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<br />Mp~q~ f,p~pp. L 23,!#14 <br />at+oxAU.€mltsvttQTs>:ntFSEN7s:nrf Kim Rasrmtssen, a single person <br />[trhether oee a sees, b eaeitlfsotli~a d Ihs t~ d <br />Twenty-EiahL Thousand and Noil00---------------- ----------°-------------- ~~ <br />s~ to aid [taort8alm by The egrw,trk Bof7Atl6 attd t.o>a Amtietim of Grand Idaed, Nebnta, ham, ttpe. 280 dffaas a[ seat of <br />aid ASlaOCiATiON, Cestifieea Na. L23 s S64 . do tiv'~' Ste. ~~' ~d nortpsa amoo the eeY AS90QATRAi tY fe~Mtritq <br />rlaaerited real cleale, etaoad n flay Carwsy, Nabtadca: <br />ALL Of LOT TNREE (3), IN BLOCK TEN (IO), IN <br />JOEHNCK'S AODiTICi4 TO THE CITY 4f GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together wuh ail [Fsc tenements. herednarrren[s and appwtenamxs thereunw newsrgtmq, rruciudrfrg attadsed Door swKrtrrp, sU window ataxecax, <br />wmdorr shades, minds, uwm wnrdnwa, awnurp, heatrgt, au arrdn,unrng, acrd plumhrng and carter eyurpment std sceemrtes thereto, pumps, ursaes, <br />refrr~ratwf, and saner locum aM txpsrpatxrt cusw w luteaftrr a[t:3ted to or usel m ~lrnnemmn wan aid rea3 csca[e. <br />Arai whrrrn the ad mw[gga tras aprxd asd dsrcx nereby :{rcc f tut thr nwnt¢sgur sha4i and will pay all tares aM asmmru levied ¢ <br />asrrewed upssn sed prerawes tied apes the wor[liag ao.4 i!s brrrnl xxurrA tnc?h. M,cf._ue hr stints sfssi! hcresne dr[us+gres[`-: [v ftfmtsb 3pptnslrl <br />nutuaus apw fne burk€oya rm era t+~ atsotsd m the sum ut sZB,GGG. v0 payable [o card ASStI('IATION and to denser ro aid <br />fi.~r-S€t(':ATi~ t`rt t=_rliracs frrr and n®usanz: a[rd cwt ts, wmrm[ ur pernur arty caste un ur about a d premtca. <br />.n :tier :rr deiadt m the ptvfnrtrufrx .:f any ui the trrma and amdrt~ar~ of thn murtaage w ttr hord ,eswdl hereby. [~ morass}'! ~etl, <br />an dermud, ha rntrtkd to nnmedute pcmemnn .,i the marrppFd prtmucs and the nuntsskur Iwreby afgtru, rrandrn and :ia over ro [he <br />mrar~ne aq rite rrnss, .earnusf and true „ tM :keti,rd arum the murraasea premrsea durorq such tame as the enort~e mdelstc4aaa dull re[m n <br />~£~d. and fhs r~+rigssae duD hyYr tfs puw.r! t., appranr arty aXenr rx• aezata :t may dear! tar the pwpofr of rr,-ran:ng c i s anti rentuy <br />~ ~ aths`~_'cezs~ tip tests, res~swa sad szame. a:d :[ say ~y ::::[ ,; :ad u:. .,¢ ail xxparr x ..f ~~-up3 x~ pr~~cr arW naaa~y <br />csrnwrnxar anti rxpaxcx incurred rfl !corals and mss [nr satew and w cutksiws remit [herefr[ms. the M,ianre rcaatuvd, d asp. to be <br />m~e' tsrwta8 r~ a>a~arsr of egad mart usdrbtelnAe: !her r~+sts ui ,ss ,.a-a=_y~ mar M cz~~ra a: ; is ~`~a:~ ~ :zs6era, o!"-.[~ <br />dr7artt. urdpenrer of any femp[uary wa,m of the war <br />There tarcfenta, k..,a-eszt, err urym thr f`tmdrtsoa. rtu[ ,f the ud Morrggtur tiui[ repay out r,un uo or neiwc th matusuy of vsd dares by <br />payment. pay rsftmtttM to s[ud A5S(5('IAnt)N ,>f fhr win rpecrfkd in fbr tkrnd >r4zacd Ixreny as mtcreft and prmcspef vrt sad )van, on or 6elore <br />the 7weatsdh day .d extt anA every mmfh, untA said h,ms es fdW pad, pay a)1 uses tied xsser,mems knnl agawu