0} 6ailars, against the balance due to Seiler under <br />this contract. <br />D. Seiler wii3 deduct Two Thousand and No/iDcJ ($Z,DDD.OD) Rollers from <br />the purchase price, in cansideratian for the work to he done an the <br />home as agreed upon, to-wit: <br />(1) Finish **-h'i* €aEar collector as per plan drafted '~taa~r, <br />a#iliam Harris and Noffa Drafting Service; <br />{2) Finish installfng the door an the shower; <br />{3) Finish installing a pipe, to Ctlmpiet+? the Fireplace, <br />{A} Parne1 the lower 7evet of the house, <br />ail off which is to be comisltted o~x or tefore .lone 1. lvBl. <br />