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$C?--U(~~i9~ <br />eaarrtragce <br />~cacel.owlvo. L 23,863 <br />~t~~-+~'~£~~='~ Galen L. Pankonin and Sara H, Pankonin, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />- hloetpar, tehetha oee oa tttorc, ®rnaa~ tithe aes d <br />T~ntv_Zhnusand and Nn/1fl(' ..________________ <br /> <br />maatd a said ~Ne»r ay 1'he Fgttinble > ~d t.wn Ataodaticre of Greed lamed.lhbsaka, , sgtm 200 tfiaasentaloelc of <br />tad :~ssacur~d, Cenifitatt No. t. 23,863 , d» ham' greet, oneeay rmd tnortgase tea the odd ~CtAIIgrT the <br />daadsbed rW aatue, sitmted of H~ Cosmty, NebtWU: <br />LOT SIX (6} IN 6LOCK ELEVEN (11) OF COLLEGE ADDITION <br />TO NEST LAWN, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />ta~ether wnh as the tenemenu, herednasrcnu and appunerunm thereunto tsekarrgmg, tatcludutg atached floor merinp, as wiadow aceeem, <br />wa»dow shades, blinds. umm wmdsrwa, awnmp, heatusg, au wrtdawmryi. and piumbtng and wafer equipment and accemries tbeseto, prsmpa,strazes, <br />rofrsdrtaturs, aaxl utlscr tix[trm and egwpmrnt cone or hrrnfter attachetl ru ur usM m connectwn wah sad real estate. <br />qnd whereas the sad morsaaRor has agsmd and does hereby agree !hat the nwngagur slsall and will pay sU toes and ataesR»enL msied of <br />astataed ugssa sd prssxp~ azs# ~'prm L'tis anurtg~t and the nxr»d sr- a [htreny oet»rr she ume vuu »eavme debrptrewt. to iw»ieii xppturrd <br />ioauratw-r uprai the btuldmq vre sad premran ettuted s tlx sum of S20 sQQ(1, QQ myahk to sad A~SOt'I.gT10Y and to delfrt: to ~! <br />A`s5CIC"IA1'f(7W the pcdasta fur sad srswrnssvx-. and not to a,mmit or perrmt anY waste un ur about ad premraes, <br />to use of +iefudt w rht perimrsance id any ut s!._ !arms and ctmdrtwns of thrs «urrtgagc or the horns secured hereby, the murtgaBee shall, <br />un demud, br. a»irtk'd to rmmedvde pusssaam ul the uxutwgeed errmises end the +rn:~t.+, hart,,, zzs~trz, tr.^.sftrs 3»,;. sits :;yta to the <br />morigager atl Fhr rents, rsxnues and nramxx to E# denrrd I rom rare mongtgea premises aunstg sua:h nmc as the tawrtg~ sridebtedttes shall rcsssw <br />w-tpasf: xnd the rtxxrgxgrc sksN iuaz ttrt t.swtt t,: appwa any agent nr agrrtts a may drsve for the purguse of rtpauing ~ ptecexa ~ reatiaq <br />iia; ta:tae :ad cui:aGSrtg Eke rears. rerrr»raez a»d rmvttn, and rt may pay our Jt ual mtvmr sIl axpensea of :epairng sod pramtsaa and naSgary <br />commsswns and expcnad ractured m renting amt resstagutg the same aril •d urWrdtne rcnuls thrrettum. the hyia._.!Y_ tet~^~+eg, Yf any. in ti <br />a,l txmard t:.r dratESr~ cef ~ :aa-at,~ :,-a#ebtedatr,, tfiasG rrgbts <:E :%er namtgagcr may to rzer -yeti a a»y time dung the exutenx of such <br />dsfault, itrrspactsse of airy trmp.auy watser'u! the sortie. <br />These Yresenes, huwem, are uprm the Cordttwn, 11sf rf the vd Mongagur ,hall repay ,aid un or frrfure the nutwny of and shares by <br />paYrttent; pay mrmthly to sod .q_SSO(.~I.gTt(}N .