sad Premtlea aM oa [hu Mortgese <br />sod the &md sawed thereby. bet=tie detmgtrsm:y. f wrssdr apprusni nruarafex uprm the hwultrtgs [temewr m the win of S ~ payable <br />[o raid ASSOCIATION, repay f•3 sad ASS(](:'1!ifl(3N upon demand ell maseY by n pad tar such taxes, afaemrsanrt ar~uaid~aGi~ wish mtereu at <br />tk nuanmfm ieasi race tirrnsn from dxir of prymenf all vi wtuds Mwtttasw trcrchy apes f n pay , permti nu waste ran and premucv; keep and wmpiy <br />w,in all the ageenrntx and cswdrtrma of tM titsmt ha T ~ 8, GGG. OG inn rfay pvcn by fK sad Mwtgsdur fu ad ASSIX'tAn(}N, anti comply <br />anth all the requnemem: rd the ('satdrtutam aml DY~lawx u(tad ASSO('IATIL#1. then tree!! prernts shall hawoe ntd a~ cad, utherwrs tifey <br />rnaN remain m rrtd tw¢ era! may 6c itrsectnaed aF fhr upuun ut the seal ASSOCIATION after !adore tar fhra mrmtns [e make soy of sae! <br />peyvrms w br tFCet [rewtits m arrearf m tsd[us6 ad ne)r,inly paymeatx, ru iu leap arxl mmpiy with the agfeernents and condttrons of cad Ntmd; <br />tied Muni asses as ha c a re¢ner appursstett f~rtnwsth m cads fwcakmoe psor~dbsgs. <br />If there rs arty c€ m usvnstahtp sat the real aerate aasrtgpg4 httem. by sale :x utnerx~, [ban t!m emrrt rr:nsusirtg udeldsdma neraby <br />aerartnd a1raLL, a the optam ul The Egwubk Bw4di[rh sad !.cart Aftsa:nttrm ut [rand Islecsd, Nebraska, bamwe rmnrdntety due r.~1 pryabk vndwut <br />itrthea rsolne, and thr arcenrrt rxvrrrnrrrt drre carder stud bumf, sad any other burW fw soy addttionat advars¢s rased! thertrwdes, skW, crow ttw <br />date rsf !suers of ad optx>n, bee mfcred s[ thr maxsm[vn less! rNe, arxr fM fttw[sasc may then he fweaJoad to atra(Y the afWOnt due on aid <br />bard. and by other bend tae aridi[ema3 adeaa¢x, rup~tMr wrth ai} nrraf peat by ad Tla I~:gmiabk (€ttiidirse and t.wn Aawcrrtkw of !',rind fs6ad. <br />Nehatka Cur nafu>osce, taaq end axsanatntx, and a6usrcirrg cx[enurrt dsarlen, wrfh m[uast tlteraon, from chic ~f iseyment n the [ruzimtrrn <br />MupJ rate. <br />Ax prtrvtded a the Bay aa[.y[ed nerakry. while chn rrwsrtpyc remains m efhq [tre rraategee way heraaftec arivesr¢ additirnet attma w tls <br />aekrm rat asi@ S[rbd. titer aa~tfa su nfaetleoss w uuarat. wtsrd[ sows snarl be wtthw the secwity of thn ttarrypfa the game tl the frmAsoryinnlly <br />secsrad titetabp, the sdai awnunt of prmcapd debt ma to esaeed at any tune the w,awl armrunt of thn nwrtse~. <br />IaaW tifn 2ISL. d.y.rr `tovea!Lar ~ !~. ;~+ 80 <br />!BATH #3F tIF,9RAkt%A_ E <br />(.9tlUtTfY OF MAI.t. ~ '. n't the i 1st . day m 't 0 velnpe r y9 2{G , bates! are, <br />tree ur>d<r~[ed, a Nwary Pu6tie m aml €w feid Catwty, pa,tandly'aasit. <br />i!iet Ra4lnits4en, a 41nQ IQ ?e rS C}n wtw 15 paaunsily kan[saa <br />me to 6a U,e sldntatal Srrwrs whose tuna 7 S afTSZOd w tns ahrya usatrwrtafr ax neuitessre vmi She ; <br />die erd +afrs,arsR to bs h~ r w~arrlary tier 32d tlsed. - <br />_./[:! 2 <br />t!d"'~ my sad Nuraru; :~xl .. F Ja#F a:oreaax! - <br />aaaaaf an _ t=Ale ac , ,:., x_.:; rtes! - ~ "K-+tarY Ynbbie <br />;art ; <br />faaa,~ ..tie ur ':.z ,__ ~ „a. ; <br />.-._ __ ~. ~. 4 <br />