<br />f>
<br />dgx!'ct~ce wAN ~. L ~ a 862
<br />iwowaz 16~tB1tst~~tRg4EidT3:flru Frank E_ Kolar, a single person
<br />Seven[ -six Thousand and No lU0 ~°-~'~ar~`'~°~m`OA6~
<br />Y / ------------------- -------------------------- DOl.[.ARS
<br />loaned to said mottg~tr by TM Pgrainbk 6 std loan Aaaectatimt of Grand Idtnd, Ne®rardte, , area 760 [Area d atadt of
<br />acid l~S3GCtATlq~1, CettfGute tVO. L 23,862 . M tsrsby vaor, ~Y rtd rtrtrrtpee emo tAe rdd Az~OC9l-T10N ffia forowltq
<br />deavlaa aai ~, aaeaead is ita0 Contr. lielaaaka:
<br />NEGRA5KA.
<br />tO~Lher aMh a0 the tenements, huedrranpau and apputenanas thcrcrmro hch,rrprrd. snciuduse attacperl 11t»r ootntuya. all wistdoar aveetn,
<br />wradow dtadea, MWda, strnm wrodnwa, arrmap, heatsrd, an amdnrrmmtt, and pltcrrlfnpt and water eyufpnpat and arxxrorim thereto,prop, uneas,
<br />raf+i~etatma, and othtr fiatarts sad egmprnenr row nr irweaftar attacped to ,x axed m conmctrun with read red elute.
<br />And wMrem rM card vortpEar has a;merf and dnm hereby ayyee [hat tht rmx.gaarn dull amt wai PaY a0 tom and arefmnata leYfad or
<br />asaesd upmt aasd prtmpm std upr+a thn ttxrrtaap add tht brrarl rcurni thertbY hafare the ram[ ~ txcortn dtlier}ruai: to fiarrriah appromd
<br />wa,aatccr wp.m ii>r pwduea .,r. ra.: prtatcsta [:toted m the wm ~! S 76,D.^;u.,'~.~ pryapa „` usd 4SSLCFATlON acrd ro deliver ru rod
<br />A§StX`lA'fsCN~ telz puiica?s for sr.# msrtta»ca. ami cw,t ti..omtmt ,;r pc±nwr any waste ~n nr abrwt sand prrnuses.
<br />fa ape of ddardt in the pnformarsrti of aey of the term and .:rwMnwwu of rMs rrwsrtxaee ar the rnrnd xcfaed Mrehy, the rrprtgyee sMll,
<br />m deanael, IR erttnitd to umrrdnu peaarsaa,n nl the nw,rtyapd prcmrrer :ml the uwrtaaRt trroby arupra, trarr$en and ats oar: to clot
<br />ra.rr-+~aa a~.:fz rcnrs,. -+z.crrur+ and m ~ r., hr dartved i.vm the mnrtprecd prcmaara ;twang w:h :one ar cht murtga®e ntilaptadnesa dglt tereain
<br />mtpat+i: and tha ensatap{~e rtra0 MR roe pawet to appurnt any s .n a;cnts :t wpy deans far ehe pwrpoya at trpaxrry{ satd praaraa amt reniurd
<br />the `x~-rs acrd v,~ °z iht :bra. r=1v~-s a~ urs~m=. aesd i! :esay fn3 ,~a[ .rf :aq! ~nrwnz aii zxper~s v'. rsga:ragr sari. prarrrnm and namdry
<br />ms usd expeaan xxerma! m :trtratg and nrarudstrft rlr arna and ,ri .:otkctura rentan tiprcfnmr: tip haianca rarrrarniog, rf my, to r
<br />~° ttd r. ~ s-h.~'~ .,; ,id m9r;~c rndatiz-amreg. tetra r~ ra.d rirr !nut€~'es .^•py he tztrcttd at adz irm€ dur,~ ttra exraiartaz -.rf a.r-fit
<br />~aeiauit, oxeapegs.c of arrv terapr,raay waist[ .>f tM roar
<br />Tlpae ! raaenea. ^awr-vtr, are spun trr <'~xr..fxwn. Thar if the card MrKe,~.n riuui rcp¢r raw! Iwo .m ur before [tre nratwdy of rauf charm py
<br />paymam, py tmrwthty to cud Ah'SOl'lATit)cf of the mm rpeerfipl ur the lbrsd mcured trretsy ar mortar nos! prrrscxptd un aau! Mars, an or btl'ewa
<br />she Tweatrnh day <6 trans and [set} month, un[d lard loan u fu4Y pawl, taY dJ taxes arni assasments kvrM aprmt said punrtiaaa and nn ten Mortpp
