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80-'t}[~h r71 T~usruE~u <br />T}i}S D£E13 OF TRUST, made and en[erM into this_ I4th bay of Ht>Qeatber , 14 80 <br />hy° and batvreend 8. PtaCSCher and 1DOrtisea $.Tnstor, ~dFirat Asarican 'Title ittsarate¢s Co,.'Trtxtee, <br />ihtEaaltas, hwRtaaati anti wife as joint tenants vith right of atsrvivtrraMp salt aot as tamaata 1n conatos. <br />ant} Pates Sa+aaas CotnpaFtp, a Nelsraska Cotporu}on. Httteficiuy. <br />wITN£SSETH: 'Thai the Tnstor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, ctxmey and confirm with Power of Sak <br />unto the Tcastee the following described Real Estate inchrding all buildings, improvements, and fsxtures of every kind flow <br />or hereafter erected or placed tin the real estate, situated in Ha11 L'ounty, in ttte State of tie7stasita: <br />All of Lot 4, Bloc}c 7, in Dodd and 2~hrahall's Addition to flood ]fiver, hall Couaty, NeDxaaics, <br />+ttzcaptiag thn Baaterlg 16 feet thereof aad all of Lot 5, Slock 7, is Dodd and liarahallre <br />Additioa to Hood tfivsr, Hall County, Pehrastts, e:cepting the Westerly I? feet thereof. <br />and possesxion of said premises now delivered unto said Trustrz, <br />TO MAYE AND TO HOLD tfir same., with all rights, pnvttzgrs. and sppurtenances thereto belonging unto the Tnstee, <br />iris exeru#ors, administrators, heirs, and asstgns forever. And the 1'nstor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relin4uishes <br />unto thz Tnstez ail right. title, Claim, interest, benefrt, and estate whafrvze, to and to the above-described premises and <br />each and tvery part thereof, which is given by or results from alf laws of the State of tiebraska pertaining [o the exemption <br />of homestead. Atut the Tnstor convenants wish thz Tnstre that he wdt forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against the lawful claims of al! persons whpmsoever. <br />IN TRUST HC)1YEYER, for the following described purtmsrs WHEHt:AS, the }Yustz>r did on this date execute a <br />prctmtssrar~~ Hatt evyrdencm;I a loan far the pnnctpai am:.-unt of 4_ _ IS.~t''r3x%;2. auJ interest <br />thereon act:ttrdtns to the terms of the note: said Holz hzrng payable to raual monthly [nstattmrnis at [he office of the <br />brnttiaa€y .and i{na1 ;ray[nrttt hefing due , n Savembret 14tH 149Q_ _ <br />it [z agterai by sod betwt-es: partira iteretct that unt:i ti![ng ni tiof:e :ri !irtauii, ihr i rustor ~haii-. t 1 fi pay ail present <br />~{lit tU {~ r>•; {g xr_ 3~E :iS+:c'=tni2n[S, F`,s`ti:~a+ :[nt .[rct [a,, aga[[, st t + +-.~ .~. .i itit tJrtl_ t~t+t:nic. tii[rtttnrnt ire <br />actionabir, t.t keep a[I nny+rovr[nents reel trJ nn tttc ianJ ;nxut•eiaa. pray hr rrgmred Ri?a[ tune to Umr h~ benrtic[ury <br />againsI toss isy foe acrd outer hazards, iswaEtres and conitngenCtrs, rn such amount+ and for su+ h prnixls as are reasonable <br />and may br rryuired by beneficiary, amt [o keep ail poI[rtrs o[ such utsuranCe to !ur.r or rliert upon the property herein <br />drsrribtd Constantly assigned and Jrl{vrreJ to henrf7ciary, t ?; pay .end ~ompiy with a!i the terms and ,t,nJ[UOns of and <br />tern, Claim or mdebtednzss that may br srmor to or take prevcdencr of th[s -frost l7rrd as sixen as any such payment un ter <br />Of such lien, datm nr [ndebtrdnvtis sJeali hrrontr due, and upon (allure <>f Tnrstor to keep any