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52-A-REAL. EBtA7E MORTGAGE-iMtith Tax Ctauae} tRnviaad igiY) 7y, ti+>mm.n 9,ppy Hu.., 78eoie, N.Lr. - <br />'KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai DONALD SANZEN AND KATHLEEN E. .7ANZEN, HBSBA2ID A1D5 ~. <br />RIFE <br />' of [~, f-t+unfi,Y. and Stated r'IEBBASSA in ooarederatitsR d fhe nmt tst - <br />T6diELLVE Tf~SAI~ AMID t3(7/100 - -($12,fm0.00) ~,yp,8g <br />in hand paid. do hereby SELL attd G'OAiVEY untoHlQiAEI. D. KENNY AND BARBARA A. KENNY, Hi758AND Atslil - <br />~. at ~I• C'+smb. Stated NEBRA~A the fdtawio[ deaerihed peaeieyaittylad ij ~--. <br />in BALL CmtntY. sm` Stated flEBRASSA twit: - !i'- 3'. <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF TBE SOITIB HALF OF THE SL7Q6T€IWF.ST t¢lAiCB~$(y QF <br />ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP TiTBLVF. (12) NORTH, RANGE SLEPEN (11) BEST` OF THS 6tL F.ltt: I~ HAirT. t, <br />C04STi> NEB1tASHA, 1~1RE PARTICDLAHLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BHGINNIiiG AT A P'OIB*f OEg. TTY ~;' ` <br />LINE OF SAID SECTION ELEVEt7 (11). SAID POINT BEING ONE TE(FUSIIPD ND:IETY FI9E N~ SII T ~i <br />(1045.6) FEET EAST OF THE S001'HWEST CORD OF SAID SECTION ELEVEN (11): THBlIGE ~ <br />TkE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION ELEVEN (11), A DISTANCE OF T4JD BIlNDBED SEVffi!7 SSFE!"(?.77 <br />FEET: TBF.NCE DEPIECTI2~ LEFT 90° ~' AND RIINNING NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF TW Ei- ) <br />+ONE(281.00) FEET: THENCE DEFLECTING LEPT 40°00' AND R1INNYNG W~STERLY A DISTAA@$ OF 41A t t <br />HDz&lRED SEVEIF3'Y SBVBY. (277.0) FEET: THENCE DEFLECTIlHG LEFT 40 O0t AN13 Rt~€LBG & ~ ~~ <br />'DISTANCE OF T470 HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE {281.0) FEET TO T8E PLACE OF BEGINNING AND (YAiTEIHiBE+ i ?+ <br />1.787 At'~tES blDRE OR LESS. ~ ; <br />T.he intention t,ein;; t:, n,m-.y hen•h.- an al>@+dnte. tstle in tee asmpie, tncludin6 atl the rigitta of humeatttad tmd dmm. <br />~t'[i H.\Vt: ttif) iY> ift)i.i) +he Ferrmsvv, aMrvr dearrit+tvl, with ali the appurtenanctm thetvutrto tseltmt[igg, unW the yid <br />srenn.„-.xtaw•tx1 :xnrt f+, 3,:v. h.•r .,r the+r It+vra and axasKna !nn•<~e r, prrrv"ulet! nlwxvx. std thtze prestnte are uptxf the ezf+raee <br />awsdsuen that si the .axl raartGaR.rr,.+. tits, her +:r thew hewn, +z+.cssu,s,t, ndministratura ur ase[xna ahail pay ur caum to ha <br />paai ta, the sxa; m~,rtKas..++ss, I;sx" ::a r ,~r the!r hrsn. , x+.ruwrs. ;ulrns.rtiairatnrs nr awustna, the pritscipal sum o[ f 12. ~Q0. DO <br />tsa~a az ;d[r:xa. t;; xtt <br />`iQ BE PAID ZFd FULL t3N C3R BEFQRE !It1VE*S$ER 19.19B1. <br />wttit ants rrat a M.ntus>S to *.tv.• t,•rx,r arw .•d+•+~e ~~t the n:+=rtrtnga rx wntten prumtx<sury nuce taanna +~ +•n date with rheas pr<weata <br />and alwti tm :sit taxev arui x unr•nt. Iros+xi uta+n Kax! r.+a! <wtatn, and a!1 uthnr razes, Lvera asul araeroamena lrmed upon this <br />mnrtaaze +,r5the m,ra which trm- nsortzastc i. ,.»rn to w<ure, betorr the •ca:ar is.asuncv da•ImGuen4 ;trul keep the buiWmgz nn <br />said premrv+!e : wl !. .+< -um :,s 3 tuna. s€ any. {tayatdt• to the sand mnrtzaze+•. then fhtba preeenta <br />n. r>r t„ t.. a,ui ,. n „ .,, +ull €:rr.e <br />IT 15 FVK"PHEft ,iGREa•:[tY~~i "C"hat n :n« wui rnnr[ga zor s}iatl E:u! w lxsc .urh taze•.v ur pmrure such uuuranax, tha <br />. ead murtpaaee rney Jxiy Asir taz+:s +xni pnxvre such trsaurnnce, and the auw ,rr advastcsd, wtth tntereat at 12Z tsar <br />cent. altdi tse re[rasd he sux3 nurritta€stx, and this rsx,ri¢aKe shall ,iatxl ea staruritti €ur the asrmo. t2iPltri a fatlux W paY say <br />+d ax:d nnsnwy enher t,nnerttxl +r mtrr«+.t. wh+'n the varne hecumw Jae, ..r a lailurr ter +:rxnply wtth any o[ the torxeetinE <br />ayrtt+atro4,. airall +-suss the whole i+tm ut m+.ncy horx•tn . vn,d to h:+.~r,me due atsd +olln.~uhle xt urxx at the uptttsa nt the <br />tra'rt[°ttea•' /i <br />?iipnal thra iC% ~ ria. ,,€ ~. "=ti"r>,/-i. <br />!4 !, <br />r, r <br />I+r ;>rra+•rr<.~ ,~[ IfBtttleert E.~.11snLen~ ~ - <br />}} Dotwld .Ianzen <br />~TnTE: iiF _- Lr t' _ .'„ t nt i `~ - -~ • t._..,-.-».~ <br />~ siatwwe~r-ttataeyet[n <br />[ta.#am me. a tuatyt [suhfie vvati8ul f,>r ,asti ty, 1«err wlv -anse # ti@V TAtt1~1/i <br />-.. _ .,, ztr t:a.asa. ~c, trait 2t 71E'Y <br />knawa to sne to ly tlMt dentteat p+era++n. ur [u.ranne who et <br />anx,i ehm €areaotrrz srutnataent artd~~aetrnoariadpd /he -,. <br />In tse hie, hnr m"thou ndusrtary act and derd. <br />XV s.. ~ *T <br />>4ty <,~aaornia. erpttee'~+~°' ~f? t~,~ '.~,. is .r «a- ~ ,,;~,t #~,a!t"4'cirkc- Nttwy Pnbiie. <br />:~„ <br />~~~' ~. -z"" . _... E:+ttertxi , n nstmariutl irainz aM film fur maoti ~ - <br />rst ; ae. ' <br />t; :n t~ Fz.~ucer nr tx~ cure« c.[ aria t:etwly the <br />daY cs#. t9. ut .: ielorit a~i murutaa _ ..-.-_ "M., <br />rtad ramt+wbnd rn fStW. of .. at gaze - <br />tCaa. ~+I i.)eeds <br />tiY llatastY <br />