+f the sum sptctficd m the Fiomt sacurcil txrcby as mternt and prwapal un sad kwn, un ur txfore <br />th. TWe»tiethday of each and every rmrnth, until sad Mwn ie filly pod, pay ali macs and as:sntems leased ayamst sad premises amt un this Munger <br />oat Six Bor 3 saeursd thnrcby, bel+s.; drlmyurncy. Vurmzh apprnreJ mwram:e upon nx hw:tLngs thaeur: rn the sum of S L~ . QQQ ~ QQ payable <br />to sad /SSOCIATIQN, repay en std A,\SSJ{.'tATI[)N upon drrmnd aH rtansey by it pod tvr such faxes, saxsmnents and msura»s wash mserest a[ <br />the maxsmwn legal rare thereon term. date ut payment all of which Mungagx hereby agrees to pay, puma rzu wore on sd prtmun: kip and comply <br />web aA ek apetsnrnrs and sxxnhetu»s of ilea FLmd fur S 2D , OOD . DQhn daY gnRn by the sd Munpgur to saai ASSOCIA PION, and coreply <br />with ail rise regvvementt of iM C.matnutxm and By-l.sws of sad A~SOI'lAl1ON. tarn ;brae prestnu shad teconie null and rod. otheawm they <br />dta9 reasui m full ?.once and may br torrcFosed at tfie uptvxr uE the sad ASSCX'IATION alter fedora fw ihra nw»tks w make any of sad <br />paytnems .n he three rraxsths rn ureus tit rtukuyt :ant smmthfy pay»rrnrs..n to keep a»d vmpiy wuh tlx agsxments and svrditions of tad [b»d: <br />a»d Mcsrigapr agaaea w fare a rraxtvtt xppumttd forthwith w zuch fureckraure pr.n:eedstags. <br />If !lair n asy c=y~r' m ua-»etriup of :lee eta{ esaarr oaartgtgei hrrew, by sale w utherwue, then the entire rernamytg iMeHmdsieas hereby <br />tcesa»d ~, u the apsnn .d The E.quitabk BwMsasg arv1 Loan Asaucs[aan of ('.rand lamed. Nebrukx, beoaste i»smedytely dm asd prytthie without <br />futthst raattrx, and :IS artwtwt remamuig due under sad bond, and any utlicr hued Iw say asldititrsl adsestuei toads thesvupdet, sirll, from iht <br />date of rxtrcae of sad uptsite. bear mtcrcM at the iisatmum Waal rate. aml [hs mwt{a>tg easy rhea be trxac4aaed to suafy the amouet der wa sgid <br />hoed, coal wy iNhn hoed €a addnaxW adraorpy, trseofher wsth alt sutsu pod by sod The f'graitahle Bteldmg and I.aaatt AlaatiatWii of Greed Islsed. <br />Nr~saaiu for m,rararca, taaaa and aaaeaotienis, ansl atastruyuag exteruaun cksxets, with colorer tiiertan, from dart of payteeet at the nstaimem <br />m&i rats. <br />Aa gortlwt m rise grad-secared hereby, while tiro rtnrtgo,e rortsista in cfitct the rttsxtta/ee tnY bareaftat tdwace arSditiami tatma a the <br />te~iters of said goad, they antpsa w stacteaaun w mtereat, which stssre shall br wtlhty the sienuity of this tsiost~ya the suet r the fleadt tltl{iMLLy <br />~eead eheMy, tht togs asaovos of ~srasa2al tmhl root to exaaM at anY titut tits __ <br />_ .vgns! amerastsi a!'t~ tttst. <br />`' t-thq-' ?:~, d.y.,f "tcvetrdaer <br />~ _ a. a-. ly 80 <br />Sara M. Pankonin <br />s2~'ri~ ~ .agree:err a 1 <br />_ ft)LINTY t>x FfiA4t ~ a. tai the Z I s t . day or 'tovers~ye r to 80 . haCma eea. <br />the wakrtigrnd, a Notary Pttb4c m atnl fa sod Cewrty, pasetma~rstara <br />ralcti L. Pankonin and Sara !N. pankonln, each in his and her own r9~tt, and as s~s <br />oY eash Differ are a <br />es a h iht dta<tdad ppswa 5 gltegrsie~pn. S ak'E~ sffaxrd *.o the abrsrt r»atrutrient u na,xiyrpr 5 std they saYe~ <br />tidiaeaw+ad~eai the wsd uwsumsat tales $'~ei F t~stmeuy act neat tueW. <br />~a ~ ^ >ay Ita~l a4u~Pfait~f{ ,1ri} E~ ~tC afM4Y1d <br />h€"i r'.~ Vie; <br />i 9 'l ~ ~ a si .~ p <br />t, _1 . ~'7 <br />r*eazw au •,-. - -tiu+ssy P'~s1a ~-- <br />