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<br />SUBBIJI$Zgb1 A~REE2~NT <br />PIPER'S GLEN SFTBBZVISZON <br />In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, Raymond A. 6datson ansi Juanita Watson, husband <br />and wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners o€ a tract <br />of laced comprising Lots Eight (S) and Nine (9) of Warren Subdivisioa <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, desire to have <br />subdivided as a subdivision the above described tract of lead which <br />is Iocated within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council of such City for <br />acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed <br />subdivision to be known as PIPER'S GLEN SUBIIIVZSION, designating <br />explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly describing the <br />lots and easements belonging to such subdivision, with lots designated <br />by numbers and easements by dimensions, and propose to ,~,~~e *_he Plat <br />of such subdivision w'r.en tinaliy approved by the Regional Planning <br />Commission and __,Q ____,_ s~~une_1 ,.., be acknoe:ledged ~ , ouch „m7ezs, <br />~~.,..~=Ed a,, L„ ,.ctuiary of survey by .? registered :and surveyor, <br />and to ccrntair. a ded?cati.or. :~:- ,the easeaaen*_s rc the use and h~nef?t <br />of public utili**-ies. :r. consideration of the aceept.anee of the p12t <br />of said Piper's Gien 5ubdivisien, the SSubdividers hereby consent <br />and agree with ti*.e ~::it., .7f grand lsland, Nebraska, that they will <br />install or provide ac their expense the following improvements: <br />1. Paving. The Subdividers agree not to object to any repaving <br />district in Piper SCreet_ <br />Janitarv S <br />eweY. ~.tV Sanltar~' Sealer serV1G2 is 3Vailable <br />from a sewer main existing ad}scent to the subdivision. The Sub- <br />dividers agree t+; construct a pr.~.~ate main. ~~~ connect to the existing <br />public main to serve the individual. lots withir. the subdivision, <br />such private main to be ~.aintained by the Homeowners Association of <br />ttte Subdividers, such private main nian-orniilP tia „h~, <br />the City's Department of Public storks and the Department ofyEnvi.ron- <br />a~ntal Control of the State of ~7ebraska fer approval prior to <br />construction, such plan designed iav and to ,display the :=cal of a <br />