<br />sad the Bunt secawed tfreeby, hcftae daWyuerscy, fwnalr appovad marrancs uptsn rh<pn:{dm{,r tharer,n m tlp also of S 76 , 000. UO payable
<br />to sad Ah'501:lA7'ION. repay ro card A.tiSOClATION upon denwrd aU «wnaeY by n parrs fur such taxer, asaarnenta and mawaaee w>th mtermt at
<br />tM rtsls{irmrm tap! rata thereon fnxn .fete u/ paymerfr aii ai whsclt Mrxtpeax herepY garner yr paY . prrrmt rnr waste as acrd proerriaes, keep and wmpiy
<br />wah aN tha ggeeraentr sad oumltttrwrs ,d tht Bond for i 7 6, 000, `~ thn ,lay anen by tM aW Murty~gor to aW ASSQt:IATIGN, and wmpty
<br />wolf alf [!p mgonetmnta of t!p CunrU[wtrsn and Sy~iawr of rsw! ASS{.[CIAY70N, thrn chase praacnu [Mil trowme null and vows, uthe[wex they
<br />dra0 rtraam ro frdi force and '+pY tfe ftueaiuacd at tM apttun of sir sand ASS(X'IATlON otter ladure lur throe months to make aaY of sand
<br />pymenis ur lr thraa muatM m attars m rnakard cad munahly paymcd(s, .n us kaep and ..amply wah the agrmrnenu and cxmditwna of rid Bond:
<br />sad t4ostagsrr sexes to Mwc a racarscr appomttd furehwnp m r+rcp fortckswra pnxcedroya
<br />ff [data n an_ m uwnxrapro.ff tpt rm! euata mnrr~eal lttrt:e. py rase ur <>tlsetw:se.:hea the entrrt rt:au;w~ ;a8tbtednas haroFry
<br />racv+ed sba0, at t!r opUan of The ?-gwubk Huiltlint usd Lean Aasrrcarram of [;curd latand,!reprarlu, betiVnp nnrrwduidy due and pa}abk withow
<br />furlhar rxnrm, sad rba araosmt remamard doe rmtkr ad ptanl. and ury whar Iwnd for anY addrttoaal adYan:ta made thercurular, droll, from tM
<br />date of eaarwc ui and option, heu mptaat xt the maxmmm k;a! ni., atW thn rnwtaaµe may rhen tx irruduard to atiaty the aawatM dtp un sad
<br />b~ad.aad aey wlrar iftxd for additromi adYrreaa, top than wr[h all solo eta! M radf TM fyn-tabk Btrildiad and Luan Aaaotutiun of dram! !stand.
<br />NelrWU far iawrrarrca, taus sad aaaeanmms, and appruttae exrrntirm cisargea. with murexr rirereur,, from date ut payment :[ the maximum
<br />igat nits.
<br />Aa psaMdad ra tb Bond canned hnreAy, while ttW muatppe umwrs m eftaci rM m>rteyx mty fwtaiter adytnm additu>na1 arum [o the
<br />ntdtaxa ts~ ratd 8orui, tfrex aaeps ca surceaon m iatereu, which eurm dWl he wnhm tM rarurry of (ha rrnrrippe tht roar ar the [!coda urrytnai{y
<br />tacawd tArteby, tAt tax{ arrrrpe of prw:rpal debt nut roe:mad at aeY [erne Ux arxtsnai amuum of tha mrutgree.
<br />f]aaW sir 2d]t.~t cry M :fir A. [1., 14 &0
<br />s',-~'~ J- '~ ~ ~ . e
<br />Frank E. !Eo ar'~~ ___.__-~._._
<br />SATE £3F KHletrfSrrA,
<br />v COflyil'if C!P kAlJ. ~ a. t7a thn EUtti day •rf NOVC3(tbE.r Iy80 . Gefaa me,
<br />rM uadersryxd, a Nuttry Public m artd for lard Comsy, peusnplty exact
<br />drank E. Kolar. rfi dingle person orbs is pwaonaltykrwfrvaw
<br />Tae raF ba tAu wAaatMaf 9aasrm whale roan i 5 af!`uM to tM aboya smarumeeu as awrrt~(trr am! rtf
<br />~ alp xid awrtnaattt to ba h i 5 wfeMty act and dial.
<br />1h3'_!3 +~.+}. ! t±d !&•ltrfaf r..rs' tea daa rds:auad
<br />ay t r-u,~~ - ~-
<br />j.~.~. ___.. r .-
<br />s [alas tt ! ~.~-. ._ .. v~ 4ntitY K
<br />Il trr~ ':«,,,
<br />