s:ud agrcentenn, heneliaary <br />may pay- such tab. pay for such insurance or pay oft sudt hrne +.rr riaem. or utdrbtrdnrsa as the iax• atay he, and the <br />money cu zxpended we[h enlemt at 4~`"r pre annum sftali be serurrd hr this i`rust Ih'.r[i, and the 1 rustor agars t+, repay the <br />saute uptrr. demand, and upon tadurr to tin x= rhr tialan.:r rat the attached Hole .half br.:urne unmeJ[atriy =fur and payable <br />at 46r optian of the brnefwrary, tot sprt:ftcally confer upim the In[stre rhr pcawrr <rl .ale .u niovtdrd in `rhraska law. <br />t5) rztatn twssessian of theT+rrrn~s and~cullect ihr rrnis anJ rrvrnur> ihrrrtrom <br />Eipon payntrnt tvt all ihr wins>etur•d by t}vs Inez[ L~•_d_ the Be.u~F',c[ary .hail n>y[rrst the looter in rrc„n: r+- th<° <br />prisprrFy and shall wrrenJzr this fitust ths[~ri anJ ail Hates rvrdrncmg mJebtednes. srrure,l by th[s trust ikrd t+r the <br />Trustee. Tnctee shaft ttcortvey the ptopeity without wsnanty to the perwn or persons legally ent[t1eJ thrrrto_ taut it <br />default hz made to fhr paymrni of sari Holz ar any park theceot or any ul the interest thereon when due or m the tarthfu( <br />~rfti-rttaf,.:e txt any i3r e.,tncr t t3{r,; 3is.'.'i3;t:iti] a< at&rt'S3[J. irii[, ttti wnalr i}t , na*[c tf[all t12:,1? - -lire .ri[,i rrc t),i[, a <br />~rttnafter 1*uevhf~sz, and Rhrs JzrJ shah temau[ {n force, lire trun[er c?r ht, atutrnry ne;+y pro::reJ to .ell the pr<?party m <br />acs toffee ty ctt to parcels at rhr opUOn of 8lc tr*rtre here[nheture Jet+r[beci nt I>ah6ti au.'u=rn. [+, th_• hr~he,t bidder. [+:r <br />r•asir How€vrr. ihr power of ale ttrrrtn ,anfrrreJ upon the {nester +ha1V nu[ t+c rxe[.iseJ until t ! r the truster ,hat{ tint <br />fete for retoni. in rhr pffux tst the regastrr q! daeds +,t r~;h raunty wt[rrem the oust pnl#+erty err r,rmr part nr parcel <br />aheserat' is situated, a rwtece pF default, rdettttfytng the [ntstre by ,tat[ng rhr ratnes of rhr truster and nNmz+ tttrretn and <br />gtvtng thx tarsr31t and wage vritzrr ahr aloe {c tz+ordrd, a Jess:[lpue=n c>€ the tr{s.t presprtty. anJ carntai[ur:g a statzmrr[t that <br />a irFeasn of sit ot>,}#~ttmt tt?r wntrh the taut proprny was;onveyeJ as sr.un,y has o4curred, anJ ,r{[[ng forth the nature <br />at :utck braaw~h arW of hss tl~.Ctiort to sell w ca+tsz io be x,:d ,nch property kr causty the oehgat[en. and t ~ ±after fire lat,yi. <br />at opt Asa th+t1+ grtst most#h, the trualet shat{ give natter of sate ss pro•«-rded by irhraska law- 4fter notacr of drlault Sod <br />k=tpttit~€ rwC less Yhan one r#tortth, ttre truster shah ((,[sr wnttrn rlof[ie of ttae tone aeii plait tit ealr part[ealarly drss,r[hutg <br />Pttr;et^ty tt3 be 3+7~ by pubtt.aitcxt of sorb nauce, a[ Srast live nrncs, onc:^ a week for five .onsrtutna> wit•ks, the ±ast <br />pugl~atxsa t(t t>c at ka{li .It7 dry] tout cwt roster than tit days prior t:, rhr .ale. .ns~utie new spat per haiinA r ~.encrai <br />ctrriLYtt~sn itt e~h c.ntnty' in wttpetr the pt'opc+rfy to br setld, air .xernr }ear; ti?ere„t. vtua[etl t'pwet ut.h ,ale. ti[e [[u,trr <br />, <br />x>^'s~zi€ aflr's sict~ei s r3raci el eonse7 anc= .,t the p[sperit ,ofd tr. tier ar pun-hasr is [he:ri=! anJ . <br />.r r-,.rt .~.# rrc';r..t r,s .~rtlt dt~-.t a:.°r.s r :_~ th. - ~ ~ ~ <br />• ,•. _+c .=. -arc p>glwtir .~~ .., It i{5J mile .rf The i'r+`perlti {: .,t[-.J <br />A6+~ ,... <br />